Opposition to the regime - presentation
Transcript Opposition to the regime - presentation
starter activity
Study the picture on the next slide. It shows shipyard workers in 1936 at the
launch of a new battleship giving the ‘Heil Hitler ‘salute. Who is refusing to give
the salute?
Did all Germans
support the Nazis?
TBAT explain why some groups
supported the Nazis and others
opposed them
Your task
In pairs, draw up a list of people who may have
openly supported the Nazis and explain why.
Read p.90 – check your answers
Who do you think would have been most
likely to oppose Hitler even to plot against him?
Open supporters
Factory workers – Hitler had fulfilled his promise of
‘bread and work’, unemployment had been reduced to
less than 500,000, Strength through Joy
Young child – possibly member of Hitler Youth or
League of German Maidens, conditioned into
supporting Nazis at school
Businessmen – banned trade unions & Communism,
provided work for factories through rearmanent
Farmers – loans, guaranteed prices
Hitler and Göering are standing on top of
Berlin's radio tower. Hitler says he wants to
do something to cheer up the people of
Berlin. "Why don't you just jump?" suggests
What value do jokes have for
historians of the period?
Your task
Read p.91-3 and note down the different ways in
which people opposed Hitler & the Nazis.
Which was the most dangerous?
The conference room in the Wolf ’s
Lair after the July Bomb explosion
Grumbling – anti-Nazi jokes, complaints
Passive resistance – refusal to give ‘Heil Hitler’
salute, ‘Degenerate Art’ exhibition
Open opposition – White Rose, Edelweiss
Pirates, blowing up key buildings/railway lines,
Religious groups – Catholic Church, Niemoller,
Bonhoffer, Bishop of Munster
Assassination – July Bomb Plot (1944)
Martin Niemoller, 1892-1984
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906-45
Produce factoids on the above, explaining who they were, how
they challenged the Nazi authorities and what happened to them
Your task
Why was opposition to the Nazis so weak?
Make a list of key reasons as a spider diagram
Reasons why opposition was so weak:
Level 2
Level 3
Identifies one or two Gives at least 3 main
reasons why
reasons why opposition
opposition was weak was weak
Limited factual detail Good examples are
or technical
chosen, although more
detail, e.g. dates could
be used
Lacks topic
May lack a conclusion
Level 4
Identifies a full range of reasons:
Nazis used propaganda to brainwash people;
people were afraid to speak out due to
Gestapo & SS; Nazi economic policies
helped some people, e.g. farmers &
businessmen; people supported Nazi antiSemitism was a problem in German; the
alternatives to the Nazis worried people, e.g.
Communism or civil war; opposition was
banned, e.g. ‘Law against formation of new
parties’ (1933)
Topic paragraphs are used and the student
shows how some factors are more
important than others
Detailed factual evidence
Reaches a clear and decisive conclusion
Write an essay 1side of A4 minimum in answer
to the question…
Why was opposition to the
Nazis so weak?
What were the different ways of opposing the
Nazis? Which was the most effective?
Why did no one manage to assassinate Hitler?
Tom Cruise stars in a recent film
adaptation of Operation Valkyrie
Holocaust memorial, New