Computer Operation
Sequential Machine
• A digital computer is a sequential machine.
• The CPU (microprocessor) executes instructions in a
sequence as specified by the program.
• In general terms the instructions are executed in the
sequence they are written.
• However a certain class of instruction can vary the
instruction execution sequence.
Function of Memory System
• The function of the memory system of a
digital computer is :
Provide a storage facility for the program ( the
instructions ) the microprocessor is required to
Provide a storage facility for the data that
is to be manipulated by those instructions.
The Instruction Cycle
• There are two stages to the complete execution of an
instruction :
Stage 1 : CPU fetches the instruction from memory
Stage 2 : CPU executes the instruction
Instruction Fetch
• Processor places address
of where the instruction is
stored onto address bus
• Processor asserts the read
control line
• The memory device places
the data at the addressed
location onto the data bus
• The processor reads the
instruction byte.
Instruction Format
• Instructions are stored in program
memory in binary coded form.
• Since an instruction must represent a
complete and unambiguous statement
of the operation required of the
processor then 8-bits (the number of
bits of a single memory location) is
often insufficient to specify the
complete instruction.
• Depending on the particular
instruction, 8085A instructions occupy
one, two or three successive memory
The Opcode
• The first byte of an instruction is called the
• It describes :
• The operation to be carried out e.g move data,
arithmetic operation, logical operation etc
• Where the source data is located in the computer
• The destination for the result of the operation
• How many bytes constitute the complete instruction
Example of Opcode
• Consider the instruction:
STA addr
• Opcode in assembly language form STA
• Opcode in machine language form (i.e. the bits that
are actually stored in memory) 00110010 (32H)
• The opcode specifies :
Data is to be moved
The source of the data is the CPU register A
The destination for the data is external memory
The complete instruction is three bytes long
Bytes 2 & 3 of the instruction specify the address of the memory location
where the data is to be written.
Where the Opcode is Stored in the CPU
• Once read from memory, the opcode of the instruction is stored
in the instruction register (an 8-bit register) of the CPU.
Instruction Decoder and Control Logic
• The contents of the instruction register is read by the instruction
• The instruction decoder configures the control logic so that the
particular sequence of CPU operations are carried out to
complete execution of the instruction.
• This will include fetching the remaining bytes of an instruction, if
the instruction is a multibyte instruction.
• The second ( and third ) bytes of a multibyte instruction are
accessed by the CPU in exactly the same way as the opcode is
fetched from memory. The second ( and third ) bytes of an
instruction are stored in temporary registers in the CPU.
The Program Counter
• The program counter is a 16-bit CPU register.
• The program counter always contains the address of the
memory location from where the CPU is to fetch the next
instruction byte.
• The program counter is automatically incremented every time
the CPU fetches an instruction byte. Instructions are thus
executed in the sequence they are loaded into program
• The contents of the program counter can be overwritten by
execution of certain instructions e.g. jmp, call, ret etc.
• The program counter is initialised to 0000H after processor
reset or on power-up.
Example of Instruction Execution
• The following are the sequence of operations the processor is
required to perform to execute the instruction
STA addr
Place program counter onto address bus
Assert RD control signal
Read opcode and load into instruction register
Decode the opcode
Place program counter onto address bus
Assert RD control signal
Read byte 2 and save in temp register W
Place program counter onto address bus
Assert RD control signal
Read byte 3 and save in temp register X
; opcode address
; PC incremented
; address of byte 2
; PC incremented
; address of byte 3
; PC incremented
Example of Instruction Execution
• The whole of the instruction has been fetched at this stage. The 8bit temporary registers W & X contain the 16-bit address of the
memory location at which the contents of CPU register A is to be
• The execution phase of the instruction can now take place.
Place the contents of W & X onto the address bus ; specify memory address
Place the contents of register A onto data bus
; data to be written
Assert WR control signal
; write data to memory
8085 Internal Architecture
• The register file :
The Register File
• 6X 8-bit registers with addresses B, C, D, E, H & L
• Can be concatenated to form 3X 16-bit registers with addresses
BC, DE & HL.
• Note : 16-bit register HL used as a memory pointer with many
8085A instructions.
– (e.g MOV A, M which copies the contents of the memory location
whose address is specified by the contents of the HL register pair to
the CPU register A)
– (Note the assembly language instruction format
• MOV <destination> <source>)
• 16-bit register SP. It contains the address of the memory
location of the top of the stack area of memory. It is
automatically controlled by the processor but can be initialized
by software.
How the Stack Works
• The stack is a reserved area of memory. It operates as a last-in
first-out bank of registers.
• The memory locations, which constitute the stack, are used to
store binary information temporarily during program execution.
• The stack can be located anywhere in read/write memory, but is
usually defined such that it neither interferes with the program
memory space or the data memory space.
• The start address of the stack is specified at the initialisation
stage of the program by loading the 16-bit CPU register, called
the stack pointer, with the desired address of the start of the
– e.g
SP, data 16
How the Stack Works
• Data from CPU register pairs are stored in the stack area of
memory when the processor executes a push rp instruction.
• The contents of the program counter is automatically stored in
the stack area of memory whenever the processor executes a
call or restart (rst n) instruction.
• Data stored in the stack area of memory are returned to
processor register pairs when the processor executes a pop rp
• Data is automatically transferred from the stack area of memory
to the program counter whenever the processor executes a
return (ret) instruction.
