Transcript Richard II

The Revival of Monarchy in
Northern Europe
•Charles VII (1422-1461)
•Jacques Coeur and the
French state.
•Louis XI “The Spider”
•The two cornerstones
of French nation
building: 1) The end of
the English Empire in
France and 2) the defeat
of Burgundy
• Louis XI left an
expanded and powerful
•His heirs pursued a
debilitating foreign
policy: Invasion of Italy
and four wars against
the HRE and the
The Holy Roman Empire
German princes resisted
every attempt at national
consolidation and unity.
The Golden Bull creates
Archbishops of Mainz,
Trier and Cologne; Duke of
Saxony; Margrave of
Brandenburg; the Count
Palatine; King of Bohemia.
Reichstag: 15th century
attempt to control internal
Emperor Maximilian I
(1493-1519) granted a
series of concessions to
promote cohesion.
German states remain
divided= Reformation.
Wars of the Roses
The Plantagenet dynasty had ruled England since Henry II took the throne in
Henry’s great-great-great grandson was Edward III (1327-1377), one of
England’s ablest mediaeval kings. (He started the Hundred Years War).
Edward III had five sons. However, untimely deaths and conflicts between
his heirs would make the monarchy unstable for much of the 15th century.
1) Edward, Prince of Wales, aka “The Black Prince”: 2) Lionel, Duke of
Clarence 3) John, Duke of Lancaster 4) Edmund, Duke of York
and 5) Thomas, Duke of Gloucester.
Richard II was overthrown and murdered by his cousin, Henry IV.
Henry V was a powerful king who crushed the French but died young and left
an infant son and incompetent heir, Henry VI, who would be challenged for the
throne by his ruthless cousin, Richard, Duke of York.
The Kings of the Wars of the Roses
L to R: Henry VI (1422-61, 1470-71), Edward IV (1461-70, 1471-83),
Edward V (1483), Richard III (1483-1485)
In 1485, Richard III was defeated and killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field by Henry
Tudor, the senior Lancastrian heir (through his mother). After 331 years, the
Plantagenet dynasty came to an end. Henry Tudor becomes king.
Many of Shakespeare’s history plays deal with the monarchs of this period: Richard
II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI and Richard III
Henry VII
Although he led the Lancasters, he
married Elizabeth of York (Edward IV’s
daughter) and “reunited” the two royal
Founder of the Tudor Dynasty.
Ruthless and greedy, but cunning and
highly intelligent. He resolved that the
monarchy would never be threatened
Created the “Star Chamber.” Cleverly
manipulated and bullied Parliament into
granting forfeitures and monopolies.
Royal Assize Courts and the JPs.
His son and grand daughter would
expand the centralized state he began.