Oracle Database 10g on Windows: Architecture for Performance

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Transcript Oracle Database 10g on Windows: Architecture for Performance

Session id: 40171
Oracle Database 10g
on Windows:
Architecture for Performance
David Colello
Consulting Member of
Technical Staff
Oracle Corporation
Steve Fluge
Senior Technical
Intel Corporation
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Database Architecture Agenda
 Oracle Database 10g on Windows
 64-bit development landscape
 Migration & compatibility
(32-bit to 64-bit)
 Future directions & conclusion
 Customer case study: Intel
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Architecture: Thread Model
 Unlike UNIX ports of Oracle Database 10g,
Oracle Database 10g on Windows is
implemented as a single operating system
 Typical “processes” such as PMON and
LGWR have been converted to native
Windows threads running in the single large
Oracle process.
 One process exists per instance on a
Windows machine.
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Architecture: Thread Model
Oracle process
Background and foreground threads
SGA contains
db buffers,
log buffers
shared pool,
other memory
Each thread
consists of
PGA, stack,
other memory
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Architecture: Thread Model
 Internally, relatively few code changes are
required to implement the thread model. The
SGA and PGAs are allocated differently and
threads are used instead of processes, but
very little else needs to change.
 As a result, it’s easy to maintain and port the
database while at the same time preserving
it’s inherent stability, features, and
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Architecture: Thread Model
 Thread model benefits:
Faster context switches
Decreased memory usage
Quicker connection times
Perceived as a more “native” implementation
since it uses threads versus processes
No changes required for client applications
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Architecture: File I/O
 Full support for 64-bit file I/O enables very
large files to be used by Oracle Database 10g
on Windows
There are no 2GB or 4GB limitations on
database file sizes.
The maximum size for an entire database on
Windows is 4 petabytes (64K files x 16K
bytes/block x 4M blocks/file).
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Architecture: File I/O
 Async file I/O is built into Windows and Oracle
Database 10g supports async I/O to all types
of files, assuming that the portable code
layers utilize async I/O.
 No limits on the number of files in a single
database except those already imposed by
Oracle portable code (around 64K files).
 Raw files are fully supported. They are better
performing than file system files, but are
harder to manage.
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Architecture: Tuning
 Both CPU affinities and thread priorities can
be set and manipulated via registry
parameters on a thread-by-thread basis.
 With the introduction of Windows-based
NUMA platforms, Oracle Database 10g has
been enhanced to recognize NUMA systems
and adjust memory and scheduling operations
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Architecture: Tuning
 Single production instances of Oracle on
Windows support more than 2000 concurrent
 With the use of technologies such as
multiplexing, connection pooling, and clusters,
the number of users supported by a single
physical database grows much higher.
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Architecture: Tuning
 New for Oracle Database 10g:
– Fiber model support
 An extension of the thread support already in
place since Oracle7. Users may now run the
database in fiber mode, which employs Oraclescheduled fibers instead of O/S scheduled
 For CPU intensive apps, this will provide a
performance boost and reduce CPU utilization.
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Architecture: Tuning
 New for Oracle Database 10g:
– Large Page support
 Using new APIs in Windows Server 2003, Oracle
can now allocate database buffers in fewer larger
memory pages. This reduces the amount of CPU
overhead required to access large amounts of
 For instances with large memory requirements,
large page support on both 32 and 64-bit Windows
can improve performance.
