European Imperialism - World History with Miss Bunnell

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European Imperialism
• Imperialism: the political and
economic control of one area
or country by another.
• Past Examples:
– Persia
– Rome
– European Colonies in 15th – 18th
The Roman Empire
What are the benefits to
controlling the
government and economy
of another country?
Causes of the “New Imperialism”
1. Industrial Revolution
– Steamboat helped reach the
interior of Africa and Asia
– Telegraph made communication
across large distances possible
– Railroad made shipping of goods
and raw materials easier
– Medicine made exploring new
areas safer
– New military weapons helped to
control local people
Can you name another time in history when
technology has promoted such a movement?
Causes of the “New Imperialism”
2. Economic Motives:
– Industry needed raw materials
– Industry needed new markets
3. Political Motives:
– Demonstrates a nation’s power
– Hoped to preserve a balance of
power between European
4. Social Motives:
– Social Darwinism: Belief that
some societies were superior to
others and should spread their
– Spread Christianity
The “White Man’s Burden”
to civilize and tame the wild,
heathen, native peoples of
the world.
The British “Raj” (Reign) in India
• During the 18th century Great
Britain took control of much of
• Reforms:
– Wiped out some old local
traditions and customs
– Built a railroad
– Spread Christianity
– Built schools and colleges
– English became official
• The Indians liked some of the
new changes, but resented the
changes to their customs and
Britain tried to
modernize India. Why
did the Indians resent
the British efforts?
The Impact of British Rule on India
• Government:
– Unified India under one government
– Made English the official language
• Economic:
– built roads, railways, and telegraph
– Hurt local cottage industry from
British manufacturing
• Health:
built hospitals
Introduced new medicine
Provided famine relief
Resulted in a population explosion
• Social:
– Indian culture was seen as inferior to
British culture.
– Indian workers provided cheap labor,
working long hours for little pay
Was the British
reign in India
good or bad?
The “Scramble for Africa”
• Between 1870 and 1890
most of Africa came under
the control of a European
• 1880 a revolt in Egypt
prompted Great Britain to
take over the country so it
could continue to use the
Suez Canal.
• In 1884 the Berlin
Conference divided Africa
up among the European
• By 1890 only Ethiopia and
Liberia were independent
Explain this picture
Major Imperial Powers
• France:
– Central Africa
– Northwest Africa above the Sahara
• Belgium:
– The Congo
• Great Britain:
– West Africa
– East African coast from Egypt to
South Africa
• Germany:
Southwest Africa
Positive Effects of Imperialism
in Africa
• Health:
Improved nutrition
Longer life spans
Population explosion
• Technology
– Modern transportation (steamboat &
– Communications (telegraph and
• Economics:
– Some Africans received an education
– Some received better jobs such as
administrators or in the army
Is the loss of the
control of your
government and
economy worth
the positive
outcomes of that
Negative Effects on Imperialism
in Africa
• Traditions:
– Led to an erosion of traditional
African values
– Destroyed existing social
• Culture
– African people were treated as
– Africans worked long hours for little
money in terrible conditions
• Politically:
– Africa was divided and led to
continuing tribal conflicts
European Powers and China
• Why Europe was
Interested in China:
– Large market for sales
– Valuable raw materials
– China had exotic goods
Europeans wanted
• China lacked a strong
military. Europe forced
China to do what it
The Opium Wars (1839-1842)
• Causes:
– Britain sold opium in China to get money
to buy tea
– China sentenced opium dealers to death
to try and stop this practice
– Britain declared war
• Britain easily won
• Results:
– Damaged the Chinese economy
– Created political instability in China
– Britain got new trade privileges, giving
Britain economic control of some areas
(Spheres of Influence).
– Other European countries wanted their
own Sphere of Influence
– Chinese people revolted against the
Chinese rulers
British gunships pound
the Chinese coast
U.S. Involvement in China
• U.S. Open Door Policy: The U.S.
proposed equal trading rights
between all countries in 1899.
• Truth is, the US wanted a part of
the action.
• Boxer Rebellion:
– Chinese (Boxers) rebelled against
foreign influence
– Hundreds of foreigners were killed
– European forces put down the
– The U.S. helped to stop the rebellion
with troops and ships stationed in
the Philippines, but also stopped
Europe from further dividing up
What does the rebellion
show of how the Chinese
people felt about foreign
What was the U.S. main
purpose in China?
Latin America
• Spanish American War:
– Spain still held Puerto
Rico, Cuba, and a few
islands in the late 1800s.
– Cuba rebelled against
Spain in 1898.
– In 1898 the USS Maine
mysteriously blew up in the
Havana harbor.
– US and Spain went to war.
– US won and received
influence over Puerto Rico,
Guam, and the Philippines.
Would you consider the
U.S. to be imperialistic
based on the events in
China, Japan, and the
Spanish American War.
Latin America
• Most of Latin America was
economically dependent on the
U.S. and Great Britain.
• Panama Canal:
– Shorter route between Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans.
– Area was owned by Columbia.
– President Theodore Roosevelt
encouraged Panamanian rebels
to declare independence in
– The U.S. protected the rebels.
– Took 10 years to build the canal
– Used the Monroe Doctrine
(1823) as a basis for protecting
the canal.
Roosevelt said “Walk
softly and carry a big
stick.” How does this
statement relate to the
Panama Canal situation.