Child Development - Byron High School

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Child Development
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Divorce Rates : 53%
Individual: (any stage before marriage)
– Takes place during a young adulthood
– Begins to separate from family
– Develops how to make financial decisions
Forming a new family
Blend expectations
Share finances
Learn to communicate and organize together
• Child Bearing: (under 6 years of age)
– Adjusting to taking care of someone besides yourself,
while taking care of your own needs
• Example: keeping a strong relationship with your partner
and family.
• Parenting: (age 6-18)
– Raising children can be challenging
– Communication, problem solving and decision making
skills become very important during the stage of life
– Family life cycle
– Health and development often depend on the parents
• Launching: (possibly the longest stage)
– Begins when first child leaves home and ends when
the last child leaves.
– Beginning adulthood child still depends on parents for
money, support, etc.
• Middle Years:
– Home is known as the “empty nest”
– Could care for own aging parents
– Adjust and relate to growing/grown children as adults.
• Senior Years:
– Retired
– Enjoy life of leisure
– Enjoy family
• grandchildren
• Types of Sex:
– Vaginal, Oral, and Anal (listed as the most used in the whole
• Bacterial (curable)
– Most common:
• Gonoria
• Chlamydia
– Syphillis
– “Crabs”=Pubic Lice
• Warning Signs (for bacterial)
Bumps: red area
Burning urination
• Viral (not curable)
Warts: typical warts; bumpy
Herpes: very painful; pus and open sores
Hepititis B: DEADLY
• Long Term Effects for Viral and Bacterial
PIP (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
Infertility: scarring
Ectopic pregnancies: Abortion
Death: Viral
Pass on to children
• Abstinence
– True abstinence: abstain from all 3 forms of sex (oral,
anal, and vaginal)
– 100% effective method
– “Modified Abstinence” abstain from vaginal sex.
• Non Barrier Methods
Pills: Daily, weekly, monthly
IUD: Inter Uterine Device -------->
Shot: “Depo”: usually 3 months
Implants: “Norplants”=3-5 years: surgical
• Barrier Method
– Male condom
– Female condom
– Dental dams: oral/anal
– Sponge/diaphram
• PKU (Phenylketonuria):
– can cause seizures/retardation
– Can only be controlled by diet:
• Cannot have proteins (especially meats/milk)/carbs
• Tay-Sachs:
Fatal: they cannot swallow very good
Cherry (red) spot in the eyes
Affects the brain
• Cystic Fibrosis
– Affects lungs, liver, intestines, and other organs
– NO CURE: Many die in 20’s-30’s
– Can be diagnosed primer to birth
• Down Syndrome
– Extra 21st Chromosome
– Almond eyes, short limbs, poor muscle tone, heart
– Need assistive living but lead normal lives.
• Spina Bifida:
– Incomplete (tall) spine
– Difficulty walking
– Latex allergies
• Muscular Dysrophy
Muscle weakness
Loss of motor skills
NO CURE but physical therapy helps
Can go to your throat muscles and make it hard to
• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Fetal Narcotic Syndrome (has to do with drugs) is pretty much the same thing
– Almond shaped eyes
– Large forehead
– Poor coordination
1. Abortion
1. Legal via ROE VS WADE (Supreme Court Decision)
2. Legal before 9 weeks (heartbeat)
2. Keep it
3. Adoption
1. Closed: no contact
2. Open: a lot of contact
3. Semi-update: updates
• Conception: the point where the sperm fertilizes
the egg (zygote phase)
• 72 hour “Magic Window”
– Very fertile: egg
• Sperm can live about 3-5 days inside a woman.
– 10 days max but 5-7 days is more likely
• 12 weeks: 1st ultrasound
• 20 weeks: 2nd ultrasound
When you know the gender (if you want to)
• Nurse midwife: certified nurse
– More one on one care
• Ob/gyn: Dr. on call
– Family doctor
Weight gain (1-2 months)
Morning sickness/nausea (flu-like)
Mood swings: emotional
Swollen feet
Breasts get bigger/painful
Food cravings: food/smell sensitivity
Loss of menstrual cycle
Frequent urination
Skin issue: acne/clearer
Belly button change/stretch marks
Circulation issues in the hands/feet
• 1st Trimester: 1st ultrasound
– Zygote: 2 weeks
– Embryo: weeks 3-8
– Fetus: weeks 9-on (heartbeat)
• 2nd Trimester
– Main organ development (not formed yet)
– Start to see the sex…around 18-20 weeks
– Muscle/brain development
• 3rd Trimester
Lungs formed
Heart/circulatory system
Movement: hiccups
Fetus descends into the pelvis
• Nursery
• Birth plan
• Classes:
– Car seat safety (mandatory)
– General overview (6-8 classes;2-3 hours)
• Register (toys, clothes, etc.)