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Database Architecture Agenda
 Oracle Database 10g on Windows
 64-bit development landscape
 Migration & compatibility
(32-bit to 64-bit)
 Future directions & conclusion
 Customer case study: Intel
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64-bit development details
 Working with Intel
Company Relations
 Mutual alliances teams
 Regular Executive Meetings
Development Cooperation
Intel engineering team on-site at Oracle
Optimizing support on IA specifics
Early access to new Processors/Systems
Early access to Intel’s SW tools
(Compilers & Tuning Tools)
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64-bit development details
 Working with Microsoft
Oracle is a beta site for Microsoft O/S releases
Frequent communication occurs at many levels
from executives to relationship teams to
Conference calls, briefings, etc. occur as needed
between appropriate groups
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64-bit development details
 64-bit database architecture based on 32-bit
Allows database to be built upon a stable, proven
base with few architecture changes
On Windows, thread architecture is retained
 Oracle not bound by specific memory amount
or number of processors
Will support as much as the OS can support
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64-bit development details
 Easy to port code base to 64-bit (change a
few #defines and recompile)
 Simultaneous porting to three different 64-bit
Itanium platforms == knowledge sharing
 Most time is spent testing and on performance
 All products in RDBMS bundle have been
moved to native 64-bit
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64-bit development details
 Data access methods supported natively on
64-bit (initially):
Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
 When 64-bit .NET Framework and interfaces
are released, then ODBC.NET, OLE DB.NET,
and ODP.NET will be supported
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Itanium benefits for Oracle
 Larger cache size
Itanium L3 cache (on-die) is 3 MB
Madison L3 cache up to 6 MB
Less cache latency (fewer clock cycles needed)
Oracle benefits greatly with larger caches closer
to the processor
Allows for “bigger” systems
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Itanium benefits for Oracle
 Better Parallelism
Better Instruction level parallelism
More registers (328, 128 GP, 128 FP)
Improved Scalability of System Bus allowing for
bigger systems
 Improved Micro Architecture
Predication removes delays caused by
mispredicted branches
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Itanium benefits for Oracle
 Large memory addressability
No 4 GB linear memory limitation for SGA
Up to 8 TB of memory supported
Page size can be up to 4GB
Capacity, concurrent users, and performance of
Oracle database increases dramatically with
more memory
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Oracle 64-bit Performance
 Intel Electron compiler
Provides profile-guided optimization (PGO)
Better scheduling
More parallelism through larger instruction groups
Lower number of branch mispredictions
Better use of instruction paging and cache
Expect 15%-25% performance improvement from
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Oracle10g Support on 64-bit
 Itanium is supported by
64-bit Oracle DB server
64-bit Oracle DB client
 Itanium is not supported by
32-bit Oracle Database server
32-bit Oracle Database client
 Machines with 32-bit clients are interoperable
with 64-bit Oracle on Itanium
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Database Architecture Agenda
 Oracle Database 10g on Windows
 64-bit development landscape
 Migration & compatibility
(32-bit to 64-bit)
 Future directions & conclusion
 Customer case study: Intel
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 Upgrade process (32-bit to 64-bit)
32-bit data files are compatible with 64-bit DB
 No need to recreate the database
 A full export and import is not required
 For end-user applications, migrating to Oracle
on Itanium is transparent
No changes required to 32-bit client applications
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 Simple migration steps:
Shutdown database on 32-bit machine
Copy database files to 64-bit machine once 64bit Oracle Database 10g has been installed
Re-create control file (a single SQL statement)
Startup database
Re-compile PL/SQL (a single SQL script)
 Or use the Database Upgrade Assistant
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 Independent software vendors (ISVs) porting
to 64-bit Oracle
No Oracle-specific code changes required when
moving from 32-bit
Just make 64-bit-specific changes and recompile
 Client programs completely unaffected by new
back-end. No changes, re-compiles or relinks needed.
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 Oracle Database 10g on Windows
 64-bit development landscape
 Migration & compatibility
(32-bit to 64-bit)
 Future directions & conclusion
 Customer case study: Intel
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Future directions
 Further Windows exploitation where it makes
 Architectural changes always being explored
for capacity/performance improvements.
Some examples are fibers, completion ports,
and NUMA-awareness.
 64-bit scale-up as hardware permits
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Useful links
 Oracle on Windows home page
 Oracle Technology Network’s Windows
Development Center
 Oracle Data Provider for .NET download
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 Oracle is committed to Windows
 64-bit Windows Server 2003 on Itanium
enables excellent performance and scalability
for Oracle Database 10g
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Database Architecture Agenda
 Oracle Database 10g on Windows
 64-bit development landscape
 Migration & compatibility
(32-bit to 64-bit)
 Future directions & conclusion
 Customer case study: Intel
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Customer case study: Intel
Test strategy
Key indicators and results
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 Business needs driving migration to Oracle9i
and Windows Server 2003 on IA64
Affordable Scalability
 High performance computing at right price
Prepares for next generation Grid Computing
 Can be part of a cluster of Itanium2 servers to
consolidate databases
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Background: Application
 Call Center application
24x7 availability requirement
 Call centers located worldwide in follow the sun
 High availability demand (5 9’s)
 Customer base growing 30% annually
 Need to handle high volume surge traffic
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Background: Application
 Call Center application (cont.)
