Transcript Burnsx

Burns to the skin can occur in many ways.
Burns can be caused by:
1. Heat – A)dry heat ( fire) or heated objects
B) moist heat such as steam or hot liquids,
C) friction,- rope burn
2. Radiation- the sun
3. Electrical Current
4. Chemicals
Thermal burns are the most
common type.
Thermal burns occur when hot metals, scalding liquids,
steam, or flames come in contact with the skin. This type of
burn result frequently from fires, automobile accidents,
playing with matches, improperly stored gasoline, space
heaters, and electrical malfunctions. Other causes include
unsafe handling of fireworks and/or kitchen accidents (such
as a child climbing on top of a stove, pulling down a hot pot,
or grabbing a hot iron).
Inhaling smoke, steam, or superheated air can cause burns to
your airways, or toxic fumes, often in a poorly ventilated
There are three levels of burns:
First-degree burns affect only the
outer layer of the skin. They cause
pain, redness, and swelling.
Second-Degree Burns
*affect both the outer and underlying
layer of skin. They cause pain, redness,
swelling, and blistering.
Third-Degree Burns
• extend into deeper tissues. They cause white
or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.
First and Second Degree –
small area not involving the
mouth, face chest genitals or
circumferentially to the hands
or feet.
1. If the skin is unbroken, run cool water over the area of
the burn. A clean, cold, wet towel will also help reduce
2. Calm and reassure the person.
3. After flushing for several minutes, cover the burn with a
sterile bandage (if available) or clean cloth.
4. Protect the burn from pressure and friction.
Minor burns will usually heal without further treatment.
However, if a second-degree burn covers an area more than
2 to 3 inches in diameter, or if it occurred on the hands,
feet, face, groin, buttocks, or a major joint, then treat the
burn as a major burn.
1. Call 911 or your local emergency number.
2. Make sure that the person is no longer in contact
with smoldering materials. However, DO NOT
remove burnt clothing that is stuck to the skin.
3. Make sure the person is breathing. If necessary,
begin CPR.
4. Cover the burn area with a cool, moist sterile
bandage or clean cloth.
DO NOT apply any ointments.
Avoid breaking burn blisters.
5. If fingers or toes have been burned, separate them
with dry, sterile, non-adhesive dressings.
Elevate the body part that is burned above the level
of the heart.
6. Take steps to prevent shock. (Lay the person flat,
elevate the feet about 12 inches, and cover him or her
with a coat or blanket). However, DO NOT place the
person in this shock position if a head, neck, back, or
leg injury is suspected or if it makes the person
7. Continue to monitor the person's vital signs (pulse,
and rate of breathing) until medical help arrives.
DO NOT apply ointment, butter, ice, medications, fluffy cotton
dressing, adhesive bandages, cream, oil spray, or any household
remedy to a burn. (This can interfere with proper healing and
may need to be scrubbed off at the hospital).
DO NOT allow the burn to become contaminated.
DO NOT break blisters or scrub dead skin.
DO NOT remove clothing that is stuck to the skin; just cool the
area with water.
DO NOT give the person anything by mouth.
DO NOT immerse a severe burn in cold water.
This can cause shock.