Transcript Slide 1

Bell-work (take down these notes)
• Root words-The form of a word to which
prefixes and suffixes are added to create new
words. For example, instruct is the base for
forming instruction, instructor, and reinstruct.
• Context Clues-words or phrases that help you
comprehend the meaning of an unknown word
or passage.
• Reference source- dictionary, electronic
dictionary, or a thesaurus.
Let’s check out Quizlet, an amazing study tool for
word wall vocabulary words.
Let’s check out Edmodo, a great way to
Let’s check out Mrs. Nelson’s website, a great way
to see what you missed or to go back to.
• Partner up with someone who has a smart
Go to
You need a pencil or pen
“Terms to know”: A review
SuffixContext CluesSynonymPrefixAntonymBase word/root word(Full, by, non, able, ment, un, dis, re, ly)
How do prefixes and suffixes help us to determine
unfamiliar words?
Let’s watch an epic rap battle on The
Most dangerous game…
Exit Ticket
• Create 3 words that have a prefix, root word,
and suffix. Label the part of speech for each
word (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc…)