Current usage
 Nominal load is 400 concurrent users.
 Peak loads can reach 500+ concurrent users.
 Ancillary operations such as email, fax and batch
data load processing take up to 20% of CPU
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Customer case study: Intel
 Configuration
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32-bit Architecture
 Hardware
Single database server with an application server
 4 PIII Zeon processors
 200GB SAN volume
 Operating System
Windows 2000
 Database
Oracle9i Release 2 (32-bit)
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Configuration: 32-bit Database
 SGA size and general configuration
Total size = 1G (approximately)
db_cache_size = 600M
shared_pool = 400M
log_buffer = 1M
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Configuration: Application
 Application characteristics
5k stored procedures
Thick client
Connection pooling managed by application
E-mail text messages stored as BLOBs
Total memory footprint including PGA is 1.5GB at
400 connections
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64-bit Architecture
 Server hardware
16GB memory
4x800 MHz Itanium2 processors
 Operating System and software
Windows Server 2003
64-bit PowerPath Emulex drivers using HBA
connectivity to SAN
64-bit file format set in the O/S
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Configuration: 64-bit Database
 Oracle9i configuration
Larger SGA (2G)
shared_pool = 400M
buffer_cache = 1200M
log_buffer = 2M
pga_aggregate_target = 1G
 Objects cached in SGA
2x4M record tables
Pinned several large PL/SQL packages
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Customer case study: Intel
 Test strategy
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Test Strategy
 The strategy for the comparison between a 32-bit
XEON® Oracle9i system and a 64-bit Itanium2®
Oracle9i system was to generate an identical load on
each system and compare both resource usage and
performance under that load.
 Performance Monitor was used for resource usage
 Application Characterization Tool – Application Expert
by Compuware was used for capturing performance.
 Visual Test Scripts were used to generate the user
load against a thick client, connecting through an
application server, which then connected to the 32-bit
or 64-bit database backend, depending on the test.
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Customer case study: Intel
 Key indicators and results
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Results: 32-bit XEON Load
@ 600 Users
CPU Avg. load
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Results: 64-bit Itanium2 Load
@ 600 Users
CPU Avg. load
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Response Time with 600 Users
 32-bit XEON®
Average response time under load: 2.27 seconds
 64-bit Itanium2®
Average response time under load: 1.16 seconds
Note: Large queries that would not resolve under
the 32-bit environment would resolve while
utilizing the 64-bit Itanium2® system with
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Sample of indicators recorded
 System performance
Change in load distribution between the
database server and the application server
 Application performance
Case creation
Simple search function
Complex search function
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Key indicators
 System Performance
Change in load distribution between the
database server and the application server
CPU load in database server changed from 45%
to 20%, while application server CPU load
increased from 30% to 100%
Network traffic monitoring indicated bottleneck at
the application server, as requests to the
database were handled at a higher rate than the
app server could generate
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Key indicators
 Application performance
 Login/logout
Account lookup and profile access, followed by
fetch of objects viewable in the application
64-bit averages 20% faster
 Case creation
Involves search for duplicate cases in several 1M
record tables
64-bit averages 25% faster
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Key indicators
 Search operations
Simple search
 Individual record lookup based on case number
involves 2 table join
 64-bit averages 40% faster
Heavy search
 Search of multiple instances of case information
related to single customer profile. Multi-table join
of 4M to 8M record tables
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Key indicators
 Search operations: Special Search case test
Disabled search
 Version of heavy search with single criteria on
common customer name, company name,
geographic location, resulting in outer joins
 Not enabled in 32-bit version due to impact on
system under normal load conditions
 64-bit version returns result sets in less than 2
minutes on average
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Customer case study: Intel
 Comparative analysis
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 System characteristics improvements
Scalability - Itanium2 server can drive multiple
application servers
 Application server became the bottleneck in the
64-bit architecture, which can be remedied by
adding more 32-bit servers.
 Application characteristic improvements
Faster response times on all key indicators
Ability to more efficiently handle heavy queries
Disabled query operations possible
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