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Transcript NazarethCoachesTraining20071102

Coaches, Trainers, Athletes and Eating
Disorders: Connecting the Dots to Recovery
November 2, 2007
Mary Tantillo PhD RN CS
Director, Eating Disorders Recovery Center of Western NY
Richard Kreipe MD
Medical Director, Eating Disorders Recovery Center of WNY
Director, Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Program,
Golisano Children’s Hospital
Athletes with Eating Disorders
– Medical health issues (Kreipe)
– Mental health issues (Tantillo)
Panel: Four Perspectives
– Coach (Wright)
– Athlete (Padgham)
– Trainer (Abegglen)
– Parent (Patchen)
Anorexia Nervosa
(pursuit of thinness)
Insufficient energy intake
Wasting of the body
Delusion of being fat
Obsession to be thinner
Does not diminish with weight loss
Inadequate Energy Intake
Physical health
Mental health
Absent menses
Cold hands/feet
Dry skin/hair loss
Social withdrawal
Obsessiveness (food)
Bulimia Nervosa
(avoidance of obesity)
Recurrent, secretive binge-eating
Fear of not being able to stop eating
Awareness that eating pattern is abnormal
Depressed moods and self-deprecating thoughts
Temporary relief via avoidance of weight gain by
Self-induced vomiting
Catharsis or diuresis
Signs & Symptoms of Binge Eating
Physical health
Mental health
Weight gain
Salivary gland
Signs & Symptoms of Vomiting
or Laxative Abuse
Physical health
Mental health
Weight loss
Electrolyte disturbance
– K
–  CO2
Dental enamel erosion
Low blood volume
Knuckle calluses
Eating Disorders: Dispelling Myths
An individual can have an eating disorder AND
be medically compromised AND have normal
lab values
Some individuals starve themselves to look
like they are in a “normal weight range for
height and age.”
Eating Disorders occur in either sex, in any
race, ethnic or socioeconomic group, in any
neighborhood, at any age, at any height AND at
any weight.
Dr. Kreepie
Keys, et al
The Biology of
Human Starvation
U Minnesota Press
Bonus question:
What was Ancel
Keys’ claim to fame?
Affected Biological Systems
 Neurologic (CNS and PNS)
 Skin and Hair
 Cardiovascular
 Hematologic
 Hepatic
 GI: motility, absorption
 Endocrine (hypothalamic)
– Thyroid
– Growth hormone
– Adrenal
– Gonads
 Musculoskeletal
Kreipe RE. Assessment of Weight Loss in
the Adolescent. Ross Labs. Columbus,
OH 1988.
Drawing by C. Lyons, MD
Salivary gland enlargement
Dental Enamel Erosion
- Dentin (yellow) visible beneath
eroded enamel (white)
- Worse on lingual than buccal
A: Less enamel loss on buccal
B: Enamel sparing in gingival
Erosion of enamel (white) and dentin (yellow)
from persistent vomiting, resulting in tooth
decay, fracture, and loss
Malnutrition and Hypometabolism
 Energy intake results in wasting of lean (muscle) > fat
Metabolism occurs in the lean body mass>>>>>fat
Energy conservation:  BMR;  Temp.;  HR;  Peripheral
blood flow;  Physical activity
~70% of regained weight is lean body mass
Week 1:
•Wt 91#;
•S.G. 1.018;
•HR: 62 70;
Weekly visits
Week 5:
•Wt 91#;
•S.G. 1.020;
•HR: 4482
Recheck Wt.
(observed) and
physical exam
Slow Capillary Refill
Livedo Reticularis
Bluish discoloration of skin
Reticular (“lacy”) pattern
Asymptomatic, but often
associated with low core
temperature and metabolism
Signs of Eating Disorders for Coaches,
Trainers, Friends, Parents and Loved Ones
Social withdrawal
 Evidence of binge eating (large amounts of food eaten
in brief time period)
 Hoarding food, empty wrappers and food containers
 Use of laxatives or diuretics (or boxes)
 Leaving the table immediately after meals
 Creation of complex life style, schedule or rituals to
make excuses to not eat, or time for exercise or bingepurge episodes
 Behaviors and attitudes indicating wt loss, dieting
and control of food are primary concerns
Female Athlete Triad
Usually begins with disordered eating in an attempt to
lose weight
Disordered Eating
– More common in sports emphasizing leanness
– Can negatively affect athletic performance
Loss of menstrual periods
Is often due to imbalance of eating and training
May be the “norm,” but is never “normal”
Can result in loss of bone; may be irreversible
If prolonged, increases fracture risk, esp. stress
Nutrition: key factor for good health
Health: key factor for athletic performance
(NCAA, 2005)
Risks for Disordered Eating in Athletes
Belief that low body weight/body fat improves
performance (implicit/explicit messages?)
