Civil War Propaganda

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Civil War Propaganda
Who does this propaganda benefit?
Why was this propaganda created?
What inferences can you make from viewing the propaganda?
Political Propaganda (South)?
• Southern Propaganda?
• Depicts Lincoln and Davis
• Lincoln seems to be the
aggressor, Davis is asking for
the Confederates to be left
alone and Lincoln is standing
with Soldiers and Cannons
behind him saying that he is
using no more force than
Recruitment Poster
• This is an example of a
recruiting poster
• It states how much
money will be paid in
large letters. The amount
each MAN will be paid is
in smaller letters at the
bottom. There is fine
print. The picture shows a
lady, an American Shield,
an Eagle, the words
“respond to your
country’s call” and
something in the sky.
Racist Propaganda (South) OR
Abolitionist Propaganda (North)?
Great West, Great South
• A ship titled “The Great
West” Three masted,
capacity 1000 tons,
receipts of grain in
Buffalo in 24 hours,
1,100,000 bushels.
• A ship titled “The Great
South” A rowboat being
rowed by slaves, capacity
1000 lbs, receipts at New
Orleans in 24 hours, 2.5
5 to 1 HA!
• 5 Confederate Soldiers
are running away from
Uncle Sam, who is hiding
behind a hill that has an
American flag in it. There
is a rooster next to him.
• This shows that even if
the North was
outnumbered, they would
still win because they had
the great power of
Lincoln Pharmacy
• This shows Lincoln as a
pharmacist. There are
any things around the
room, including “Lincoln
renowned Rebel
Exterminator” and
“Schenkes Volatile Pills
for purifying the blood”
But the main thing Lincoln
is making it “Pure Refined
National Elixir of Liberty
Southern agriculture
• This shows that the
south are warlike, and
will turn even basic
farming tools into
Southern Industries
• This shows the
South’s main
industries. Incredibly
American Eagle vs. C.S.A. Pirates.
• Not much to say here.
The American Eagle
is taking down some
Confederate ships.
Southern Rations
• All they have is hay.
Southern Speech
• Caricature of a Southern
Speaker with his entire
speech written out with
misspellings and a
mocking southern accent.
• First line of the Speech:
Feller Kumrads, Since
eye spok 2 Tenesse Ive
ben in sevrul varus ways
servin mi country. Eye C
B 4 me menny who listed.
Away down south in Dixie
• An idyllic southern
setting, a horse drawn
cart full of hay, with
men riding on it and
walking with it.
Beef for the Rebels
• The rebels are too
poor to afford real
meat, so they have to
eat gators.
Death before Dishonor (South)
• Nothing to say here
Good to be Contraband
• Slaves are talking
about how happy they
are that they are now
contraband. At least
it’s a start.
Throne of Cotton
• A confederate soldier
talking about
defeating “ApeLincoln” with cotton.
He is sitting on the
cotton as a throne.
Killing the Snakes of South
• The American Eagle
Destroying the
snakes of south
Carolina and
Dictator Davis taking park of
• A distinctly evil
looking money
version of Davis is
cutting off the tail of
the cute kitten of
Don’t Tread on Us (Southern)
• A symbol for the
south saying that they
want to be left alone,
but will fight back if
they aren’t
Isn’t it just Patriotic?
• Apple Pie, Johnson,
Joe Smith, etc.
A Painful Tail
• The union shears
cutting off the tail of
secession, and
secession falling out
the window. Signifies
the end of the
Confederate Bond
• Making fun of how the
Confederate bonds
are worthless
Jefferson Davis To-From war
• To
• From
Types of Propaganda
Union League
• North
• Started in Philadelphia Pennsylvania
November 1862
• Spread to New York City, Boston,
Baltimore, Washington, and San Fransico
• Distributed literature
• Raised Money for soldier supplies
• Recruited Soldiers
Loyal Publication Society of New
• Run by Charles King and Francis Lieber
• Raised tens of thousands of dollars
• Published literature
Religion in Northern Propaganda
• Late 1861 Abraham Lincoln sent Archbishop Hughes,
Bishop McIlvaine, and Thurlow Weed on an international
propaganda tour
• Purpose was to stop France, England, and Spain from
supporting the Confederacy
• Hughes was supposed to persuade the Catholic Leaders
(the Papacy, Napoleon, etc.)
• McIlvaine was supposed to earn the support of the
Clergy of England
• Weed was supposed to interact with Journalists and
public figures to counteract the Confederates doing the
Southern Journalism Propaganda
• Confederates hired English Writers to help
with Anti-Union Propaganda
• Henry Hotze was a major southern
journalism propaganda leader, created the
Index, major southern newspaper
Envelope Propaganda (North)
• http://bibliodyssey.blogsp
• http://www.cornellcollege.