8th Grade Final Exam Review

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Grade Final Exam Review
Review 13-16
Compromise- Settlement in which each
side gives up some of their demands in
order to reach an agreement
 Secede-To withdraw
 Underground Railroad- Secret network of
people who helped runaway slaves to
reach freedom in the North or Canada
 Abolition- Anti-Slavery
Popular Sovereignty- Control by the
people, allowing each territory to decide
for itself whether or not to allow slavery
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin- Anti-slavery book
written by Harriet Beecher Stow
What was a negative result from the
invention of the Cotton gin?
What was Lincoln's main goal during the
Civil War?
Increase in slavery
Preserve the Union
What were three advantages of the North at
the start of the Civil War?
More citizens, more factories, more railroads, more
What were two advantages of the South
at the beginning of the Civil War?
They were fighting a defensive war, the
citizens had good skills for soldiers
Why did the North blockade southern
ports during the Civil War?
To prevent the South from getting goods
What were two southern strategies
during the Civil War?
Wait to be attacked and rely on Europe for
What was the turning point of the Civil
Gettysburg, the war changed from
preserving the Union to an Anti-slavery
Review-Chapter 17
Reconstruction- Period after the Civil
War when the South was rebuilt-Also a
federal program to rebuild the South
 Ku Klux Klan- Secret groups first set up
in the South after the Civil War,
terrorized African Americans and other
 Freedmen’s Bureau- Agency to help
former slaves
“Pull Factors”- Condition that attracts people to
a new area
 “Old Immigrants”-People who came from
Northern and Western Europe- England,
France, Spain, Germany and Scandinavia
 “New Immigrants”- People who came from
Southern and Eastern Europe- Italians, Poles,
and Eastern European Jews
 How have many people throughout history
sought to limit immigration?
Immigration laws and restrictions
Muckraker- Person who reported on
corrupt politicians and other problems of
 Reform- To change
 The Jungle- Book written by Upton
Sinclair about the corruption of the
American meatpacking industry during
the early 20th century
Primary- Election held before a general
election in which voters chose their
party’s candidate for office.
 Suffrage- Right to vote
Review- Chapter 22
Yellow Journalism- Sensational style of reporting
used by some newspapers in the late 1800’s
 Spanish American War- War between Spain and
the US over the freeing of Cuba. –Result- Spain
gave up land to the US.
 Big Stick Policy- The idea that you should
peacefully negotiate while also making sure to
threaten the government.-Theodore Roosevelt
Panama Canal- Canal that connects the
Atlantic to the Pacific- Paid for by the United
 Imperialism- Policy by which one country takes
control of the economic and political affairs of
another country or region
 Open Door Policy- Policy toward China that
allowed a nation to trade in any other nations
“Sphere of Influence”
Review- Chapter 23
“Main” causes of WWI
The Alliance System in Southern Europe
and the Assassination of Archduke Fredrick
Neutral- Choosing not to fight on either
side in a war
Review-Chapter 25
Great Depression- Period of Economic
hard times from 1929-1941
 Dust Bowl- Severe drought and high
winds caused blinding dust storms in the
Great Plains causing people to move
 “Okies”-Farmers from Oklahoma who
had to move farther West because of the
Dust Bowl
New Deal- Programs made by FDR
during the Depression- Relief, Reform
and Recovery
 Alphabet Agencies- Programs made by
FDR part of the New Deal, for recovery
 Social Security Act- Law that provided
for the elderly and unemployed
What were two causes of the Great
Speculation, Stock market, Buying on
How did Hoover and Roosevelt differ in
their response to the Great Depression?
Hoover was hands off by the government,
FDR believed the government should help
the citizens
Review-Ch 26
Appeasement- Practice of giving into
aggressor nations demands in order to
maintain peace
 Neutrality- Not joining any side during a
 “Rosie the Riveter”- Woman propaganda
during WWII to tell women to do their
Kamikaze- Japanese suicide killer
Blitzkrieg- German word for lighting war- or
fast attacks to win the war
Holocaust- Hitler's mass killing of Jews
D-Day- Day the Allies began the invasion of
Europe in WWII
Axis powers- Nations that fought against the
Allies in WWII- Germany, Italy and Japan
Island Hopping- Allied WWII strategy to
capture some Japanese held islands and
going around others
 What caused the U.S. to become
involved in WWII?
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
What role did American industry play
during WWII?
Backed up allies, troops, supplies, etc
Cold War
Between the United States and the Soviet
 The United States is Democratic
 The Soviet Union was Communist
 These two countries fought indirectly