Device Preparation - Colorado Charter School Institute

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Transcript Device Preparation - Colorado Charter School Institute

CMAS Site Readiness
Fall 2014
This webinar has been adapted for Charter School Institute schools.
As a reminder, CSI follows the chain of communication followed by CDE. CDE communicates with districts (CSI, in this
case), and districts communicate with schools. In line with this, all questions related to assessments and the
associated technology preparation should be directed at CSI staff (Janet Dinnen or Michael Gelinas as appropriate).
To engage the interactive presentation, view the
presentation in SlideShow mode.
• The following slide has a table of contents. Click on one of the topics
(either by clicking on the topic title in the body of the slide or by
clicking on the number at the bottom right of the slide) to be taken to
4. Device Preparation
of the presentation.
• Use the back and forth arrows to move through the presentation slide
5. Infrastructure Trial
• Click on the number at the bottom right of the slide to move to a
particular section of the presentation
3. Proctor Caching
6. Support DuringTesting
• Click on the CO triangle at the bottom right of the slide to return to
the Table of Contents slide.
1. Online Testing Components 4. Device Preparation
2. Network Preparation
5. Infrastructure Trial
3. Proctor Caching
6. Support DuringTesting
Online Testing
Online Resources
SystemCheck Tool
Student Responses
Best Practices and
Recommendations for Device
Proctor Caching
Online Resources
DTC Site Readiness Support:
User Guides in PearsonAccess:
TestNav 8 Useful Information
CMAS System Check for TestNav8
Online Testing
Components Diagram
TestNav Technology Dependencies
Firewalls, content filters and spam
filters must allow the Pearson
Minimum Screen Resolution of 1024 x
768 is required
Browser Dependencies for Windows
and Mac OSX Devices:
• Java runtime plugin version 1.5
and higher
• Allow pop-ups for Pearson sites
• Accept Java applet
• Allow Local File access to home
Native TestNav Apps have been
developed for use on iPads and
Complete requirements can be found
• Windows Firewall configured to
allow javaw.exe to communicate
Student Responses
TestNav will save student responses to an
encrypted backup file so the student can
either continue testing or exit the system
without losing response data.
two Response File Save Locations on
Windows and Mac OSX devices
Devices using iOS & Chromebook
operating systems cannot use a
Alternate SRF file save location.
Best Practice: Primary Response
File Location should be on the
student workstation. The alternate
Response File Location should be on
a shared network location.
Designated in TestNav config in
TestNav requires at least one working
save location.
TestNav by default saves student
response data to:
<home dir>/Pearson/student/srf
Create a TestNav Config in PearsonAccess
to specify custom Primary and Alternate
file locations
Pearson recommends designating
Students must have full access to
designated Response File Locations.
TestNav Directories
TestNav creates a Pearson directory in
the home directory of the testing
Windows XP C:\Documents and
Windows Vista and 7
Mac //Users/username/Pearson/...
Student Log files:
• Pearson/student/logs
SRF file default location:
TestNav and test content is temporarily
stored locally:
Pearson recommends that the
Pearson directory be excluded if
desktop restoration tools such as
DeepFreeze are used.
How Proctor Caching Works
Proctor Caching is Pearsonsupplied software that is used
in conjunction with TestNav to
reduce bandwidth
requirements and accelerate
the delivery of test content.
Allows you to pre-cache test
content to your local network
before a test.
Reduces the burden on your ISP
by eliminating redundancy in
requests for test content.
Stores an encrypted local copy of
all pre-cached tests
System Check for TestNav
System Check was developed as a tool for customers to use to validate their computers to
ensure that TestNav software could run on their computers.
Support can also use System Check to validate the computer for any technical problems.
To gather realistic results System Check must be run from a student testing machine on the
same day of week/time of day when you anticipate performing online testing.
Best Practices and Recommendations
Testing Computers:
Use Proctor Caching for best
network performance.
Create Device Image with only "bare
minimum” OS, Browser, and Java for
a clean environment.
Use System Check extensively to
test Proctor Caching and network
environment before live testing.
Create “Kiosk” or GPO for
standardized assessment
Use System Check to test wireless
network capacity if using wireless
Use System Check (TestNav
Verification Test) to validate that
TestNav will load on machines.
Freeze browser, operating system
& Java environment if possible.
