Ancient Egypt and Kush

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Transcript Ancient Egypt and Kush

Mr. Roe
6th Grade
Social Studies
We have studied the lands of Mesopotamia
(the land between two rivers) and learned
about the rise of civilization.
We then studied one of the most powerful
(and in my opinion, very interesting)
civilizations, Ancient Egypt.
Up until now, all of these civilizations have
centered around polytheism. Now, we will
look at the first monotheistic people known
to man.
Begin by filling out the “K” section of your KW-L chart for this chapter.
The Israelites believed in one god, who
set down moral laws for his people to
follow. These people recorded their
history in the Bible.
The Israelites fought the Canaanites so
that they could return to their
“promised land”
Discuss the religious beliefs of the Israelites
Explain how and why the Israelites had to
fight the Canaanites to return to their
promised land
Explain the significance of Abraham and
Moses in the development of the Jewish
K-W-L Chart
Reading Notes (Cornell or Class Led)
Map of Exodus
Biography worksheet of Abraham, Joshua,
Moses, and Deborah
Discuss with your partner how important you
think religion may have been to these early
Is it still important today?
Do cultures and societies depend on religion,
or does religion depend on cultures and
societies. Can you have one without the
On a piece of blank paper
Draw this description:
The Israelites talk about the promised land,
and their return to the promise land. What do
you think this promised land looked like?
This is worth 80 Roebucks!! You must include
your name, and it must be obvious that you
put time and effort into your work!
*Around 1,000 B.C., a people called the
Israelites built a kingdom in Canaan
1. People who focused on one god, Yahweh
2. This religion became Judaism (Jews)
3. Spoke Hebrew
4. Christianity and Islam would both be heavily
influenced by Judaism
5. Recorded their history in the
Hebrew Bible (also called the
Old Testament)
6. Came from Mesopotamia, and settled in
7. Descendants of Abraham
8. Divided into 12 tribes of Israel (based upon
the 12 sons of Jacob; we will talk about Jacob)
9. Lived in Canaan for 100 yrs, but the land
dried up, and the Jews traveled to Egypt to try
to survive.
You likely know much more about this topic
then you think. The influence of religions and
cultures still have impacts on our society
today. After this brief introduction to the
Israelites, does anything seem familiar? Were
you reminded of anything?
How do you think the Jews will do in Egypt?
1.Egyptian Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites
2.Ordered all baby boys born to the Jews to be
thrown into the Nile River (why?)
3.Moses, a Jewish baby, was put into a basket
in the river, and was found by the Pharaohs’
4.Moses would grow up Egyptian, in the palace,
but would lead his people out of Egypt
5. Yahweh sent 10 plagues to Egypt, and
the Pharaoh let the Egyptians go
6. Exodus
a. Pharaoh changes mind, and sends army
after the Israelites
b. God parted Red Sea, and Israelites
passed, while Egyptians drowned
Note: This is why the holiday called PASSOVER
is celebrated (the last plague passed
the Israelites’ houses in Egypt).
Moses received God’s laws atop Mt. Sinai
Ten Commandments=Torah
This is aka the covenant, or agreement
a. God promised to return Israelites to
Canaan if they followed these laws.
Why was the covenant so important? What does this tell you
about the influence of religion on how people live? Are our
laws today similar to these? What does this tell you?
a. The Israelites had to fight the Canaanites to
return to their promised land.
b. Took 40 years to reach Canaan
c. Moses died before they reached Canaan
d. Joshua took over leadership
e. They seized the land, and divided it among
12 tribes
Question: What qualities do you think a good
leader should have?
Judges took over leadership after Joshua
Deborah was a female judge
a. she would conquer more Canaan land
1. Phoenicians were skilled sailors and traders
a. spread ideas through trade routes
2. Alphabet
a. a group of letters that stood for sound
b. made writing simpler, helped record
c. passed to Greeks, to Romans, and
ultimately, to us!
What do
you notice
about these
Led by Abraham, the Israelites settled in
Canaan. They later moved to Egypt and were
enslaved, but then escaped. The Israelites
used the Ten Commandments as rules to live
Joshua and the judges, including Deborah, won
back territory in central Canaan for the
P. 205 questions #1, 2, 4, 5, 6