Causes of WWI

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World War I
The War was also known as THE GREAT WAR and famously “THE WAR
It was a global military conflict that took place mainly in Europe
between 1914 & 1918.
It was a total war which left great devastation, millions dead and
shaped the modern world.
World War I created a decisive break with the old world order that
had emerged after the Napoleonic Wars. The results of World War I
would be important factors in the development of World War II;
21 years later.
Long-Term Causes
Long-term Causes: Why did the war break out?
Napoleon Bonaparte
and the Rise of
Nationalist Sentiment
Colonial Expansion
Anglo-German Naval
Tension in the
Ascension of Kaiser
Wilhelm II
Web of alliances
causes were
building for 40-50
years before the
actual outbreak of
Cause #1: Militarism
Militarism: building up armed forces in preparation for war
Army and military forces are given a high profile by the government
Increased military spending and production
Implementation of the draft
Led to an arms race
The armies of both France and
Germany had more than doubled
between 1870 and 1914 and there
was fierce competition between
Britain and Germany for naval
The British had introduced the
'Dreadnought', an effective
battleship, in 1906. The Germans
soon followed suit introducing
their own battleships.
European Military Spending
Millions of $
maintained a
large lead over
Germany in all
categories of
Both nations
believed that
command of the
seas was vital to
a great nation.
The naval strength of the powers in 1914
Naval Vessels
Size/Carrying Capacity
Cause #2: Alliances
An alliance is an agreement
made between two or
more countries to give
each other help if needed.
A number of alliances had
been signed by countries
between the years 1879
and 1914.
These alliances meant that
some countries had no
option but to declare war if
one of their allies declared
war first
Formation of the WWI Alliances
In 1879 Germany and Austria- Hungary agreed to form a Dual Alliance.
This became the Triple Alliance when in 1882 it was expanded to include
Italy. The three countries agreed to support each other if attacked by either
France or Russia. It was renewed at five-yearly intervals.
France felt threatened by this alliance. Britain was also concerned by the
growth in the Germany Navy and in 1904 the two countries signed the
Entente Cordiale (friendly understanding). The objective of the alliance was
to encourage co-operation against the perceived threat of Germany.
Three years later, Russia who also feared the growth in the German Army,
joined Britain & France to form the Triple Entente.
The Russian government was also concerned about the possibility of Austria
Hungary increasing the size of its empire. It therefore made promises to
help Serbia if it was attacked by members of the Triple Alliance
The formation of the Triple Entente in 1907 by Britain, France and Russia
reinforced the need for the Triple alliance.
Cause #3 - Imperialism
Due to industrialization,
countries needed new
markets & resources 
Imperialism: establishing
political, economic and
military dominance over
weaker nations
By 1900, all large
European powers had
colonies in Africa or Asia
(not Austria-Hungary)
Imperialist rivalries formed as countries
competed and fought over new territories and
The great powers had come into conflict over
spheres of influence in Asia (Open Door Policy
– China & Japan) and over territories in Africa
(Moroccan Crisis)
Germany embarked late, but aggressively, on
colonial expansion under Emperor Wilhelm II
Cause #4: Nationalism
The French Revolution resulted in chaos and the ascent of Napoleon to
power. Napoleon's armies marched all over Europe, bringing not only French
control, but French ideas.
The rise of ideas of nationalism, devotion and pride for one's common
people and ethnicity, increased in popularity during the Napoleonic Wars.
Napoleon encouraged the spread of nationalism, which he saw in his troops,
to better the French war machine.
The French people began to feel pride in their culture and ethnicity. The
world watched nationalism for the first time and saw the power the French
gained from it.
Following the Napoleonic Wars, all of Europe was sharing these ideas
There were two types of nationalism that emerged during the era:
Desire for dominance & desire for independence
In your opinion, which of the four
background causes (militarism,
alliances, imperialism, nationalism) was
the biggest cause of WWI? Explain!
In one sentence, explain how each of the short-term effects increased
hostilities between the European Powers:
First Moroccan Crisis
Bosnian Crisis
Second Moroccan Crisis
First Balkan War
Second Balkan War
THINKER: Every one of the short-term causes made a future war more
likely, but why didn’t any of these conflicts lead to an actual war? How did
European powers avoid war following these conflicts?
Europe in 1914
 By 1914 Europe was divided in a powerstruggle for the top place in the world
economic market.
 At the start of the Great War in 1914,
Germany was a relatively young power, only
coming into existence following a series of
wars in 1871. Germany's Chancellor, Otto von
Bismarck, aimed to maintain peaceful ties
with Russia.
 When Kaiser Wilhelm II came to power, he
quickly retired Bismarck, and upset the
Chancellor's delicate balance of power by
refusing to renew Germany's friendship with
 Germany soon found itself as a minority. Its
only European ally was the weakest of the
European powers, Austria-Hungary.