Best Practices and Recommendations
To assure Testing Computers will not interfere with TestNav:
Any applications that may automatically launch on a computer should be configured not to launch
during testing sessions. Common applications that may launch automatically include:
• Anti‐virus software performing automatic updates
• Power management software on laptops warning of low battery levels
• Screen savers and sleep mode
• E‐mail with auto message notification
• Calendar applications with notifications, such as Google Calendar
• Pop‐up blockers
• Set automatic updates (iTunes)
Section 2
Network Preparation
Online Resources
Antivirus Software
Configure Content Filter &
Antivirus Software
Verify Bandwidth Capacity
ISP Notification
Online Resources
Administrative Network Activities
TN8 User Guides in PearsonAccess:
TestNav 8 Hardware and Software Requirements
CMAS System Check for TestNav8
Configure Content Filter & Antivirus
ALL Pearson domains and ports must be allowed to pass through your Internet
firewalls, content filters or spam filters for inbound and outbound traffic.
* 80, 443
* 80, 443
* 80, 443
Allow traffic on ports 4480 and 4481 to flow freely on the network. Proctor
Caching uses these ports.
Enable javaw.exe exception created in Windows Firewall.
Antivirus Software
Some antivirus software, such as Sophos, can scan test
content even if it has been whitelisted causing performance
issues during testing. Additional configuration may be
Would you like to see the Sophos Anti-Virus
Sophos Anti-Virus
Disable the On-Access Scanning on all student
computer used for testing as well as the proctor caching
machines and servers where the secondary save
location exists.
Verify Bandwidth
Use the
SystemCheck tool to
find estimated
student testing
Identify network
restraints or
bottlenecks such as
wireless access points
using SystemCheck.
Verify Bandwidth Capacity
Based on the bandwidth test SystemCheck can provide the
number of students that can test concurrently. It can be used
to identify network restraints and plan the placement of
Proctor Caching devices. Once PC devices are added use
SystemCheck to verify student capacity.
Can Proctor Caching alleviate your network
Yes, Proctor Caching can alleviate
your network constraint
Install and configure the Proctor Caching device and
re-run the SystemCheck testing capacity tab to verify
Communicate the estimated student testing capacity
for each assessment environment to your DAC for
session planning purposes.
No, Proctor Caching cannot
alleviate your network constraint
Communicate the estimated student testing capacity
for each assessment environment to your DAC for
session planning purposes.
You may want to schedule fewer students than the
SystemCheck estimated student testing capacity
number. For example; If you have a wireless access
point with an estimated student testing capacity 32 for
the assessment environment, best practice would be to
schedule no more than 29 per session for that
assessment environment.
ISP Notification
• Notify your Internet Service Provider of your online testing
• Confirm that no scheduled maintenance or outages are
planed during that time.
Proctor Caching
Online Resources
Install & Device Requirements
Pre-Installation Planning
Verify Proctor Caching Device
Proctor Caching Monitoring
Online Resources
Proctor Caching 2013.1.3 Hardware and Software
Software & User Guide:
Pre-Installation Planning
• Determine number of PC devices required by your district
using SystemCheck.
• Place Proctor Caching computers as close as possible on the
network to the students’ testing computers.
• Must have full local administrator permissions on the PC
device & working knowledge of your network.
• Network connection 100 Mbps full-duplex or higher
• Minimum network connection is 10/100.
Proctor Caching Requirements
• Must have Fixed internal IP address.
• Windows Firewall will need to be turned off on the proctor
caching device.
• Open traffic on TCP ports 80, 4480, and 4481on the local
• Does not require an underlying server-based operating
Install & Device Requirements
1. Download Proctor Caching installer from
Log into PearsonAccess and click on
2. Run the installer and Start Proctor
Caching if not already started by the
3. Use SystemCheck from client computer
to verify that Proctor Caching is
Windows Device Requirements & Install
Mac OSX Device Requirements & Install
Windows Device Requirements
• Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista,
Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, or
Windows 8.
• 1.6 GHz x86-compatible processor.
• 1 GB RAM.
Install Proctor Caching Software Windows
1. Locate and download the proctor caching software.
2. Double-click the file you downloaded to open the installer screen.
3. You will be prompted with a security message. Click Yes to launch the installer
4. After the software loads, read the introduction, and then click Next
5. Proxy information displays. Verify that the Proxy Server Information is correct or
enter the correct value. Click Next.