Sport-body stereotypes
Habits of good athlete  eating disorder habits
Presumption of health
Revealing uniforms or sport attire
Competitive thinness (college age & sports
performance related)
Coping with pressures associated with sport
(NCAA, 2005)
Approach to Student with
Female Athlete Triad
Someone in authority who has a good relationship
with the athlete
Convey caring and concern, not criticism
Talk privately – focus on health
Listen non-judgmentally and with compassion
Inform athlete of need for evaluation and plan
Athlete considered “injured” until evaluation and
recommendations offered (standard policy)
Confidence in evaluation and hope for return to sport
Communicate with treatment team, parents (<18 yo)
to form collaborative partnership
(NCAA. 2005)
Symptomatic Athletes Are Unlikely to
Recover without TreatmentIt is Required
Athlete becomes isolated, gets less support, making
disordered eating more difficult to monitor.
Deterioration physically and psychologically has
negative effect on performance.
Poor performance (related to self-concept) results in
increased pressure to try to improve performance.
Ineffective attempts to improve performance
increases worry that others will be disappointed.
Disordered eating becomes a coping mechanism
that helps athlete deal with the negative effects of
disordered eating (positive feedback loop).
(NCAA, 2005)
The physical attributes of the athlete
establish the ceiling on performance,
the mental and emotional skills of the
athlete determine how close she/he
comes to reaching that ceiling.
(NCAA, 2005)
Female Athlete Triad
Focus on health, not body weight or fat to:
1. Nutrition – (over/under-eating, unbalanced diets, nutrientpoor foods, unusual or no schedule): need nutritional info.
2. Sleep/rest - Many student-athletes sleep <6 hrs/day,
decreasing resilience and performance.
3. Substance use - (alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs,
nicotine, and dietary or “ergogenic” supplements).
4. Psychological factors (cognitive and emotional) can affect
A focus in these areas does not put the athlete at risk.
These factors can enhance performance by improving
physical and psychological health.
(NCAA, 2005)
Screening Tests
for Athletes with Eating Disorders
The Athletic Milieu Direct Questionnaire (Nagel et al., 2000); Newer
test for detecting ED’s in athletes but respondents know what test is
looking for
Physiologic Screening Test for ED’s/Disordered Eating Among
Collegiate Female Athletes (Black et al., 2003); 18 items including:
-4 physiological symptoms (e.g., percent body fat, waist-hip
ration, standing systolic BP, parotid gland enlargement)
-6 interviewer questions (e.g., dizziness, ABD bloating)
-8 self report items (e.g., hours exercised outside practice,
menstrual irregularity)
Highly sensitive (87%) and highly specific (78%) for detecting athletes
who either have disordered eating or ED’s
- Disconnect patient from herself and others
- Disconnect family from other families
- Disconnect family from staff
- Disconnect treatment team from one another
Disconnection: A disturbance in the flow of
relationship that prevents or interrupts the
experience of perceived mutuality and is
characterized by:
Low self-worth
Low energy, tension, feeling locked up or out
Feeling confused re: the self, other, and the
relationship; intolerance of difference
Wanting less connection; isolation
Disconnecting from Oneself to Maintain
“In situations with family, it’s so inappropriate to have
different opinions,…the smallest trace of being
different makes it easier to not be liked…I was so
cautious of the way I sat and the words I used when I
was over there tonight. I didn’t want to make a wrong
move, make the wrong comment, or even sit, walk
wrong. I have to close off every part of myself when I’m
with them. I have to lock it away.”
(Betty, 10/21/03)
Biopsychosocial Risk Factors:
Serotonergic Disturbance; Starvation;
Psychology: Disconnections; Relational
Socio-Cultural: Toxic Societal Values that objectify
women’s (and men’s) bodies and teach
us to value ourselves from the outside in
Hopelessness; Meaninglessness; Isolation
Signs of Eating Disorders for Coaches,
Trainers, Friends, Parents & Loved Ones
Preoccupation with weight, food, calories, fat & dieting
 Rapid or dramatic weight loss
 Refusal to eat certain (“unhealthy”) foods
 Frequent comments about feeling fat (despite wt loss)
 Anxiety about being fat or gaining weight
 Denial of hunger
 Food rituals
 Consistent excuses at meal times
 Rigid exercise routine (despite illness, fatigue, injury)
Between the body and self
With others
Among all the adults who care for the student
at home and school and in the community
Mutual Relationships
Mutual relationships are characterized by
“The Five Good Things:”
Sense of energy/zest
Increased clarity re: oneself, the other, and the
Increased sense of empowerment
Increased desire for more connection
Women with eating disorders require
mutually empathic and empowering
relationships to work through the intense
denial, ambivalence, and fear that keep
them stuck in the early stages of change.