Short-Term Causes
Moroccan Crisis: 1905
In 1904 Morocco had been given to
France by Britain, but the Moroccans
wanted their independence. In 1905,
Germany announced her support for
Moroccan independence. War was
narrowly avoided by a conference
which allowed France to retain
possession of Morocco. However, in
1911, the Germans were again
protesting against French possession
of Morocco. Britain supported France
and Germany was persuaded to back
down for part of French Congo.
***Why did Germany interfere in Morocco
in both 1905 and 1911?
Bosnian Crisis: 1908
In 1908, Austria-Hungary took over the former Turkish province of Bosnia.
This angered Serbians who felt the province should be theirs. Serbia threatened
Austria-Hungary with war, Russia, allied to Serbia, mobilized its forces. Germany,
allied to Austria-Hungary mobilized its forces and prepared to threaten Russia.
War was avoided when Russia backed down.
There was, however, war in the
Balkans between 1911 and
1912 when the Balkan states
drove Turkey out of the area.
The states then fought each
other over which area should
belong to which state.
Austria-Hungary then
intervened and forced Serbia to
give up some of its acquisitions.
Tension between Serbia and
Austria-Hungary was high.
International Situation by 1913
Increased division between the
two alliances
Increased militarism (arms race,
Increased nationalism
Literature, press & education
prepared public for war
Was war inevitable at this point?
German War Plans
What was the
goal of
Schlieffen plan?
Was this plan a
French War Plans
What was France’s
war plan?
Russian War Plans
Invade Central
How did the short-term causes effect
Serbian Nationalism
Nationalism means being a strong supporter of the rights and
interests of one's country. The Congress of Vienna, held after
Napoleon's exile, aimed to sort out growing problems in
Delegates from Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia (winners in
Napoleonic Wars) decided upon a new Europe that left both
Germany and Italy as divided states.
Strong nationalist elements led to the Re-unification of Italy
in 1861 and Germany in 1871.
Large areas of both Austria-Hungary and Serbia were home to
differing nationalist groups, all of whom wanted freedom from
the states in which they lived.
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Last German Emperor (Kaiser) and
King of Prussia, ruling the German
Empire from 15 June 1888 to 9
November 1918.
He was a grandson of the British
Queen Victoria and related to many
monarchs and princes of Europe.
Launched Germany on a "New
Course" in foreign affairs that
culminated in his support for AustriaHungary in 1914.
What was the Black Hand? What was their objective in the
After the assassination, why was Austria-Hungary hesitant to
declare war on Serbia? What changed this?
Summarize the Kaiser’s “blank cheque” to Austria (28). What did
this promise?
After the assassination, it seemed like this would just be another
short term conflict, so why was this conflict impossible to contain
in the Balkans?
THINKER: Do you think countries should be required to take the
blame for starting war? If so, should they be punished following
the war? Why or why not?
Immediate Cause of WWI
The assassination of Ferdinand and
the outbreak of war
The Black Hand
In May 1911, ten men in Serbia formed
the Black Hand Secret Society.
Early members included Colonel
Dragutin Dimitrijevic, the chief of the
Intelligence Department of the Serbian
General Staff.
The main objective of the Black Hand
was the creation, by means of violence,
of a Greater Serbia. Its stated aim was:
"To realize the national ideal, the
unification of all Serbs. This
organization prefers terrorist action to
cultural activities; it will therefore
remain secret."
The Black Hand
By 1914 there were around 2,500
members of the Black Hand. The
group was mainly made up of junior
army officers but also included
lawyers, journalists and university
Three senior members of the Black
Hand group, Dragutin Dimitrijevic,
Milan Ciganovic, and Major Voja
Tankosic, decided that Archduke Franz
Ferdinand should be assassinated.
The political objective of the
assassination was to break off
Austria-Hungary's south-Slav
provinces so they could be combined
into a Greater Serbia or a Yugoslavia.
The People chosen for the task
Gavrilo Princip, Nedjelko
Cabrinovic and Trifko
Grabez from Serbia made
plans to assassinate him.
Assassination• at
On 28 June 1914, the Archduke Franz-
Ferdinand and his wife visited Sarajevo,
the capital of Bosnia, to review the
It was also Serbia's National Day - the
anniversary of the battle, in 1389,
when Serbia had been conquered by
the Turkish Ottoman Empire, yet at
which a Serb hero, Milos Obilic, had
assassinated the Ottoman Sultan. This
day was inextricably linked with Serbian
nationalism, and with the assassination
of foreign rulers.
Waiting for Franz Ferdinand, lined up
along the Appel Quay, Sarajevo's main
road, were six young men. They were
armed with pistols and bombs supplied
by the Black Hand. They were going to
try to murder Franz Ferdinand
Austrian spies in Serbia had reported that there was going to
be an assassination attempt. Panicked, the Prime Minister of
Serbia, had also told the Austrian government that there was
going to be trouble.