6. Accept default destination folder and click Next. If you want to install in a location
other than the default, make sure the location has no spaces in its name. If the
Proctor Caching computer uses an upstream proxy computer to access the
Internet, Tips on Proctor Caching section.
Install Proctor Caching Software Windows
7. Select the locations to create the TestNav Proctor Cache icon(s). If you would like
the icon to appear when all users log in to the computer, select the Create Icons
for All Users check box, and then click Next.
8. Leave the check box selected and click Next.
9. Review the pre-installation summary, and then click Install.
10. You will see a progress bar and status information indicating that the software is
11. When the software is installed, click Done to close the installation. You will need
to restart your computer before launching the software.
Mac OSX Device Requirements
• Mac OSX 10.6-10.8
• Intel Core™ Duo 2.0GHz
Only Intel-based Macs are supported
• 1 GB RAM
Install Proctor Caching Software Macintosh
1. Locate and download the proctor caching software.
2. Double-click the install file, then double-click the installproctorcache file
to open the installer screen.
3. Double-click the installproctorcache icon to open the installer screen.
4. You will be prompted with a security message. Click Next to launch the
5. Proxy information displays. Verify that the Proxy Server Information is
correct or enter the correct value. Click Next.
Install Proctor Caching Software Macintosh
6. Accept default destination folder and click Next. If you want to install in
a location other than the default, make sure the location has no spaces in
its name. If the Proctor Caching computer uses an upstream proxy
computer to access the Internet, refer to the information below.
7. Select the locations to create the TestNav Proctor Cache aliases
(e.g.,icon). If you do not want the icon to appear when all users log in to
the computer, select the Don’t create aliases option button, and then
click Next.
8. Review the pre-installation summary, and then click Install.
9. You will see a progress bar and status information indicating that Proctor
Caching is installing. When the software is installed, click Done to close
the installation. You will need to restart your computer before launching
the software.
Verify Proctor Caching Device
To verify your proctor caching device is
running add it to the SystemCheck tool
and run a testing capacity check.
1. Open the SystemCheck tool and
navigate to the Testing Capacity
2. Select the +Add Caching Computer
button left of the green Start
3. Enter Display Name, the device’s IP
address in the Host, and 4480 into
the dialogue box an select Save.
4. Re-run the Testing Capacity check
and results will display from the PC
device and direct to Pearson.
Proctor Caching Monitoring
• Access Proctor Caching
Diagnostics screen in web
browser using IPaddress:port
Three Tabs:
1. Home
2. Contents
3. Client List
Contents Tab
The password to
refresh, reload or
Purge content is:
• Content is displayed at the Test and
Form level.
• Functionality is available to Refresh,
Reload or Purge selected test
• Clicking on a test name will display
the Content Details screen which
displays individual items in a test.
Contents Tab – Status
Ok – Content is successfully cached
Not Loaded – Content is not cached
Waiting… - Content is waiting to be loaded
Loading… - Content is currently loading
Failed to load content – There was a failure to load content
MD5 Check Invalid – MD5 comparison could not be completed
MD5 Mismatch – MD5 comparison was completed but files did not match
In general, any status in red is a critical problem. Any content with a
red status should be checked and Reloaded. If the problem is not
resolved contact Pearson Support
Client List Tab
• Clients which have connected to
TestNav are listed by IP address
• Clicking on a computer will
display the Client Details screen
which displays information
regarding a particular computer
connecting to Proctor Caching
Client Tab – Status
Ok – Client is active
Idle – 5 to 30 minutes since client was active
Long Idle – 30 minutes to 12 hours since client was active
Clients are removed after 12 hours of inactivity
Section 4
Device Preparation
Mac OSX 10.6 or Higher
Virtual Devices
iPad 2 or newer w/ External
Verify TestNav
Online Resources
Test Device Readiness
TN8 User Guides in PearsonAccess:
TestNav 8 Hardware and Software Requirements
CMAS System Check for TestNav8
Windows Device Preparation
Grant students read write access on SRF file default location:
TestNav creates a Pearson directory in
the home directory of the testing
TestNav and test content is
temporarily stored locally:
• Windows XP C:\Documents and
• Windows Vista and 7
Student Log files:
Pearson recommends that the Pearson
directory be excluded if desktop
restoration tools such as DeepFreeze
are used.
