Transcript PowerPoint

Solar System
The first planet from the sun
 Mercury is a small, rocky planet.
 It has a dusty surface filled with craters
The second planet from the sun
 Venus is almost he same size as Earth.
 It is a dry, hot planet with tall mountains
and deep valleys.
The third planet from the sun
 The Earth is a ball of rock almost covered
by oceans
 As far as we know, it is the only planet with
air we can breathe
The fourth planet from the sun
 Mars is about half the size of Earth
 It is a desert except for the ice caps at the
north and south poles
The fifth planet from the sun
 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar
 Jupiter is a giant ball of gas with a small
rocky center
The sixth planet from the sun
 Saturn is the second largest planet
 The rings that orbit the planet are made of
bits of ice and rock
The seventh planet from the sun
 Uranus is a giant gas ball with a rocky
 Uranus tilts over on its side
Neptune is a large blue green ball of gas
with a center of rock and iron
 Neptune has faint rings
 Neptune has high winds and many storms
that sometimes show up as dark spots
Pluto is the smallest planet
 It is the coldest spot in the solar system
 Pluto’s orbit travels around the sun in a
different path than the other planets