Writing to the Stack
To execute the instruction push HL
assuming initial sp contents is
2099 H.
The stack pointer is decremented
by 1 (sp=2098) and the contents of
H are written to this location.
The stack pointer is decremented
by 1 (sp=2097) and the contents of
L are written to this location.
Note : When data is written to the
stack the stack pointer is first
decremented and then the data is
Reading from the Stack
To execute the instruction pop BC
assuming initial sp contents is
2097 H.
The contents of the memory
location at the address specified by
the contents of sp is moved to
register C and sp is incremented.
The contents of the memory
location at the address specified by
the contents of sp is moved to
register B and sp is incremented.
Note : When data is read from the
stack the data is read first and then
the stack pointer incremented.
Other 8085A CPU Features
• The ALU unit
The ALU Subsystem
• More detailed schematic
The ALU Subsystem
• The ALU itself is a group of combinational logic circuits that can
perform 8-bit arithmetic and logical operations. Included are :add, sub, and, or, xor
• The accumulator ( reg A ) is an 8-bit general purpose register
that holds one of the source operands of an ALU operation. The
result of the operation is also returned to the accumulator.
• The temporary accumulator is an 8-bit register that holds the
second operand used in a ALU operation. It is inaccessible to
the user.
• The decimal adjust unit allows the ALU to perform BCD
arithmetic. (rarely used as it is usual to use binary, as opposed
to BCD, arithmetic)
The Flag Register
• The flag register is a collection of eight, single bit registers. It
reflects outcomes of arithmetic or logical operations.
The Sign Flag (S) reflects the contents of bit-7 of the accumulator
The Zero Flag (Z) is set to ‘1’ if the accumulator contains all zero’s
The Auxiliary Carry (AC) is a ‘1’ if the arithmetic operation caused a
carry out from the bit-3 to the bit-4 position. (The auxiliary carry flag is
used in BCD arithmetic)
The Parity Flag (P) is a ‘1’ if the accumulator has an even number of ‘1’s
The Carry Flag (CY) is set if the arithmetic operation caused a carry
overflow (from addition) or a borrow (from subtraction).
Example of an Arithmetic Operation
register A
register B
register A
AC = 1
CY = 1
; A contains 88 (H)
B contains 99 (H)
Bit D7 = 0 after addition
The accumulator contains other than zero after addition
There is a carry out of bit D3 to bit D4 during addition
The accumulator contains an even number of ‘1’s
after addition
There is an overflow as a result of the addition
More on the Control Logic
• The control logic subsystem of a microprocessor is a
configurable sequential state machine.
• It is configured by the instruction decoding circuitry to enable
execution of a particular instruction.
• It is associated with a number of inputs and outputs, both from
other subsystems of the CPU and from external devices.
• It operates with respect to a stable clock reference signal
provided by a crystal source. Typical clock frequencies for an
8085A microprocessor are in the order of 5-MHz.
• The internal clock for the control logic is half the frequency of
the external crystal source (i.e internally the crystal source clock
is divided by 2)
Control Logic - External Inputs and Outputs
Function of Control Logic Inputs and Outputs
RD (o) A logic ‘0’ specifies the processor will read
the data on the data bus.
WR (o)
A logic ‘0’specifies that the processor has
placed data (write) onto the data bus for
an external device to read.
S0 S1 IO / M (o) A 3-bit status code that specifies the operation the
processor is performing. (e.g 110 specifies the
processor is fetching an opcode from program
reset out (o) A logic ‘1’ on the reset in input to the processor
causes the program counter to be reset to 0000H.
To indicate the processor has been reset a logic
`1’, synchronised to the processor clock, is placed
on this output.
Function of Control Logic Inputs and Outputs
CLK out (o) Is a buffered version of the internal master clock of the
8085A. It is half the crystal frequency.
HOLD (i) HLDA (o) An external device can request use of the system
busses by driving the HOLD input to logic ‘1’. The
8085A acknowledges the request by asserting the
HLDA output to logic ‘1’. It only does after it has
relinquished control of the bus structure.
ALE (o) When this signal is logic ‘1’ the processor specifies that
it has valid address information on the CPU pins AD07
RDY (i) When this signal is logic ‘0’ the processor suspends
execution of an instruction. It permits slow peripheral
devices more time to access or load data.
8085A Bus Interfaces
• The 8085A microprocessor uses only 16 connections
to interface the 8-bit data bus and 16-bit address bus.
• Address bus lines A 07 are time multiplexed with
data bus lines D07
Address Latches
• Peripheral devices ( memory and IO ) require stable address
data throughout a read or write operation.
• The processor only provides A0 - A7 during the period ALE is in
the logic ‘1’ state after which the multiplexed lines AD0 - AD7
assume the role of the data bus. ( D0 - D7 )
• To provide external devices with stable address data throughout
a read or write operation it is necessary to latch the low byte of
the address using the ALE control signal.
• By this mechanism it is possible for the 8085A computer system
to have a 16-bit address bus and an 8-bit data bus whilst only
using 16 processor connections ( AD0 - AD7 and A8 - A15 )
De-multiplexing AD0 - AD7
Note : See through latches ( eg 74LS573 ) are the preferred
type of latch.
When clk (ALE) is logic ‘1’ the latch outputs follow the inputs and on the
negative edge of clk the data is latched.