Windows Device Preparation
Choose your Windows version below.
Windows XP Device Preparation
• Must use HTML 5 compliant • Enable pop-ups for Pearson
Firefox version 25 or higher or,
Chrome Version 31 or higher.
• Java Requirements:
Firefox- Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Chrome –Java 1.6 to1.7
• Enable Local File access to
home directory.
• Disable Skype plugins in
Windows Vista Device Preparation
• Browser Requirements:
• Enable pop-ups for Pearson
Internet Explorer 9 or,
Firefox version 25 or higher or,
Chrome Version 31 or higher.
• Enable Local File access to
home directory.
• Disable all accelerators for
Internet Explorer.
• Java Requirements:
IE 9/Java 1.5 to 1.7
Firefox/Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Chrome /Java 1.6 to 1.7
• Disable Skype plugins in
Windows 7 Device Preparation
• Browser Requirements:
Internet Explorer 9 to 11 or,
Firefox version 25 or higher or,
Chrome Version 31 or higher.
• Java requirements:
IE 9/Java 1.5 to 1.7
IE 10/Java 1.6 to 1.7
IE 11/Java 1.7
Firefox/Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Chrome /Java 1.6 to 1.7
• Enable pop-ups for Pearson
• Enable Local File access to
home directory.
• Disable all accelerators for
Internet Explorer.
• Disable Skype plugins in
Window 7 and Firefox.
Windows 8 Device Preparation
Windows RT is not supported. Intelbased tablets must be used with an
external keyboard and mouse and must
have a 10 inch class screen.
IE 11/Java 1.7
Firefox/Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Browser Requirements:
Chrome /Java 1.6 to 1.7
Internet Explorer 10 or,
Enable pop-ups for Pearson sites.
Firefox version 25 or higher or,
Enable Local File access to home
Chrome Version 31 or higher.
Disable all accelerators for Internet
Disable Skype plugins in Window 7 and
Java requirements:
IE 9/Java 1.5 to 1.7
IE 10/Java 1.6 to 1.7
Windows 8.1 Device Preparation
Windows RT is not supported.
Intel-based tablets must be used
with an external keyboard and
mouse and must have a 10 inch
class screen.
Browser Requirements:
Internet Explorer 11 or,
Firefox version 25 or higher or,
Chrome Version 31 or higher.
Java requirements:
IE 11/Java 1.7
Firefox/Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Chrome /Java 1.6 to 1.7
Enable pop-ups for Pearson sites.
Enable Local File access to home
Disable all accelerators for
Internet Explorer.
Disable Skype plugins in Window
7 and Firefox.
Mac OSX 10.6 or Higher Device Preparation
Grant students read write
access on device.
SRF file default location:
TestNav creates a Pearson
directory in the home
directory of the testing
TestNav and test content is
temporarily stored locally:
Student Log files:
Pearson recommends that the
Pearson directory be excluded
if desktop restoration tools
such as DeepFreeze are used
Mac OSX 10.6 or Higher
Device Preparation
Choose your Mac OSX Version.
OSX 10.6
OSX 10.8
OSX 10.7
OSX 10.9
Mac OSX 10.6 Device Preparation
• Browser Requirements:
• Enable Local File access to
home directory.
Firefox version 25 to 28 or,
Safari 5.1.
• Java Requirements:
Firefox- Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Safari 5.1/Java
• Enable pop-ups for Pearson
• Disable Skype plugins in
Mac OSX 10.7 Device Preparation
Browser Requirements:
Enable Local File access to home
Disable Skype plugins in Firefox.
Set Safari Security Preferences for
Java to allow to Run in
Unsafe Mode.
Firefox version 25 to 28 or,
Safari 6 to 6.1.
Java Requirements:
Firefox- Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Safari 6 to 6.1/Java 1.6 to 1.7
Enable pop-ups for Pearson
Mac OSX 10.8 Device Preparation
Browser Requirements:
Enable Local File access to home
Disable Skype plugins in Firefox.
Set Safari Security Preferences for
Java to allow to Run in
Unsafe Mode.
Firefox version 25 to 28 or,
Safari 6 to 6.1.
Java Requirements:
Firefox- Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Safari 6 to 6.1/Java 1.6 to 1.7
Enable pop-ups for Pearson
Mac OSX 10.9 Device Preparation
Browser Requirements:
Enable Local File access to home
Disable Skype plugins in Firefox.