• Continues your appointments
Pain tolerance
Who cuts the umbilical cord
Do you want to know the sex
Right after birth---what’s the plan?
• Medicines
– Epidoral: no feeling below the waste
– Local: lasts for 4 hours
• Both have to be done by 8 cm
– Natural: no medicine
• Non medical tools
Hot/cold packs
Tennis balls
Medicine ball
Ice chips (add less water)
– “Turkey Baister”
– Less costly
– Inject (healthy) sperm
– Expensive: surgical
– “Petri Dish”…grown in lab and inserted into uterus
• Pros
• Cons
– International adoptions can cost anywhere from
• Appointments: monthly:
– until the last month; then weekly
Car seat inspected
Labor classes
Breast feeding class
Baby shower: around 30 week mark
Register: Baby R Us, Toys R Us, Target
Diet: Vitamins
– Salmon: omega fatty acids
• Fat=brain development
– Avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, raw foods
• Nursery
• Water breaks: amniotic fluid
• Dr checks: 10 cm to deliver
– Effaced: thinning of the service
• 100% effaced/4-5cm
• Wives tales (helps you go into labor)
Spicy foods
Bumpy rides
• Contractions: constant: 5 min
• “I don’t believe you” room
• 3 stages of labor:
– Cervix
– Deliver baby
– Deliver placenta
Breast Feeding
Formula (bottle feeding)
Pump (breast milk bottle)
•Better for brain development
and overall physical
•Produces antibodies
•It is free
•Don’t need bottles/pumps
•Bonding time
•Weight loss
•Can be convenient: available
•Do it whenever
•Anyone can help
• Can see how much baby is
•Freedom: eating/leaving
•Dad can bond; no ambiguity
with the husband/wife
•Easier for people with
•Sleep better
•Don’t need privacy but you
get the good stuff (:
•Not as long to feed
•Store it
•Can have on hand
•Anyone can do it
•See what they’re eating
•Weight loss
•Lengthy on time
•Need privacy
•You don’t see how much/what
they are getting
•Breasts might get saggy or hurt
•Have to watch what you eat/drink
•Expensive~ $160-200 a
•Need to have on hand
•Bottles (need a lot/have to
clean them)
•Doesn’t help weight loss
•Breast might get saggy or hurt
•Have to watch what you
•Bottles/pumps ($500)
45 minutes-1 hour
10 to 15 minutes
When you are first starting: 15 minutes
to pump, 10 minutes to feed
Then it cuts down
Time it takes
Weeks 1 and 2
•Called a zygote
•Single cell divides into about 500 cells in a few days
•Ball of cells travels to uterus and implants there after
2 weeks
Weeks 3 through 8
•Called and embryo
•Cells multiply rapidly. One strand will become the
spinal cord, brain, and nervous system
•Buds of arms and legs emerge
•Digestive and respiratory systems start to form, and
heart begins to beat
•Eyes, ears, mouth, and nostrils begin to form
•Grows to about he size of a grape
Third Month
•Called a fetus
•Bones begin to form.
•Muscles and tissues start to develop
•Arms and legs lengthen
•Covered by very thing skin
•Grows to about 3 inches long and weighs about 1
•Nearly a quarter of a million new brain cells form per
Fourth Month
•Skin is less transparent
•Fine hair covers the entire body
•Can suck its thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move
•Facial features become clearer
Fifth Month
•Hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear
•Teeth are developing
•Organs are maturing
•Hands are able to grip
•Becomes more active, which the mother can now
Sixth Month
•Eyes open and Close
•Muscles in arms and legs strengthen.
•Fat deposits appear beneath skin
•Hears sounds (mother’s heartbeat and loud sounds
outside her body).
