Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

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Transcript Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

Java 5 Part 2
University of Sunderland
Harry Erwin, PhD
• Java 5 has been changed to improve the language.
• This lecture will discuss the changes. You will be
tested on your knowledge of Java 5.
• References include:
– McLaughlin and Flanagan, 2004, Java 1.5 Tiger: A
Developer’s Notebook, O’Reilly
– Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell, 5th edition, O’Reilly
Part 1 (Last Lecture)
• Arrays
• Queues
• Overriding return
• Unicode
• StringBuilder
• Generics
Part 2 (Today)
• Enumerated types
• Boxing
• Annotations
• for/in
• Static imports
• Formatting
• Threading
Enumerated types
• If you’ve worked with C++, you already know
how enums can be used as integer types to avoid
the need for ‘magic numbers’.
• In Java 1.4 and earlier, there were two ways to
define new types: classes and interfaces. This did
not cover some very specific programming needs.
• One such need was for a type that could have a
very limited number of values. The new
enumerated type or enum serves this need. (An
enum is just a Java class.)
• Many potential questions throughout.
enum Syntax
• enum enumName {list of values};
– The value list names are all uppercase by convention.
Comma-separated. See next slide for an example.
• Optional components:
interfaces that are implemented by the enum
variable definitions (an enum is a class)
method definitions (an enum is a class)
Value-specific class bodies
enum Syntax Example
public enum Foo {
BAR(0), BAZ(1), QUUX(42); //values come first
Foo(int val){ // constructor (private by default)
this.val = val;
private int val = 0; // internal variable
public void quuux(long val2) {return;}
public String getDescription(){
case BAR: return “BAR-0”; break;
case BAZ: return “BAZ-1”; break;
default: return “”+val+“?”;
A Few Points
• An enum is a class, not a primitive type.
• Enums extend java.lang.Enum, which is not an
enumerated type.
• Enumerated types are not integers.
• Enumerated types can’t have public constructors.
• Enumerated values are public, static, and final.
• Enumerated values support comparison by == and
More Points
• Enums are comparable (have an order).
• Enums provide toString(), returning the name of
the value.
• Enums provide a valueOf(String val) method to
convert a String to a value. Recognises the names.
• Enums provide a final method named ordinal(),
which is the integer position of the value in the
• Enums provide a values() method to support
enumeration over the value list.
Inline Enums
• You can declare an enum type within your
class rather than at the top level if it is
associated with that class.
• To access it outside your class, make it
visible (i.e., not private) and refer to it as
Iterating Over an Emun
• First, you use the values() method to get an array
of the values in the type.
Name[] nameValues = Name.values();
• Then you can iterate in the normal way.
• Or, use the following syntax:
for(Name n : Name.values()){
whatever you want to do with each name;
• This is a variant of the new for/in syntax (qv).
Enum and Switch
• Do the following:
switch(enumerated value){
case value1: …;
case value2: …;
case lastvalue: …;
default: …;
• Java writes a jump-table to handle this.
Enum and Map
• The values of an enum are Objects and can serve
as indices of a map!
• Suppose you have an enum called Foo, and
corresponding values in some class called Bar,
• You can create an EnumMap<Foo, Bar> around
the two classes
• An easy way that stores a full list of the enum is:
EnumMap<Foo, Bar> theMap =
EnumMap<Foo, Bar>(Foo.class);
• Then all you need to do is initialise the values!
• This is used to represent combinations of
features that can occur independently.
• First you define the enum enumName
• Then you create an enumSet to represent the
• There are a number of static member
functions in EnumSet to do this.
EnumSet Static Member
allOf(Class elementType);
complementOf(EnumSet e);
copyOf(Collection c);
noneOf(Class elementType);
of(one to five elements of the enum);
range(E from, E to); // avoid! If the enum changes,
you’re hash!
• clone();
• contains(E e); // to check whether e is present.
• Instances of primitive types are not objects. To
create an object for a primitive type value, you
have to wrap it in the corresponding reference
type—Boolean, Character, Integer, Float, etc.
• You must use reference types in Collections. This
can be an utter pain.
• Java has added autoboxing and unboxing. Those
features automagically handle this wrapping and
unwrapping via typecasts.
• Don’t unbox null; you’ll get an exception! Also
watch for problems with boolean expressions!
• Test questions.
• Advanced topic.
• Just be aware that you can write Java
methods that take multiple arguments of the
same type. The number of arguments need
not be predetermined.
• This is a standard way to annotate your code.
There are three standard annotation types:
– @Override just before a method definition indicates
that it overrides a superclass method.
– @Deprecated just before a definition indicates that its
use is discouraged
– @SuppressWarnings(value={array of “warnings”})
indicates that the following code should have specific
compiler warnings turned off
• You can also invent your own annotations and
even annotate your annotations.
• Also known as the enhanced for.
• Gets rid of the need to use an Iterator and
simplifies for loops.
• Syntax:
for(Object obj : collection){
operate on obj; // pseudo-code
• This also works with a generic collection with
members that are of a given type.
• String concatenation doesn’t work well, though.
• Test questions.
for/in for Arrays
• Suppose anArray is of type T[], where T is a
reference or primitive type. Then you can loop
through it as follows:
for(T t : anArray){ // t gets set to anArray[i]
// for each i from 0 to the end of the array
operate on t // again pseudo-code
• Note the types must be compatible. The collection
or array can be declared final (non-modifiable) for
• Test questions.
Static imports
• This allows you to import a static class, variable,
or enum and reference them with a simple name.
• import static java.lang.System.out;
• Now you can refer to out, rather than
• Also works for static methods (see Arrays and
Collections), member types, and enums.
• Wildcards (*) still work.
• Test questions.
• Advanced topic.
• import java.util.Formatter;
• Allows you to use printf().
• Advanced topic covered in a later lecture.
• I won’t be testing your knowledge of Java 5
threading changes.
• On the other hand, if you need to use
threads in your final year project or other
modules, Chris Knowles or I will be happy
to discuss this material off-line.