Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night! Piney Grove
Transcript Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night! Piney Grove
Welcome to Second Grade
Curriculum Night!
Piney Grove Elementary School
What to expect in Math?
Memorize Addition/Subtraction Facts - fluently
Problem Solving (word problems)
Regrouping 3 digit addition and subtraction
Telling Time to the 5 minutes
Graphing – Pictographs and reading graphs
Venn Diagrams
Patterns (shapes, #, constant and growing #’s)
Number Sense and Place Value
-www.firstinmath.com – great practice and enrichment
Science & Social Studies
• Science and Social Studies will be a graded subject on the
report card this year.
• Big Topics in Science
Changes in Matter
Life Cycles
• Big Topics in Social Studies
Reading is…
Comprehension, Accuracy & Fluency
-Students understand what they read
-Students can read the words correctly.
-Word Study
-Students can accurately read, with expression and
understand what they read.
Reading at School
Shared Reading
-whole class with second grade level text
Guided Reading
-small group, leveled books, students are taught at
their instructional level
Read Aloud
-we are expanding vocabulary, increasing book
language, making connections between texts,
modeling reading strategies
Silent Reading
-students read by themselves
Partner Reading
-students read with a partner
Fiction & Nonfiction
Fiction Text:
-Major Events
-Author’s Message
-Connections to other literature
Nonfiction Text:
-Main Idea
-Organization of Text
- Remember Key Vocabulary
-Author’s Message
-Connections to other literature
How can I help my child read?
Don’t let your child get frustrated!
-Be positive
-Choose the “just right book”
-Read aloud to your child
-Sing songs (be sure to have a copy of the lyrics)
-You read a page, your child reads the same page
-Reread books
-Paired Reading (The Fluent Reader, Rasinski, 2003)
*Reading is just like sports. You have to practice a
lot to be successful.
Word Study
Adapted from Words Their Way
by Donald R. Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Shane Templeton, and Francine Johnston
What Is It?
• Assessing students’ spelling to determine what
developmental spelling stage they are in
• Studying words that are appropriate for their
developmental spelling stage
• Grouping students for word study based on their
developmental spelling stage
• Studying words through comparing and contrasting
word features and discovering consistent patterns in
Stages of Spelling Development Among
Second Graders
• Stage 1: Emergent Stage
Random letters, scribbles, and some letters
• Stage 2: Letter Name- Alphabetic Stage
Use the names of letters to write the sounds they want to
-Early letter-name alphabetic stage:
use mostly consonants; usually only represent
the first and last sound in a word (ex: “when” is
spelled “YN”)
- Middle to late letter name-alphabetic stage:
master most beginning and end consonants in
words; use but confuse short vowels, but correctly spell long
vowels that say their name; can segment and represent most
sounds heard in one-syllable words; begin to represent blends
correctly (ex: “miss” is spelled “mes”; “great” is spelled “grat”)
Stage 3: Within Word Pattern Stage
Read and spell many words correctly
Correctly spell most single-syllable short vowel words blends (pl, cr, st,
etc.), digraphs (sh, ch, wh, th), and pre-consonantal nasals (ex: camp,
hunt, land)
Study chunks of letter sequences or vowel patterns within single
syllable words (ex: team, bruise, vein)
Stage 4: Syllables and Affixes Stage
Have mastered all of the previous spelling stages
Ready to spell syllable juncture patterns in words that contain more
than one syllable (ex: supplies, increase)
Word Study Strategies
Picture Sorts- putting pictures into category columns by initial sounds,
consonant blends or digraphs, rhyming families, or vowel sounds
Word Sorts- putting word cards into category columns based on sound
and/ or spelling pattern
Writing Sorts- writing words in columns according to the word’s
consonant or vowel sound and/ or spelling pattern
Word Hunts- hunting for words in books and their writing that contain
the same sounds and/ or spelling patterns in the words they are
How Can Word Study Help Your Child?
Comparing, contrasting, and analyzing words help students organize
what they know about words and form generalizations about words
that they can use to decode new words when they read, and spell
words when they write
Enables students to construct their own word knowledge for reading
and writing in a systematic way that is developmentally appropriate
for their stage of spelling, and makes sense to them
Second Grade Writing Rubric
Adapted from the WSFCS K-2 Writing Rubric
Early Developing (Below Grade Level: level 2 for the first quarter; level 1
beginning the second quarter)
-writes about familiar topics and ideas
-writes left to right across several lines
-writes short, patterned, repetitive sentences about a single
-uses more oral language than formal language
-writes familiar words and word wall words correctly
-uses letter sound relationships to spell unfamiliar words
(letter name-alphabetic stage of spelling)
-uses capital letters for names and the beginning of sentences
Developing (Level
3: at grade level for the first quarter; Level 2: below
grade level beginning the second quarter)
-composes several sentences related to a topic
-begins to expand oral language to formal and literary language
-uses some details which may be in a list-like form
-writes many high frequency words correctly
-uses temporary spelling which can be read by others
-consistently uses spacing, capital letters, and end punctuation
Early Independent
(Level 4: above grade level for the first quarter; Level 3: at
grade level beginning the second quarter)
a series of related ideas in an organized, step-by-step
sequential manner
-includes beginning, middle, and end with use of transition
words/phrases (ex: First of all, The next day, Finally)
-uses varied sentence patterns and lengths (every sentence should not
begin with the same word or have a short repetitive sentence
-begins to use vocabulary, ideas, and language from experiences and
-uses descriptive detail and some elaboration (writing helps reader
visualize what is happening
-writes most high frequency words correctly
-uses more conventional than temporary spelling
-uses correct capitalization and punctuation
Independent (Level 4: above grade level)
-writes with clear organization, sense of audience, and sense of
story that enables reader to visualize the story
-connects related ideas smoothly and logically using transitional
words/ phrases most of the time
-expresses several ideas to add details and elaboration most of the
-uses vocabulary, ideas, and language from experiences and books
-uses varied sentence patterns and lengths that develop and
extend the topic
-writes most words correctly with standard punctuation,
capitalization, and sentence fluency
-uses paragraphs consistently and appropriately
Celebration for Success
•Replaces Panda Pride
•Will take place at school in the morning –not at night
Reading Accomplishments
-four students per quarter
Math Accomplishments
-four students per quarter
Perfect Attendance
Good Citizens
What do 3rd Grade
teachers expect?
-Addition/Subtraction Facts-memorized (know them by memory)
-Practice multiplication facts 1-5
-Use complete sentences (nouns & verbs)
-Capital letters at the beginning of sentences
- Capitalize Proper Nouns
-Correct punctuation at the end of sentences
Be Independent Workers
-Write down homework assignments in agenda
-Homework is their responsibility
-Walk to class and unpack their own back pack
-Stay in seats and raise hands
Other Information
• A computer is available in Room 301 for parents to