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Abnormal Behavior
Psychological Disorders
What is Normal?
In your small group, determine
whether or not the person in your case
study has a psychological disorder.
Defining Psychological Disorder
 There is no one absolute definition of
psychological disorders
 A continuum exists between mental health and
 Some proposed definitions may include: (from
sample textbooks)
Defining Psychological Disorder
 A pattern of behaviors or psychological
symptoms that cause significant personal
distress, causes them to harm others,
and/or impairs the ability to function in
daily life.
Defining Psychological Disorder
 A syndrome marked by a clinically
significant disturbance in an individual’s
cognition, emotion regulation or behavior.
 This is from our book and is adapted from
the DSM-V
Defining Psychological Disorder
 Let’s go back to your choices.
 Significant disturbance in cognition?
 . . . in emotional regulation?
 . . . in behavior?
 Disturbed or dysfunctional behavior that is
interfering with day-to-day life?
Historical Perspectives on
Abnormal Behavior
 Ancient Greece
 Hippocrates - (460-377 BCE) believed that mental illness was
the result of natural, as opposed to supernatural causes
 Galen – (130-200 BCE) divided the causes of mental disorders
into physical and psychological causes
 Ancient China
 Chung Ching - (200CE) stated that both organ pathologies
and stressful psychological events were causes of mental
Historical Perspectives on
Abnormal Behavior
 Medieval Europe - abnormal behavior was viewed as a
demonic possession. Treatment might include prayer,
laying on of hands and/or exorcism performed by the
clergy. Possibly witch hunts?
 Islamic Countries - known for humane hospitals for
mentally ill (Baghdad 792 CE).
The Renaissance- brings reemergence of
the scientific approach to mental illness
 Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) a Spanish nun
established a conceptual framework that suggests
the mind can be sick
 Johann Weyer (1515-1588) of Germany used
scientific skepticism to refute the concept of
demonic possession
Humanitarian Reforms of 18thth
19 centuries
 Philippe Pinel (France)-pioneered compassionate
medical model for the treatment of the mentally ill
 William Tuke (England)- introduced trained nurses for
the mentally ill
 Benjamin Rush (United States) founder of American
psychiatry and established hospitals for the mentally ill
 Dorothea Dix (United States) advocated for reforms to
allow for humane treatment of mentally ill in
institutional settings
 Occurred due to scientific advances of the 20th
 Psychopharmacology
 Medical advances including imaging devices
 Release of patients back into their usual
community using out-patient care
How are disorders described?
 It depends on who is describing them
Medical Model
 This model holds that diseases (in this case
psychological disorders) have physical causes that
can be diagnosed, treated, and in most cases, cured,
through therapy, medication, or treatment in a
 As we have seen, in most cases there is more to
people’s behavior than just biology.
Psychological Model
 Freud’s psychodynamic model explains disorders
as the result of repressed thoughts, memories, or
concerns in the unconscious mind.
 Behaviorists explain disorders as learned
 Cognitive psychologists explain disorders being the
result of irrational thinking – like blowing things
out of perspective or being driven by “shoulds,
oughts, and musts.”
Biopsychosocial Model
 Behavior, whether what is called normal or
abnormal, is an interaction of nature and
 Diathesis-Stress Model: The diathesis, or
predisposition, interacts with the subsequent
stress response of an individual.
Biopsychosocial Model
 Different cultures have different stressors
 Not all disorders are culture-bound
Biopsychosocial Model
Classifying Disorders
 Classification creates order
 Diagnostic classification goals:
 Describe a disorder
 Predict its future course
 Imply appropriate treatment
 Stimulate research into its causes
 DSM-V lists diagnosis criteria
 With a partner, read through the “Psychological
Diagnosis …” article.
 Identify dangers of labeling
 Come up with three recommendations to help
guide the use of labels
 Tomorrow we will look more closely at
classifying disorders.
 Review with Crash Course
 AP students: review the first 12 vocabulary
words from p. 71 (research unit) before