“Jewish” Art?

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Transcript “Jewish” Art?

Jews have always created art in the style of
whatever culture that they happen to find
themselves in.
Jewish artists, such as Chagall, portrayed
Judaic scenes, but in the style of the secular
culture of their time.
Middle East = Muslim
Star of David = Islamic symbol, Arabic coins
1914, Vitebsk, Russia. Portrays moving from place to place. Face
is shadowed to portray the disintegrated identity.
If there was a genuine Jewish art, it was perhaps
the decoration of the temple in Jerusalem, but
descriptions indicate that it was completely in the
style of the times and resembled the pagan
If Jewish art is anything it is that used on ritual
objects, or that used on the temples.
Kiddush cups- oil cups
Lavers- vessels for ceremonial hand washing
Torah Scrolls
Synagogue in Egypt=Egyptian mosques
Basically the outside of all the synagogues
look like the buildings around them, but the
major difference is how it is all laid out.
Solomon’s Temple was in the style of a pagan
Jewish art and architecture is just that of their
time that happens to be built by or created
for the Jews.
Governed by strict rules.
Situated in direction of Jerusalem.
In Orthodox synagogues men and women sit
Often both a sanctuary for religious services
and a place for religious education and
community activities.
Served as the only physical manifestation of
God on Earth.
Built to carry 10 commandments.
Mysterious deaths linked to touching it.
When Solomon’s temple was destroyed the
Ark of the Covenant disappeared.
One of the oldest symbols of Jewish faith.
Seven-branched candelabrum.
Symbol of the Nation of Israel, and our
mission “to be a light unto the nations.”
Isaiah 42:6.
Traditionally used for Hannakuh, and in the
Scriptures used in services are written on
parchment scrolls, handwritten in attractive
Hebrew calligraphy.
Scrolls are kept covered with fabric and often
ornamented with silver crowns on the handles
of the scrolls and a silver breastplate in front.
Can’t touch the parchment possibly because
they are so holy, or because it can damage it
over time, and others believe it is because the
parchment is made from animal skin.
Instead you follow the text with a pointer
called a Yad, which means hand in Hebrew.
Shaped like a hand with a pointed finger.
Made of silver or olive wood and may be
The word Kosher comes from the Hebrew
word Kashrut meaning fit, proper or correct.
Kosher is often used to describe food or ritual
objects that are made in accordance with
Jewish law.
Food that is NOT kosher is commonly
referred to as treif
Although the details of kashrut are extensive,
the laws all come from a few fairly simple
Certain animals may not be eaten at all. This includes the flesh, eggs and milk of
these animals. (Pig, Camel, Rock Badger, Hare) (Kosher animals must have cloven hooves and
chew its cud.)
Of the animals that can be eaten, the birds and mammals must be killed in
accordance with Jewish law. (Can’t eat animals that die of natural causes or that were killed by
animals. Also the animals must be free of disease and have no flaws in their organs at the time of
All blood must be drained from meat and poultry, or be broiled out of it before it’s
Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten. (The sciatic nerve and its adjoining
blood vessels. A certain kind of fat known as chelev, this is the fat surrounding your organs)
Fruits and vegetables are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs, because bugs
are not kosher.
Meat cannot be eaten with dairy. (Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and grains can be eaten with
either meat or dairy.)
Utensils, including pots, pans, and other cooking surfaces that have come in contact
with meat may not be used with dairy, and vice versa. Utensils that have come in contact
with non-kosher foods may not be used with kosher food. This applies only where the contact
occurred while the food was hot.
Grape products made by non Jews may not be eaten.
There are a few other rules that are not universal.
When a boy is eight days old, he is
circumcised by the rabbi. This is a symbol of
belonging to the pact between God and
Bat=girl-12 Bar=boy-13
Bat Mitzvah’s are not celebrated by Orthodox Jews.
Marks the entering of the child into adult observance of Jewish
religious activities.
Important social happenings that bring the family together.
Gifts are presented.
This ceremony does not age more the 500 years.
Takes place on the Sabbath following the boy’s 13 birthday and
includes participating in the hymns in the synagogue as well as
having to recite a text from the Torah or from the prophets.
Bat Mitzvah, which is Hebrew for “Daughter of the Commandments,”
resembles the one for boys but the ceremonies actual content
changes from synagogue to synagogue. Popularity grew strong the
20th century.
Weddings are always celebrated in
conjunction with the Jewish community and
synagogue, but the actual marriage is not
very religious in terms of regulations.
When a Jew dies he or she is buried as soon
as possible, but they cannot bury them on the
Sabbath. Then the family starts a seven day
mourning period called Shiva. During this
period they recite the prayer Kaddish. People
will come to the synagogue to say prayers for
the dead.