Set Safari Security Preferences for
Java to allow to Run in
Unsafe Mode.
Firefox version 25 to 28 or,
Safari 7.x.
Java Requirements:
Firefox- Java 1.6.30 to 1.7
Safari 7/Java 1.6 to 1.7
Enable pop-ups for Pearson
Java Set Up on Testing Computers
TestNav uses the Java plugin within a browser to ensure that the browser runs
in secure mode on Macintosh and Windows operating systems for highstakes assessments. TestNav 8 opens a Java applet in order to run full
screen, which is required to prevent test takers from accessing other
programs while testing on desktop and laptop computers.
Steps for Java Device Configuration
1. Install & Enable Java in Your Web Browser
2. Java Security Warnings (Don’t Block & Run)
3. Eliminate the Java Prompt when Testing
Install & Enable Java in Your Web
Go to the Java website at and follow
the instructions there to download and install Java on your
Follow the instructions on the Java website at
to enable Java in your web browser.
Java Security Warnings (Don’t
Block & Run)
You may receive a security
warning like this one, when
you run TestNav. If you do,
select Don't Block. The
content is safe.
You will receive a warning
like this one. When you do,
select Run, otherwise
TestNav will not open.
Eliminate the Java Prompt when
By default, Java will ask permission to run TestNav 8 every time it is started. To stop
this behavior and instead launch tests immediately, change a setting in the Java
Control Panel.
1. Find the Java Control Panel and open it.
In Windows, look for Java in the Control Panel.
In Mac OSX, look for Java in System Preferences.
2. Select the Advanced tab.
3. Change the setting shown to Enable - hide
warning and run with protections.
Create Shortcut to TestNav 8 URL
Create Shortcut to:
• for Science & Social Studies
Assessments or
• http :// for ELA & Math Assessments
iPad 2 or newer w/ External
Keyboard Device Preparation
Options for setting up and launching TestNav:
1. Use Apple Configurator via
Finding Your Release Version
Upgrading Your Release Version
2. Use Apple Profile Manager
Finding Your Log Files
3. Use a Third Party MDM
4. Use Guided Access Mode iOS 6
5. Use Guided Access Mode iOS 7
Use Apple Configurator via USB
To enable single app mode on iPad using Apple 5.
Configurator, you first back up the device to
retain any data or applications. You, then,
turn on Supervised mode (which wipes the
device) for your organization.
You may restore the iPad after testing by
placing the iPad in Supervised mode to put 7.
data and apps back on the device.
Connect the iPad to a Mac OS X machine
using a USB connection.
On the Mac OS X machine,
launch AppleConfigurator.
On the Configurator's Prepare tab, turn
on Supervision.
Tap the Prepare button at the bottom of
the window.
If prompted, enter the appropriate
organization information and tap Done.
When you are asked to confirm that you
want to apply the settings, tap Apply.
Wait while the Configurator completes the
updates. When complete, tap
the Supervise tab.
From the Lock to App dropdown menu,
select Testnav.
To release a device from the single app
mode, confirm that the device is
connected to the Mac OS X Server. Then
select None from the same menu.
Tap Apply at the bottom of the window.
Use Apple Profile Manager
Administrators can use Mobile Device Manager (MDM) to push a
profile to devices to wirelessly turn on/off single app mode.
Profile Manager is Apple's MDM solution for Mac OS X Server. You
can select the TestNav app from the Lock to App menu and push
the profile to supervised devices.
Use a Third Party MDM
You can use a third-party MDM to initiate Autonomous Single App Mode
(ASAM) mode (Lock to App). You can turn on single app mode when
you launch the application and turn off single app mode you close
the application. The ASAM feature requires BOTH a Supervised iPad
(which you enable only from Apple Configurator) and a third-party
MDM to push the custom whitelisting profile.
Administrators do not need to push profiles to devices to turn on/off
single app mode, but can grant TestNav the ability to invoke Single
App mode on-demand when it starts.
ASAM is the recommended solution for LEAs to manage single app mode
because it reduces administrator workload.
You may also use a third party MDM to wirelessly push a profile to
iPads, as described with Apple Profile Manager.
