Emergency Procedures

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Transcript Emergency Procedures

4-H Volunteer Training
Katie Wallace Dixon
State 4-H
4-H Volunteer Training
Transportation & Emergency
Transportation Policies
• Vehicle should only transport the number of passengers
it was designed for and not exceed that limit.
• Each passenger wears a seatbelt unless we are utilizing
public transportation or school bus certified vehicles.
• Passengers should be respectful of the driver and not
cause distractions, ex). Shouting, throwing objects, ect.
• Loading and unloading vehicles should be done under
direction and supervision of staff
• Prior to departure and return to site, all participants
should be accounted for once loaded into vehicles.
Transportation Policies
• In case of emergency, remove children from
vehicle if possible and get them to a safe but
nearby location. Staff should use their best
judgment and proceed according to the nature of
the accident.
• First aid kits should be brought on each trip.
• Vehicles should undergo regular maintenance and
safety checks.
• Only approved staff members should be permitted
to drive vehicles that have undergone.
4-H Volunteer Training
Emergency Procedures
For Minor Accidents at 4-H activities
For minor accidents or injuries, obtain the necessary supplies from the
First Aid kits and treat. If the injury or accident cannot be treated, notify the
Crisis Management Officer (CMO) immediately.
If the injury involves bleeding:
Apply direct pressure on the wound.
Elevate the affected area, if possible.
If bleeding continues and soaks
through bandage, add additional
bandages until the bleeding stops.
For severe wounds, never remove
bandages once the bleeding stops.
This should be done by a qualified
medical officer.
If the injured person is unconscious:
Remember the ABC’s:
• Airway – Is airway clear?
• Breathing – Is there air exchange?
• Circulation – Is there a pulse?
Send someone to get CMO or Nurse.
Check for bleeding and or deformity in
bone structure.
Do not move participant and never
leave them!
Accidents To and From Activities
In the event of accidents involving an employee or
participants who are on the way to or from camp, first
determine whether or not help is on the way.
If help is NOT on the way:
• Call police, fire, or rescue as
indicated by nature of accident.
• Notify program director.
• Notify parents, spouse, or
individuals identified on the
Camper Information form.
If help IS on the way:
• If not reached earlier, continue
to try to notify parents, spouse,
or named individual.
• If parents, spouse, or closest
relatives are not available,
discuss situation with an
associate at the place of
employment of the parents,
guardian, spouse, or closest
• Send a “calm” staff member to
observe situation.
Allergic Reaction
Possible Symptoms:
• General feeling of impending
doom or fright
• Weakness
• Sweating
• Sneezing
• Short of breath
• Nasal itching
• Hives
• Vomiting
• Cough
• Restlessness
• Shock
• Hoarseness
• Swollen tongue
• Severe localized swelling
Allergic Reaction
First Actions:
Assess situation, remain calm, make participant/employee comfortable.
Only move for safety reasons.
Send for immediate help and medication kit (in cases of known allergies).
Follow medical protocol for student, if on file.
Observe for respiratory difficulty and, if needed, call 911.
Notify parent or guardian.
Administer medication, by order of a doctor, if appropriate. Apply ice pack, keep warm.
Preventative/Supportive Actions:
Encourage parents and guardians to list health situations on Camper Information Form
for their child.
Encourage employees having health situations affecting them to alert building director
and work associates of any difficulties and possible remedial actions.
In Case of Fire
Fire Procedures
• Call police, fire or rescue as indicated by the accident.
• Notify program director.
• Utilize emergency exit plan modified to maximize safety of
participants and staff.
• Provide for treatment and removal of injured building
• Account for all building occupants and determine extent of
• Have someone to meet the vehicle at the main entrance area
and direct them to the scene of the fire.
Fire in Building
In the event a fire is detected within a 4-H building,
proceed according to the following plan:
• Sound alarm. Use the alarm system if the building
is equipped. Otherwise, yell “FIRE!” loudly a
number of times until occupants become aware. As
soon as occupants are aware and evacuation has
begun, call 911 and ask for required emergency
• There are three different types of extinguishers, all with a different
• Fire extinguishers with a Class A rating are effective against fires
involving paper, wood, textiles, and plastics.
• Fire extinguishers with a Class B rating are effective against flammable
liquid fires. These can be fires where cooking liquids, oil, gasoline,
kerosene, or paint have become ignited.
• Fire extinguishers with a Class C rating are suitable for fires in “live”
electrical equipment.
Step 2
Extinguish if possible.
Smaller contained fires – waste baskets
Attempt to extinguish fire using nearest fire extinguisher.
Electrical Fire
• Do not attempt to handle burning electrical appliance, serious shock could result.
Unplug cord, holding by plug itself if possible with one hand.
• If type B-C (or foam) extinguisher is available, attempt to extinguish fire.
• If only type A extinguisher is available, do not attempt to extinguish unless
appliance is unplugged.
Flammable Liquid – small or contained
• If type B-C extinguisher is available, attempt to extinguish fire.
• If only A extinguisher is available, do not use water, it could spread flammable
Larger Advanced Fire – building floor, walls, and curtains ceilings - Attempts to
extinguish with hand extinguishers would be futile. Leave the building.
Step 3
Evacuate building if serious threat of danger.
• Upon hearing shouted “FIRE!”, staff members will begin
evacuation of building without any hesitation. Don’t leave
without a participant.
• If forced to evacuate participants through windows, staff
members will not wait for assistance to move participants
safely to ground. A delay such as this can cost lives.
Participants will be pushed through windows as quickly as
possible, feet first if possible.
• If smoke is heavy, stay near floor.
• The first person out of building will report fire to Program
• If fire is not visible or is not immediately threatening, staff
members should re-enter building to assist in evacuation.
In Case of Fire
Reassembly of Participants
• Upon evacuation of buildings, all participants will be moved
to the designated area by the safest route. Be watchful for
emergency and fire vehicles.
• No staff or participants will leave safe area unless
instructed to do so by Program Director. Individual Group
Leaders will report participants or staff not accounted for to
the Program Director. If any staff or participants not
accounted for are from the facility actively involved in fire,
efforts will be made to locate them in immediate area or in
building, if possible to enter.
• Under no circumstances will staff members enter building
in attempting to extinguish fires.
In Case of Fire
Care for Injured
• If there are injuries, notify necessary rescue
personnel. Provide first aid through camp personnel,
such as camp nurse. Render first aid as necessary.
In Case of Fire
Other Considerations
• Keep access roads open for emergency vehicles.
• Have fire department officials declare the area safe before
allowing students/staff to return to camp.
• If the building is damaged, several different steps may have to be
taken. Severe damage may necessitate dismissing the activity.
Parents or the appropriate group leaders shall be notified. It may
be necessary to arrange an off-site pick-up point. Anytime
participants are sent home before the end of the regular activity
session, it is important to ensure that participants are released to
the appropriate persons. In some cases they may be housed at
another location until pick-ups can be arranged. Staff shall
supervise all participants until they have been picked-up.
• If it is determined that the activity can continue, ensure that the
damaged building is made off-limits.
In Case of Fire
Follow-up actions
• Notify the Pre-Collegiate Programs Office.
• Notify office of Risk Management at the University.
• Send letters to parents home with participants
advising of the situation.
• Call emergency staff meeting to discuss potential
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