Treatment of Psychological Disorders

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Transcript Treatment of Psychological Disorders

1.) Therapy is only for “crazy” people
2.) All Therapists used same technique seen in
3.) Therapy leads to a single dramatic insight
that cures client
How was the idea of therapy created?
◦ Story of Anna O.
15% of U.S. population
Common reasons- anxiety, depression,
relationship difficulties, poor self-control,
destructive habits, low self-esteem, marital
Unfortunately many who need therapy don’t
receive it (or if they do, there is a delay)
◦ Why?
◦ Clinical Psychologists – Training emphasizes treatment of full
fledged disorders
◦ Counseling Psychologists – Slanted towards treatment of
everyday adjustment problems in normal people
Psychiatrists: Physicians who specialize in diagnosis
and treatment of psychological disorders.
◦ M.D.
Difference between these individuals and counselors
1.) Insight Therapies- Clients engage in lengthy
verbal discussions with therapists
◦ Psychoanalysis, Client Centered Therapy, Group Therapy
2.) Behavior Therapies- This therapy involves direct
efforts to alter problematic responses and bad
◦ Systematic Desensitization, Flooding, Aversion Therapy,
Social Skills Training, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
3.) Biomedical Therapies- Therapy that
manipulates physiology to improve functioning
◦ Drugs, shock therapy
Psychoanalysis – Developed by Freud
◦ Emphasizes recovery of unconscious conflicts, motives,
and defenses
◦ Free Association – Clients Spontaneously express
thoughts and feelings exactly as they occur, with as
little censorship as possible.
 Demo
◦ Dream Analysis – Therapist interprets symbolic
meaning of clients dreams
◦ Rorschach Test- Therapist interprets clients responses
to vague inkblot pictures.
Resistance – Individuals sometimes use defensive
maneuvers (largely unconscious) to hinder therapy
◦ Class speculation as to why
Freudian way of getting around this resistance:
Transference – Client starts relating to therapist in
ways that mimic critical relationships in their lives
Client Centered Therapy – Carl Rogers
◦ Therapy emphasizes providing supportive emotional
clients, who play a major role in determining pace and
direction of therapy.
Sample Clips/Demo
Why might this method be effective?
Group Therapy- Simultaneous treatment of
several clients in a group.
◦ Role of group members:
◦ Role of therapist:
Systematic Desensitization
◦ Therapy used to reduce phobic responses
◦ Steps:
 1.) anxiety hierarchy built
 example
 2.) train client in relaxation techniques
 3.) client works through hierarchy, learning to relax during
each stage.
Goal is to weaken association between CS and
◦ Involves extensive and lengthy exposure to phobic
◦ Nothing gradual about this procedure
◦ Example/Demo
Aversion Therapy- Uses classical conditioning to
create a negative response to a stimulus that
has created a problematic behavior.
◦ Examples:
◦ Demo
Social Skills Training- Designed to improve
interpersonal skills by emphasizing modeling,
behavior rehearsal and shaping.
Modeling- watch socially skilled friends
Rehearsal- practice social skills in role playing
Shaping- Gradual build up to complicated social
Sample Scenario/Demo
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
◦ uses combination of verbal intervention and
behavior modification techniques to help clients
change maladaptive patterns o thinking.
Attempt to correct errors in thinking and
modify behavior
Treatment with Drugs- psychiatrists prescribe
medications to lessen anxiety, antipsychotic
symptoms, depression, and stabilize mood.
Antianxiety drugs- Valium, Xanax
Antipsychotic drugs- reduce hallucinations,
delusions, confusion
Antidepressants- Prozac, Zoloft
Mood Stabilizers- treatment for bipolar disorder
ECT therapy- Biomedical treatment in which
electric shock is used to produce cortical
seizure with convulsions
What is procedure like?
Overall conclusion about effectiveness
Where can therapy be found?
Sexual Relationships between client/therapist
Realistic expectations about therapy