Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

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Transcript Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams

Java 5 Part 1
University of Sunderland
Harry Erwin, PhD
• Java 5 has been changed to improve the language.
• This lecture will discuss the changes. You will be
tested on your knowledge of Java 5.
• References include:
– McLaughlin and Flanagan, 2004, Java 1.5 Tiger: A
Developer’s Notebook, O’Reilly
– Flanagan, 2005, Java in a Nutshell, 5th edition, O’Reilly
Part 1 (today)
• Arrays
• Queues
• Overriding return
• Unicode
• StringBuilder
• Generics
Part 2 (next lecture)
• Enumerated types
• Boxing
• Annotations
• for/in
• Static imports
• Formatting
• Threading
• Many static utility methods have been added for
use with arrays. (Possible test questions follow!)
• To use them, import java.util.Arrays;
• Arrays.toString(theArray); lists the array contents
• Arrays.deepToString(theArray);
• Arrays.equals(array1,array2); tests two arrays for
• Arrays.hashCode(theArray); provides a hashcode
(qv) for the array.
• Arrays.deepEquals(array1,array2); is similar.
• Arrays.deepHashCode(theArray); is similar.
• import Java.util.Queue; to use queues.
• That gives you a nice first-in-first-out data structure.
• Don’t use add() or remove() with it, as they throw
exceptions. Instead, use offer() and poll(). offer()
returns false if the queue is full, and poll() returns null
if the queue is empty.
• If you want to see the next available entry in the queue
without removing it, use element() or peek().
• PriorityQueue is ordered using comparators. (It still
isn’t as efficient as a C++ priority queue.)
• Possible test questions
Overriding return types
• In correct C++ implementations—I believe Visual
C++ has finally fixed this—you can have a
‘covariant return’, where a method in a subclass
returns a more specialised type instance than the
overridden method in the base class. This is now
available in Java 5. The return type of the subclass
method must be an extension of the return type of
the base class, and the compiler must be told
you’re compiling Java 5 code.
• Possible test question.
Unicode 4.0
• Java 5 supports Unicode 4.0, which defines some
characters that require 21 bits in addition to the
16-bit standard Unicode 3.0 characters.
• You use int to represent these characters, and some
of the static methods in the Character class now
accept int arguments to deal with them.
• In a String, use a pair of char values to encode a
21-bit character.
• This is a drop-in replacement for StringBuffer
when thread safety is not an issue and speed is. (If
thread safety matters, use StringBuffer.)
• StringBuffer and StringBuilder represent
modifiable Strings, so you can edit them in many
• The toString(); method for either converts its
buffer into a String.
• To go the other direction, create a StringBuffer or
StringBuilder object around the String.
• This is the most important new feature of Java 5.
This allows a class to indicate that it uses or
contains instances of some generic type. This
increases the type safety of Java because the
compiler can verify that you’re using that type
• A generic class or method looks like a C++
template class or method.
• Test questions are to be found throughout the
material on generics!
Why Generics?
• This is pre-Java 5, legal, and unsafe
List listOfStrings = getListOfStrings()
for(Iterator i = listOfStrings.iterator();
String item = (String);
Do something with the String item
• You cannot remove the cast to String.
The Java 5 Solution
• This is legal only in Java 5 and much more safe:
List<String> listOfStrings = getListOfStrings();
for(Iterator<String> i = listOfStrings.iterator();
String item =;
Do something with the String item
• The cast to String is gone.
• Not much change? Wait.
Class Syntax for Generic
• class Foo<E> {
E can be used as a method argument type, a field
member, or anywhere that a type can be used in a class
(The naming convention for a parameter is to use
a single uppercase letter.)
• E cannot be used in a static member field as the
class that is shared among all instances of type
Foo<N> is Foo itself. Sorry!
• E can be used in static member methods.
Generics and Primitive Types
• They are incompatible, simply put. ‘E’
cannot be a primitive type. Use the
corresponding wrapper types (Integer,
Boolean, Float, Double, Character, etc.) and
let autoboxing and unboxing (discussed
later) handle the conversions.
• List<int> will fail.
• List<Integer> will work.
Generics and Collections
• All the collection classes support generics (in addition
to their normal use in pre-Java 5 code).
• Map even takes two parameters. Map<F, B> defines
the keys to the map as type F, and the values as type B.
• Iterators are also parameterized (although they can also
be nearly avoided using for/in loops, discussed later).
Note you must parameterize the iterator if the collection is parameterized.
• Finally, if you parameterize the iterator and not the
collection, you’re playing with fire.
Parameterized Types as Method
• private void Foo(Bar<Baz> argument);
– This works fine.
• private Bar<Baz> Foo();
– Returns an object of class Bar<Baz>.
• private void Foo(Bar<?> argument);
– Can read but not write objects of type Quux<?>
internally, and you cannot construct an object of type
• private void Foo(Bar<N extends Baz> arg);
– Is limited to N where N extends Baz. Similarly for class
definitions and implements.
• Bar<Object> is not Bar<?>.
Type Conversions with
Parameterized Types
• Here be dragons!
• Parameterized types form a hierarchy, but the
hierarchy is based on the base type, not on the
types of the parameters.
• A LinkedList<Float> is a List<Float>, but not a
LinkedList<Number>. (It is a LinkedList.)
• Why? Generics are a Java 5 add-on, and the class
files must be Java 1-compatible and forgetting
about the parameter types. (Inner classes are a
similar add-on with some unexpected behaviour.)
To avoid abuse, inheritance ignores parameters.
Arrays of Parameterized Types
• Here be more dragons!
• An array of type S[] is also of type T[] when T is a
base class or interface of S.
• If you try to store an object of type T into an array
of type S via an alias array of type T[], you get a
class cast exception. If the type S were
parameterized, this protection could not be
enforced during run-time, as parameterized types
are new in Java 5.
• So to prevent this, you are not allowed to create an
array of a parameterized type! Sorry!