(Tantillo, Nappa Bitter, & Adams, 2000)
“Having an eating disorder is like being in a frying
pan surrounded by horrendous flames. On the
other side of those flames is recovery. My
therapist and others are on the recovery side
telling me to step out of the pan into the flames
and to walk through the fire to reach recovery. I
think to myself, “Are they nuts?!” Don’t they know
how frightened I am to step into the fire? It will
destroy me. I will die.This frying pan (eating
disorder) is safe and protective because I know
how to live in it. I know how to “be” in the pan.”
Cindy Nappa Bitter, 2001
Stages of Change Model
(Prochaska & DiClemente)
Pre-contemplation: no perceived need to change,
Contemplation: able to consider change, ambivalent
Preparation: ready to change
Action: implementation of plan to change
Maintenance: feedback to maintain change
Supporting Change in College Health
Settings: Consciousness-Raising, Helping
Relationships, and Social Liberation
Provide information about
–How we get in our own way
–Recovery process
 Coaching/therapeutic relationship (alliance), support
groups and recovered peer mentors
 Awareness of influence of language, environment and
social norms
 Self-monitoring/Journaling (food, emotions, relationships)
 Discuss/write about how the eating disorder helps or
hinders the student achieve life goals and live out values
(e.g., athletic goals)
Norcross, & DiClemente, 1994)
Coach and Health Care Provider Approach
Validation (shame/secrecy)
Direct and specific questions
Don’t assume
Cognitive distortions, reasoning errors (all/nothing
thinking, overgeneralizations, negative mental
filtering, etc.)
Be genuine, real (not opaque and distant)
Warmth and humor
Be consistent and persuasive
Team approach and good communication helps
avoid splitting
Potential Obstacles/Challenges in Referring
& Managing Students with Eating Disorders
School personnel anxiety, lack of education and
 Inconsistency/Lack of communication among
school personnel (e.g., coach, health services,
mental health), family, and/or outside
 Family Shame/Assumption of blame, parental
anxiety, denial, or anger
Potential Obstacles/Challenges in Referring
and Managing Students with Eating
Disorders (continued)
Not understanding that the Eating disorder
decreases the student’s ability to make healthy
decisions (they are adults but are impaired)
 Lack of a trusted person to routinely eat with the
student and monitor intake
 Lack of routine check-in meetings with all team
members and student/family
Referral to and Collaboration with Other
Health Care Providers (continued)
Ensure good communication with team members in
school (school nurse, coach, counselors, teachers,
 Maintain consistency of treatment plan.
 Clearly identify for student and family supportive
school personnel.
 Set up check-in times with team and student/family.
Specify roles and responsibilities (weekly weigh-ins,
lab work, lunch supervision, etc.) for all adults
involved in treatment plan.
Collaboration among School Personnel,
Mental Health Providers, and Family
Validate the burden incurred by the illness.
 Educate and share information.
 Encourage student and family to connect ion
ways that don’t involve the eating disorder.
 Encourage and model communication/problemsolving skills.
Prevention Strategies for Coaches to
Decrease Risks in the Athletic Environment
De-emphasize weight.
Do not compare one athlete’s body/performance to
another athlete’s body/performance (the other
high performance athlete may have an eating
Remember young women are sensitive about their
weight and body image
Enhance performance without a focus on weight
Promote development of mental and emotional
skills (imagery, positive self-talk, goal-setting,
mental preparation, mindfulness, and relaxation
training) .
(NCAA, 2005)
Prevention Strategies for Coaches to
Decrease Risks in the Athletic Environment
Foster mutual connections among athlete and
coach/trainer, team members, and other
Recognize individual differences in athletes
(athlete profiles describe but don’t predict)
Increase education of athletes, coaches athletic
trainers, and other sport personnel (re: DE, eating
disorders, nutrition, Female Athlete Triad)
Involvement by Sport Governing Bodies (NCAA).
(NCAA, 2005)
“Lean Sports” Increase Risk for
Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders
Judged sports
aesthetic (diving, figure skating, gymnastics)
appearance (ballet, cheerleading)
endurance (distance running, ski jumping),
weight-class sports (lightweight rowing,
revealing sport attire (swimming, volleyball)
Screening Tests for Athletes with
Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating
The Athletic Milieu Direct Questionnaire
Nagel, D.L., Black, D. R., Leverenz, L. J., & Coster, D.C. (2000), Evaluation of
a screening test for female college athletes with eating disorders and
disordered eating. Journal of Athletic Training, 35, 431-440.
Physiologic Screening Test for ED’s/Disordered Eating
Among Collegiate Female Athletes
Black, D. R., Larkin, L J. S., Coster, D. C., Leverenz, L.J., & Abood, D. A.
(2003). Physiologic Screening Test for Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating
Among Female Collegiate Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 38, 286297.