Transcript File

The Doctrine of the Bible
What is plenary verbal inspiration?
Inspiration: The Bible is God-breathed.
The scriptures are not the product of man, but rather
they are from God. God is the AUTHOR
Biblical Inspiration is NOT like human inspiration
- Mozart was inspired to write music (passionate)
- Scripture was inspired by God (breathed life)
Verbal Inspiration: The Words of the Bible are Godbreathed.
- The words of the Bible (not just the ideas of the bible)
are inspired.
- God chose those words for a specific reason.
- The Greek word for Scripture is “graphē.” This refers
to the actual physical writing paper and the marks on
the page.
- God told the human writers what to write (verbal
inspiration) and they wrote it down (graphē)
3. Plenary: The All of the words of the Bible are Godbreathed.
-All words, phrases, and ideas were inspired by God.
They have life and power from God
-All topics are inspired: history, poetry, law, prophets,
gospels, letters, revelation.
-2 Timothy 3:16 (Scripture’s Claim about itself)
All[plenary] Scripture [verbal] is
God-breathed[inspired] and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
Plenary Verbal Inspiration
-the words
given life
from God
B. How is the Bible different from any other book?
1. The Word of God is Eternal
 Peter 1:25, “But the word of the Lord endures forever.”
2. The Word of God is the only book inspired by God
 The Bible is the most powerful book
YHWH- the personal name of God
The LORD God
Loving kindness
A. The Scriptural view of inspiration
1. God set apart a special group to write His Word.
- These people were holy and faithful to God.
- They were chosen by God for this job
2. God used their personalities, but also
transcended them
- All the writers were different—different jobs,
languages, upbringing
-God used their styles, but also overruled when
3. God inspired the human writers to write things
they didn’t know or understand
- Example: Creation (Nobody was there!)
4. God inspired the human writers to write about
some things of which they had been eyewitnesses
- Many of Jesus’ disciples wrote down their
experiences Example: 1 John 1:1-3
5. Being an eyewitness is not sufficient. It has to
have God’s breath too. Example: Luke 1:1-4
6. God inspired the human authors to write
about things that human nature would
normally ignore or minimize
- The Bible talks about the worst of humanity
- It tells about the mistakes of many people
David and Bathsheba
2 Samuel 11
Disciple running away
Mark 14:51-52
B. Four non-Scriptural View of Inspiration
1. Natural Inspiration- The writers were passionate
to write down the words, much like Mozart made
music or Van Gogh painted. ONLY HUMAN
2. Partial Inspiration- Some parts of the Bible are
inspired and others are not. Example: The Bible is
accurate in morals and doctrine, but is unreliable in
areas of science and history.
B. Four non-Scriptural View of Inspiration
3. Conceptual Inspiration- only the concepts and
ideas of the Bible are inspired. The specific words
are not.
4. Becomes the Word of God- (Karl Barth) The
Bible becomes the word of God when you
encounter God in a spiritual moment.
A. The Bible claims to be the inspired Word of
1. There are many powerful statements of
inspiration in the Scriptures.
- 2 Timothy 3:16
- Acts 1:16
2. The phrase “Thus saith the Lord” (Thus the Lord
says) and similar phrases are found over 3,800
times in the Old Testament.
3. The human writers realized that God was giving
them the words.
- Exodus 25:1
- Jeremiah 1:1-2
4. The words of Moses are connected with the
words of Christ
- John 5:36-47
5. Christ placed his stamp of approval on the
6. The judgment attached to adding to or taking
away from the words of scripture shows God’s
attitude toward the importance of His word.
- Deuteronomy 12:32
- Revelation 22:18
7. Very few other books claim to be the Word of
-Koran, Book of Mormon, Bhagavad Gita,
8. We accept the authorship or reliable literature
until proven otherwise.
A. The fulfilled Bible Prophecies
1. Many events in the Old Testament correspond
or point to what happens in the New Testament.
2. Many New Testament events are fulfilled by
historical events
A. Destruction of Jerusalem fits with
Matthew 24:2
B. Peter’s actual death matches Jesus’
B. The scientific accuracy of the Bible
1. Scripture
-scripture describes natural phenomenon
which have been proven to be
scientifically accurate
2. Stories from life
-George Washington
- French Academy
- Ocean charts