Manually Enabling Guided
Access on iOS 6
Orient the iPad so it displays in 4.
landscape mode
Go to Settings->General>Accessibility->Guided Access
Turn Guided Access on
Set Passcode
Enable Screen Sleep should be
in the “off” position
Manually Enabling Guided
Access on (iOS 6)
Touch the Accessibility left arrow to return to the Settings->Accessibility
Set the Triple-click Home setting to Guided Access
Hit the Home button
Manually Enabling Guided
Access on (iOS 6)
10. Triple click Home button.
11. Turn off Motion to lock iPad to landscape mode.
12. Turn on Touch setting.
13. Press Start.
Exiting Guided Access (iOS 6)
1. Triple click the Home button.
2. Enter passcode.
3. Press End.
iOS 7- Setting up Guided Access
1. Rotate iPad so the display is in landscape orientation.
2. Tap Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access.
• Turn on Guided Access.
• Set Passcode.
• Tap Accessibility Shortcut.
Using TestNav with Guided Access (iOS 7)
1. Launch TestNav app.
2. Triple click the Home button
and enter the passcode.
3. Tap Options.
Turn off Sleep/Wake.
Turn on Volume
Buttons setting.
Turn off Motion to lock iPad
to landscape mode.
Turn on Touch setting.
4. Tap Start.
Exiting TestNav / Closing Guided
Access mode (iOS7)
• Triple-click the Home button
• Enter the passcode.
• Tap end in the upper lefthand corner.
Finding Your Release Version
1. Tap Settings on the Home screen.
2. Locate TestNav in the list and select it.
3. The version and build number, such as 1.0.4 (0037), displays to
the right of TestNav.
4. If you cannot locate the version, exit Settings and launch
TestNav. After TestNav runs the first time, you can see the the
version information at launch.
Upgrading Your Release Version
After you install TestNav from the app store, it should automatically
update. However, if your technology environment does not allow
for automatic updates, you can manually update the application
using one of the following methods:
• Over-the air (MDM-managed iPads)
• Apple App Store
• iTunes (tethered iPads)
If you cannot update with the above methods, manually remove the
outdated version and install the latest version from the Apple App
Finding Your Log Files
1. Connect the iPad to your computer using the Doc Connector and a
USB cable.
2. Launch iTunes, version 9.1 or later.
3. Click iPad from the listed devices in the iTunes window.
4. Click the Apps tab and then scroll down to the bottom of the
page. View the list of apps currently installed on the iPad
under File Sharing.
5. Select the TestNav App. A list of TestNav log files displays
under TestNav Documents.
6. Select and open the log file you wish to view.
Chromebook Device Preparation
Determining Managed or
Unmanaged Chromebooks
Launching TestNav
Finding your Release Version
Installing TestNav on Managed
Updating your Release Version
Installing TestNav on Unmanaged Finding your Log Files
Chromebooks (such as BYOD)
Determining Managed or Unmanaged
To set up TestNav on Chromebooks, you should first determine whether each
Chromebook is managed or unmanaged. Unmanaged Chromebooks are typically
only used in "bring your own device" (BYOD) settings. To check if a Chromebook
is managed or unmanaged, see Manage Chrome Devices.
Installing TestNav on Managed Chromebooks
1. To install TestNav on managed Chromebooks, first
ensure that device settings are set to keep local data
so that the saved response file (SRF) and log files
don't accidentally get deleted:
a) Go to Google Apps for Education, and log in to the
Admin console for your domain.
b) From the Admin console, select Device
Management > Chrome > Device settings.
c) In the User Data section, ensure that Do not erase
all local user data is selected.
d) Select Save changes, if visible.
2. Enable Kiosk mode and set up TestNav on the
Chromebook as a Kiosk app:
a) Go to Google Apps for Education, and log in to the
Admin console for your domain.
b) From the Admin console, select Device
Management > Chrome > Device settings.
c) In the Kiosk Settings section, verify that Allow
Single App Kiosk is selected in the Single App
Kioskdrop-down. Also, if it wasn't already
visible, Manage Kiosk Applications should appear.
d) Select Manage Kiosk Applications > Chrome Web
Store. Use the Chrome Web Store Search box to
search for TestNav and install.
e) Select Add. Then select Save.
f) Leave Auto-Login to Kiosk App set to None, and
select Save changes, if visible.
3. See Turn On Single App Kiosk Mode for more
information about kiosk mode.
