Am St I CP 114 end of civil war

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Transcript Am St I CP 114 end of civil war

American Studies I CP
Chapter 11
Section 4
Grant takes control
1864 Confederate had a plan
Hold on and keep the Union out of Richmond
There was going to be an election in November
If we can subsist… we may have peace
Battle of the Wilderness
Grant on his way to Richmond
Union 115,000 troops
Confederates 64,000
Grant knew that Lee would have to fight!
Three major battles
May 5 2 days Battle of the Wilderness (about the
same spot as Chancellorsville
the year before)
Heavy woods
Fire and smoke and some friendly fire
Confederate General Longstreet is killed, 3 miles
from where Jackson was shot
May 8th
Series of clashes for two weeks
Heaviest fighting took place on May 12
High union loss of life.. Grant told Lincoln that I
propose to fight out on this line if it takes all
Battle of Cold Harbor
8 miles from Richmond
7,000 Union troops fall
The Siege of Petersburg
Unable to defeat Lee he attacks Petersburg a
railway center
Cuts off food to Richmond
Attack failed
In less than two months
Grant’s army had suffered 65,000 casualties
June 18 1864
Siege of Petersburg
Lee sets up his defenses
Lee hadn’t lost as many men, but he can’t
replace them. He will wait for election
*** note the North had allowed all black units ***
Shenandoah Valley
Grant knew it was important source of food
Told General Phil Sheridan “Do all the damage
to railroads and crops you can… if the war is to
last another year, we want the Shenandoah
Valley to be a barren waste land”
Sherman in Georgia
The Capture of Atlanta
Confederate commander Joseph Johnston
He would try to hold out for the presidential
July 1864 the union in just 4 miles away
Johnston is replaced by Hood
Hood attacks and gives the 98,000 Union troops
what they wanted
Confederates retreat
62,00 remaining forces are reduced to 45,000
and they retreat back to the strong defenses of
Siege of Atlanta
In early September the Confederates leave and
burn city
Sherman Marches to the Sea
War is cruel
The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over!
November 1864 and 62,000 Union troops
Burned Atlanta and march to the sea to cut a
300 mile long path of destruction across
Savannah is captured without a fight Dec 21,
Election of 1864
Lincoln and Andrew Johnston WIN!
****different views on post war****
Thirteenth Amendment
December 18, 1865
Sherman goes North
South Carolina
Cut off supplies
First state to leave union
Had little fighting
Break the south
Houses were burned….
Columbia was burned….
Richmond April 1865
35,000 starving troops
Lee tried to flee and met up with Johnston
Grant cuts them off each time
Appomottox Court House
April 9, 1865
Lee meets with Grant
Lee in full dress uniform and Grant in a private’s
Southern soldiers could take their horses and
mules and go home
Would not be punished as traitors as long as
they obeyed the laws of their state and federal
Grant offered to feed the Confederate army
After the two men sign
Soldiers began to fire artillery salutes
Grant orders the celebration stopped
The rebels are our countrymen again
Lincoln Assassinated
April 14, 1865
Ford’s Theater
John Wilkes Booth
Section 4 Assessment
#1 What did the Battle of the Wilderness reveal
about Grant’s strategy?
What happened at the Battle of Spotsylvania and
the Battle of Cold Harbor
What had the South hoped for in the election of
Why did the election turn out differently?
McClellan vs. Lincoln
What was the Thirteenth Amendment accomplish
Who was John Wilkes Booth?