Introduction to the Human body/Chapter I
Transcript Introduction to the Human body/Chapter I
Joe Pistack MS/ED
Anatomy-the branch of science that studies
the structure of the body.
Ex. Describes what the heart looks like.
Physiology-the branch of science that
describes how the body works or functions.
Ex. How the heart pumps.
Pathophysiology-the branch of science that
describes the consequences of the improper
functioning of body parts.
Body is organized from simple to complex.
Tiny atoms form molecules.
Larger molecules organize into cells.
Groups of cells form tissues.
Tissues are arranged into organs.
The human body is made up of eleven major
organ systems:
(1) Integumentary system-consists of skin and
related structures such as hair and nails.
(2) Skeletal system-forms the basic framework of
the body.
(3) Muscular system-responsible for movement of
the skeleton and maintenance of body posture.
(4) Nervous system-consists of the brain, spinal
cord, nerves, and sense organs.
(5) Endocrine system-consists of numerous
glands that secrete hormones and chemical
substances that regulate body activities.
(6) Circulatory system-consists of the heart and
blood vessels.
(7)Lymphatic system-consists of lymph nodes,
lymphatic vessels ,lymph and lymphoid organs.
(8)Respiratory system-consists of the lungs and
other structures that conduct air to and from the
(9) Digestive system-consists of organs designed
to eat food, break it down into substances that
can be absorbed by the body and eliminate the
(10) Urinary system-consists of the kidneys and
other structures that help execrete waste
products from the body through the urine.
(11) Reproductive system-consists of organs and
structures that enable humans to reproduce.
Homeostasis-the body’s ability to maintain a
stable internal environment in response to a
changing external environment.
Ex. Body temp. remains the same even when
the external temperature reaches highs or
position-the body
is standing erect,
with face forward,
the arms at the
sides, and the toes
and palms of the
hands directed
Specific terms describe the position of one
body part in relation to another body part.
Terms are in pairs.
Two terms in each pair are generally
Superior-the part is above another part or
closer to the head.
Ex. The head is superior to the chest.
Inferior-the part is located below another
part or is closer to the feet.
Ex. The chest is inferior to the head.
Anterior-toward the front surface. (the belly
Another word for anterior is ventral.
Ex. The heart is anterior to the spine.
Posterior-toward the back surface.
Another word for posterior is dorsal.
Ex. The heart is posterior to the breastbone.
Medial-toward the midline.
Ex. The nose is medial to the ears.
Lateral-away from the midline of the body.
Ex. The ears are lateral to the nose.
Proximal-structure is nearer the point of attachment,
usually the trunk of the body.
Ex. Elbow is proximal to the wrist.
Distal-part is farther away from the point of
attachment than is another part.
Ex. Wrist is distal to the elbow.
Superficial-part is located on or near the surface of
the body.
Ex. Skin is superficial to the muscles.
Deep-the body part is away from the surface of the
Ex. The bones are deep to the skin.
Central-part located in the center.
Ex. The heart is located centrally.
Peripheral-away from the center.
Ex. Blood vessels are located peripherally.
Planes divide the
body with an
imaginary line,
three important
1. Sagittal planedivides the body
lengthwise into
equal right and left
2. Frontal planedivides the body into
anterior (ventral) and
posterior (dorsal)
portions. Also called
the coronal plane
because an imaginary
line is made where a
crown sits on the
3. Transverse planedivides the body
creating an upper
(superior) and a
lower (inferior)
Abdominal-anterior trunk just below the ribs.
Antecubital-area in front of the elbow.
Buccal-cheek area, specifically between the
gum and cheek.
Cervical-neck region.
Cranial-nearer to the head.
Digital-fingers, toes.
Femoral-thigh area.
Flank-fleshy area along each side between the
lower ribs and the top of the hip bones.
Inguinal-area where the hips meet the trunk
Orbital-area around the eye.
Patellar-front of the knee.
of the body.
Pubic-genital area.
Caudal-nearer to the lower region of the spinal
Deltoid-rounded area of the shoulder closest to
column (near your tailbone).
the upper arm.
Lumbar-area of back between the hips and
Occipital-back of the head.
Popliteal-behind, or back of, the knee area.
Scapular-shoulder blade area.
the ribs.
Cavity-large ,internal space.
Viscera-the organs located within the cavities of
the body.
Two major cavities: dorsal and ventral.
Dorsal cavity-located toward the back of the
Dorsal cavity has two divisions: cranial cavity and
the spinal cavity.
Has two divisions:
1. Cranial cavity-located
within the skull and
contains the brain.
2. Spinal cavity-extends
downward from the
cranial cavity and is
surrounded by bony
vertebrae, contains the
spinal cord, these two
areas form one
continuous space.
Ventral Cavitylocated toward the
front of the body,
has two divisions:
1. Thoracic cavity
2. Abdominopelvic
Thoracic cavity-located above the diaphragm
and is surrounded by the rib cage.
Divided into two compartments:
1. Mediastinum-space that contains the
heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus gland, and
large blood vessels attached to the heart.
2. Pleural cavity-contains the right and left
cavity-located below
the diaphragm.
Upper portion is the
abdominal cavity.
Contains the
stomach, most of the
intestine, liver,
pancreas, spleen and
Pelvic cavity-lower
portion of the
Extends downward
from the level of the
hips and includes the
remainder of the
intestines, rectum,
urinary bladder, and
internal parts of the
reproductive system.
cavity can be
divided into four
(RUQ)-right upper
(RLQ)-right lower
(LUQ)-left upper
(LLQ)-left lower
cavity can be separated into
nine regions:
1. Right hypochondriac region
2. Right lumbar region
3. Right iliac region
4. Epigastric region
5. Umbilical region
6. Hypogastric region
7. Left hypochondriac region
8. Left lumbar region
9. Left iliac region
There are four smaller cavities
Oral- mouth
Nasal - nose
Orbital - eyes
Middle ear – area between the ear drum and the
Eustachian tube