Installing TestNav on Unmanaged
Chromebooks (such as BYOD)
1. Log in to the Chromebook using
the owner account.
• If you do not have the owner account
information, back up any important data
into cloud storage, and wipe the device.
The instructions for doing so are not the
same for all Chromebooks. To find the
instructions for your device, see Wipe
Device Data.
4. Select the Developer mode checkbox, and
click Manage Kiosk Applications.
If you do not see Manage Kiosk Applications,
you do not have the correct owner account
information. Go back to step 1, and create a
new owner account.
5. Enter the TestNav ID mdmkkicfmmkgmpkmkdikhlbggogpicma in
the Add kiosk application box. ClickAdd,
and click Done.
• Create a new owner account, and log in
with that account information.
6. Sign out of the Chromebook.
2. Start the Chrome browser.
3. Enter chrome://extensions in the browser
address bar. Click Enter.
See Turn On Single App Kiosk Mode for more
information about kiosk mode.
Launching TestNav on a Chromebook
1. Power on the Chromebook, but do not log in.
2. In the lower left hand of the screen, select Apps > TestNav to
launch TestNav.
A message will appear informing you that you can use
<ctrl><alt>s to exit Chrome OS when you first launch
TestNav. This only works while the message displays.
3. To shut down and exit kiosk mode after the app launches,
hold down the Power button.
Finding your Release Version on a
1. Launch the TestNav app.
2. Focus your cursor in the username or password field.
3. Press <ctrl><shift>z and the File Viewer box appears. See the
application version under File Viewer.
4. If the File Viewer does not display, click on the window and
then press <ctrl><shift>z again.
Updating your Release Version on a
After you install TestNav from the Chrome Web Store, it should
automatically update by one of the following:
1. TestNav auto-updates in kiosk mode.
2. TestNav auto-updates on a timeframe specified within the Chrome
Web Store for non-kiosk mode implementations.
However, if your technology environment does not allow for automatic
updates, you can manually update TestNav to the newest version:
1. Remove the outdated version of the app.
2. Install the latest version from the Chrome Web Store.
Finding your Log Files on a Chromebook
1. Launch the TestNav app.
2. Focus your cursor in the username or password field.
3. Press <ctrl><shft>z and the File Viewer box appears.
If the File Viewer does not display, click on the window and then
press <ctrl><shft>z again.
4. Plug in your USB memory stick.
5. Click the download button next to the log file(s) you wish to
6. When the window opens, select the USB memory stick, and
click Save.
Point TestNav 8 App Toward TestNav URL
Choose the icon in the top right hand
portion of the screen and select >
Choose a different customer.
Select Colorado for the Science and
Social Studies assessments and
PARCC for ELA and Math
TestNav Verification
1.Start a Browser or App.
4.Choose "Sign In".
2. Select a URL:
5.Click the "Start Test Now" or
http ://
6.If you see the
3. Enter the following
"Congratulations" screen then
credentials in the login
your computer is correctly
configured to run TestNav.
Username: username
Password: password
Virtual Devices and Online Assessment
There are many different types of virtualization technologies in use
in school environments, many of which have broadly different
implications on both test security as well as the potential for
performance impacts to a student experience. The DTC
must ensure virtualization solutions for online testing can both
ensure appropriate test security during the assessment as well as
provide a comparable student experience in order to prevent
performance issues from impacting student performance on the
TestNav QualifiedTM Virtualization Solutions- Pearson’s TestNav
QualifiedTM Program with a list of qualified virtualization solutions
can be used in the implementation of CMAS.
Infrastructure Trial
Online Resources
Create Testing Sessions
Pre-cache Test Content
Create Students
Print Student Authorizations
Configure TestNav
Start Session
Online Resources
Quick Start Guide to Test a CMAS Assessment Environment
TestNav Configuration
Proctor Caching & PearsonAccess User Guides in PearsonAccess:
An Infrastructure Trial is a full scale dress rehearsal a school can
run to confirm that:
TestNav is configured correctly.
Devices can successfully run TestNav.
Network will bear the full load of simultaneous test-takers.
School personnel know what to do for computer-based assessments.
Students are familiar with the computer-based tools and formats.
Create Students
Use the wizard to create students in the CMAS PearsonAccess
Training Center (Science & Social Studies).
Configure TestNav
Configure TestNav in the CMAS Pearson Access Training
Configure TestNav
To create a TestNav configuration
for your organization, click on the
New Configuration button.
