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COMP102: Introduction to Databases, 30
Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman Khan
Department of Computer Science
The University of Liverpool
10 May 2011
Material Revision Lecture
Lecture 1&2
All stuff from these lectures !!!
Data vs Information
Information system and its functions (functions define
operations on information!)
Other defs: Database, DBMS, Application Program, etc.
TPM (Transaction Processing Monitor) – def, understand
its role, functions, ...
Transactions (ACID), ...
Concurrency Control Service
Lecture 3
All stuff from this lecture !!!
Data Model
Relational Data Model Terminology
Properties of relations, relational tables !!! (Rows,
Columns, Cardinality etc.)
Sets, set inclusions, ... !!!
Notions of keys, examples, .... !!!!!
Questions like: table has attributes (P,Q,R,S) can (P,Q) and
(Q) be both CK’s, PK’s ???
Lectures 4 - 7
All stuff from these lectures !!!
These are first lectures about SQL, SQL queries, etc. !!!
About 25% questions in the exam is related to SQL/SQL
statements and queries !!!
Correlated subqueries !!!
Lecture 8, 9 and 9a
DSDLC or DBSDLC: know roughly its parts and
understand what they are about
Testing !!!
Fact-finding!!! know fact-finding techniques and
understand what they are about
Lectures 11 and 12
All stuff from these lectures !!!
Entity-Relationship Modeling
UML notations
E.g.: how do we calculate the multiplicity (cardinality and
participation) constraints of binary and of complex
Chasm and Fan traps, …
Know about the types of relationships: Inverse, Unary,
Recursive and Complex
Lecture 13
All stuff from this lecture !!!
Three forms of Normalization (def)
How normalisation reduces redundancy and update
Functional relationship/dependency
Conversion from 1st to 2nd and then to 3rd normal form
Pay special attention to wording in the definitions!!!
Lecture 14
Know about:
 Logical database design
 Physical database design
How to identify:
 Attributes
 Entities
 Relationships
Attribute domain
Lecture 15
All stuff from this lecture !!!
ER model into tables (the relational model): all details!!!
Types of relationships involving multiplicities
Identifying parent and child entities using participation
Integrity constraints
Business rules
Lecture 16
All defs, especially Specialisation/Generalisation!!!
Concepts of super class and sub class in ER Modeling.
Know roughly participation constraints and understand
what they are about.
Creating tables to represent specialization/generalization
Lecture 17
Analysing transactions
File organisations
Linear search and Binary Search
Derived data
Lecture 18
All stuff from this lecture !!!
User views and security mechanism
Controlled redundancy (denormalisation)
Monitoring and Tuning the operational system
Measuring system efficiency
Etc, ...
Lectures 19-20 & 21-23
All stuff from these lectures !!!
About 25% questions in the exam is related to SQL/SQL
statements and queries !!!
NULL vs unknown
Using MIN/MAX in queries
Lectures 24 & 25
Constraints and types
Triggers and their types
Authentication vs Authorisation !!!
Roles and Privileges (specially Grant in MySQL)
Roughly know Public Key Cryptography, RSA Encryption
Lecture 26 & 27
All stuff from this lecture !!!
Programming with SQL
SQL injection attacks!!!
Lectures 28
Know about query optimisation
Know about relational algebra, specially the following and
how they are used:
Lecture 29
All stuff from this lecture !!!
Know Data Protection Act 1998
Know all 8 Principles
Other defs
Understand application of the Data Protection Act 1998
Remember: UML is the way how we draw our ER
diagrams!!! For us UML diagrams are same as ER
REMARK: Study carefully referential integrity (PK/FK—
mechanism, and how they are realized in SQL) !!!
Example of an exam SQL question
Consider the schema: Movie(title, year, length, studioName, producer)
StarsIn(movieTitle, movieYear, starName) and the two SQL queries:
SELECT starName FROM StarsIn
WHERE movieYear < ALL ( SELECT year FROM Movie
WHERE producer = ‘Johny‘ );
SELECT starName FROM StarsIn
WHERE movieYear < ( SELECT MIN(year) FROM Movie
WHERE producer = ‘Johny‘ );
Which combination of the following statements are all true concerning these two SQL queries ?
I. These two queries produce the same results.
II. Both queries use aggregate functions.
III. The first query finds all actors who starred in a movie produced before producer Johny
launched any movie.
IV. The second query uses a correlated subquery.
A. I. only
B. I. and II. only
C. III. only
D. I. and III. only
E. II. and IV. only