•Lungs strengthen as fetus “breathes” amniotic fluid
in and out
•Senses steadily develop as nerve cells form more
connections with the brain
•Grows to about 2 pounds
Seventh Month
•Covered by thick, white protective coating called
•Nervous, circulatory, and other systems mature
•Periods of rest and quiet follow periods activity
Eighth Month
•Has less freedom of movement as it grows
•Usually moves into a head-down position
Ninth Month
•Increased fat under the skin reduces wrinkles
•Lungs are becoming fully developed
•Heart and other parts of circulatory system mature.
•Usually triples in weight during this trimester
•Descends into the pelvis, reader for birth
Often called “morning sickness,” but can occur
at any time of day or night. Most common in
the first trimester
•Get out of bed slowly in the morning
•Eat crackers and sip ginger ale
•Eat frequent small meals throughout the day
•Avoid strong odors, such as tobacco smoke
and fumes from cleaning products
Increasing weight pulls the spine forward
•Practice good posture
•Exercise regularly
•Wear supportive, low-heeled shoes
•Try heat or massage
Hormonal changes slow down the digestive
•Drink plenty of fluids
•Eat high-fiber foods (apples w/ the skin,
bananas, strawberries, almonds, rice, etc.)
•Exercise daily
Muscle cramps may be caused by poor
•Exercise daily to increase circulation in the legs
•Eat plenty of foods high in calcium
•Stretch the calf muscles before going to bed
Vitamin A
•Aids vision
•Needed for healthy skin and
•Helps the body resist
•Dairy products
•Dark green leafy vegetables,
such as broccoli and spinach
B Vitamins
•Help nerve and brain tissues
work well
•Help the body produce
•Help build red blood cells
•Help the body resist
•Whole grain, enriched, and
fortified grain products.
•Meat, poultry, fish
•Dry beans and peas
•Dairy products
•Some fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
•Helps keep body tissues and
blood vessels healthy
•Helps the body resist
•Aids in healing cuts and
•Helps the body absorb
•Citrus fruits, strawberries,
•Tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli,
cabbage, green peppers
Vitamin D
•Aids the
development of
bones and teeth
•Fortified milk
•Egg yolks
•Fatty fish, such as
salmon and
•Vitamin E
•Helps the body
•Vegetables oils
form red blood cells •Whole grains
and muscles
•Dark green leafy
•Dry beans and peas
•Nuts and seeds
Hormonal changes slow digestion, and
pressure on the stomach can cause acid
to break up.
•Eat frequent small meals
•Avoid foods that seem to trigger
•Avoid lying down immediately after
•Keep the head slightly raised when lying
Body fluids increase during pregnancy
•Exercise daily.
•Avoid standing for long periods
•Rest with the feet above hear level
several times a day.
•Avoid tight clothing
Footie pajamas
Onesies (undershirt)
Daytime outfits
Free(made by gramgram)-$43
hat & mittens
(depends on
how many are in
the pack you
Baby blanket
(small, lightweight blankets in
Which a baby can be wrapped)
Bunting (snowsuit for cold
weather) $30-$40
(you want to have 23 dozen and 2-4
waterproof kind)
Petroleum jelly
Baby wipes
or gauze
Diapers (at least
a week’s supply
on hand…about
70 diapers)
Ointment for diaper rash
• If breast feeding:
– Nursing bras and disposable nursing pads
– Breast pump
– 2-3 bottles for storing breast milk
• If bottle feeding:
– 6-8 bottles (8 ounce size)
– Extra nipples and bottle caps
– Sterilizer (if not using a dishwasher)
– Bottle brush
Plastic baby bathtub
Soft washcloths and bath towels
Baby wash or mild soap
Baby shampoo
Baby lotion and/or baby oil
Baby comb
Baby nail scissors
– Car seat
– Baby carrier, stroller, or carriage (optional)
– Tote bag for supplies
• Bars are no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. Larger gaps can
trap an infant’s head. Decorative cutouts on end panels
pose the same risk
• Sides go up and down easily and can be operated with one
• The mattress fits snugly in the crib. A baby can get stuck in
a gap as small as the width of two fingers.
• If the crib has drop sides, they have a childproof locking
• The sides of the crib reach at least 9 inches above the
mattress support when lowered and 26 inches above it
when raised. This prevents infants from rolling or climbing
• Corner posts have no decorative knobs that can snag an
infant’s clothing
• There are no rough edges or exposed bolts. All bolts should
stay securely tightened to prevent a choking hazard.