1. Fill in the Name of the
2. Select the school/Org used in
the configuration.
Configuration Details
Name for the caching machine
Internal network IP address of the caching
Port number for the caching machine (4480
for Pearson supplied proctor caching)
Next, you will set the Save Locations for the
students’ encrypted backup files for Windows
or Mac workstations. Pearson recommends
that a secondary save location be designated
when possible for redundancy.
Click Continue to complete the configuration.
Create Testing Sessions
Create a Test session in Test Management tab of
PearsonAccess Training Center
Select Manage Test Sessions and then select the New Session
Create Testing Sessions
Create a Test session in the CMAS Pearson Access Training
Be sure that the School selected matches the school selected
for the students you created using the student wizard.
Pre-cache Test Content
Pre-cache test content in your newly created Test Session.
Click on Proctor Caching to download test content to the
proctor caching machine.
Print Student Authorizations
Pre-cache test content in the your newly created Test Session.
Start Session
Pre-cache test content in the your newly created Test Session.
Section 6
Support DuringTesting
Online Resources
Recovering from Problems
Early Warning System
TestNav 8 Error Codes
Student Responses – SRF Files
Online Resources
Test Administration Support
TestNav 8 Error Codes
Test Administration Overview
TN8 User Guides in PearsonAccess:
Early Warning System (EWS)
The Early Warning System (EWS) is integrated
functionality that gives TestNav a high degree of fault
tolerance and provides additional fail-safes in the event of
unexpected network disruptions during online testing.
Early Warning System Design
Minimal interruptions for students.
Multiple physical file backups to safeguard against data loss.
Notification Screens designed for Test Proctors.
Early Warning System notifications often involve IT staff so an
understanding is necessary to correct any issues during
Student Responses – SRF Files
The EWS writes continuously in the background to the student
response files. Both the Primary and Alternate files are
written to at the same time.
The SRF file has a response data threshold that once reached
will trigger TestNav to send response data to Pearson.
Uploading of response data is continuous. If an upload fails,
TestNav will cycle and attempt another upload.
If the response data upload is successful, TestNav will create a
new empty SRF file and begin the process again. TestNav
will only delete an SRF file once it is successfully uploaded.
Student Responses Identification
A combination of the test ticket ID combined with the session
token is used to uniquely identify a Student Response File
TestNav can identify the correct student response file if a test
is successfully resumed.
The SRF can only be used the next time the student resumes a
Recovering from Problems on the Same
When a student logs in to resume a test, TestNav checks the designated response file location(s) to
determine whether a saved response file (SRF) exists by looking for a file with an extension of .srf
or .SRF. If the student is resuming the test on the same computer or device that was used
originally, this is what to expect:
• If an SRF is found, the file will be loaded and the student can continue testing.
• If more than one file is found, such as one in a primary and another in a secondary
save location, then the one with the newest time stamp will be used.
• If no file is found and the student is in Resume status in the system, the test taker
will continue with the test from where they left off according to the last item
uploaded to Pearson.
• If no file is found but the student is assigned Resume-Upload status in the system,
EWS will display a message.
Recovering from Problems on a Different Device
It is recommended that tests be resumed on the same computer or device, whenever possible.
However, if the EWS saved a student’s response file, but the student must resume the test on a
different device, there is a way to use the SRF from the original device on the new device.
1. The file must be moved from the original device to the new device.
This could be done by saving the file to a shared location, by transferring it using a USB
thumb drive, or any other method you prefer.
2. The student must be marked Resume-Upload by the proctor.
3. When TestNav is launched on the new device and the student logs in, the system will look
in the default location for the SRF on the new device.
4. When it is not found, an on-screen message will direct you to browse for the file so that it
can be retrieved.
5. Once the file is found by TestNav, it will automatically be uploaded to the testing server.
TestNav 8 Error Codes
The TestNav 8 Error Codes should be available to all test proctors to help support
students as they test.
The Guide provides a list of all the warning messages that TestNav may show a
student and how to resolve them.
Available through>Other Useful Information-> TestNav 8
Error Codes
Thank You for your Time!
CSI DTC (Technology Questions)
Michael Gelinas
[email protected]
CSI DAC(Assessment Questions)
Janet Dinnen
[email protected]
Schools should use Pearson as the
first contact for support during