Franz Ferdinand ignored these warnings. Only 120 policeman
were on duty in Sarajevo, and they were so excited that they
forgot to watch the crowds, and looked at the procession
Franz Ferdinand was disguised in the uniform of an Austrian
cavalry general.
To reach the Town Hall the procession had to drive along the
Appel Quay. The six conspirators had posted themselves
along the route; the Appel Quay was `a regular avenue of
At 10.10 am, as the procession drew near the Cumuria Bridge.
Near the Cumuria bridge:
1st Mehmed Mehmedbasic: told a friend that he could not get a clear opportunity
and that a policeman had approached him just as he was to throw the bomb.
2nd Vaso Cubrilovic: told investigation that felt sorry for the Duchess; said that he
was badly placed.
3rd Nedeljko Cabrinovic: threw a bomb. Wearing a long black coat and a black
hat, he asked a policeman to tell him which car the Archduke was in; seconds
later he had knocked the cap off a hand grenade against a metal lamp-post and
aimed it at the Archduke seated in the open car. Franz Ferdinand later claimed
that he had knocked away the bomb with his hand; witnesses at the trial,
however, all agreed that the bomb had bounced off the folded-back hood of the
Archduke's car. It blew up the car behind, killing two officers and injuring about
twenty people. Cabrinovic swallowed poison, but it failed to work. After
stopping to see what had happened, Franz Ferdinand's car sped to the Town Hall.
4th (landward side) Cvetko Popovic: told a friend that could not see which was
Franz Ferdinand because he was short-sighted; told the trial the lost his nerve.
In order to avoid the city center, the royal car traveled straight along the Appel
Quay and took a right turn into Franz Joseph Street.
One of the conspirators, Gavrilo Princip, was standing on the corner at the
time. An advisor immediately realized the driver had taken the wrong
route and shouted "What is this? This is the wrong way! We're supposed
to take the Appel Quay!"
The driver put his foot on the brake, and began to back up. In doing so he
moved slowly past the waiting Gavrilo Princip.
The assassin stepped forward, drew his gun, and at a distance of about
five feet, fired several times into the car. Franz Ferdinand was hit in the
neck and Sophie in the abdomen.
Princip's bullet had pierced the archduke's jugular vein but before losing
consciousness, he pleaded "Sophie dear! Sophie dear! Don't die! Stay alive
for our children!“
Franz Urban drove the royal couple to Konak, the governor's residence, but
although both were still alive when they arrived, they died from their
wounds soon afterwards.
Princip Bridge: sight of Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination
Nedjelko Cabrinovic, statement in court (23rd October, 1914)
We did not hate Austria, but the Austrians had done nothing, since the occupation,
to solve the problems that faced Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nine-tenths of our
people are farmers who suffer, who live in misery, who have no schools, who are
deprived of any culture.
We sympathized with them in their distress. We thought that only people of noble
character were capable of committing political assassinations. We heard it said
that he (Archduke Franz Ferdinand) was an enemy of the Slavs. Nobody directly
told us "kill him"; but in this environment, we arrived at the idea ourselves.
I would like to add something else. Although Princip is playing the hero, and
although we all wanted to appear as heroes, we still have profound regrets. In the
first place, we did not know that the late Franz Ferdinand was a father. We were
greatly touched by the words he addressed to his wife: "Sophie, stay alive for our
children." We are anything you want, except criminals.
In my name and in the name of my comrades, I ask the children of the late
successor to the throne to forgive us. As for you, punish us according to your
understanding. We are not criminals. We are honest people, animated by noble
sentiments; we are idealists; we wanted to do good; we have loved our people;
and we shall die for our ideals.
Gavrilo Princip
Nedjelko Čabrinović
Trifun Grabež
Vaso Čubrilović
Cvjetko Popović
Lazar Đukić
20 years
20 years
20 years
16 years
13 years
10 years
Danilo Ilić
Death by hanging (executed 3 February 1915)
Veljko Čubrilović
Death by hanging (executed 3 February 1915)
Nedjo Kerović
Death by hanging; commuted to 20 years in prison by Kaiser FranzJoseph based on Finance Minister's recommendation
Mihaijlo Jovanović
Death by hanging (executed 3 February 1915)
Jakov Milović
Death by hanging; commuted to life in prison by Kaiser Franz-Joseph
based on court's and Finance Minister's recommendation
Mitar Kerović
Ivo Kranjcević
Branko Zagorac
Marko Perin
Cvijan Stjepanović
Life in prison
10 years
3 years
3 years
7 years
Time to play a game……
Who is to blame for starting WWI?
You will be assigned a group, and each group will be
responsible for blaming a different country for their
involvement in WWI.
In your group you must prepare a
speech/presentation to present to an International
Tribunal which will decide….. Who is to blame?
Take into consideration:
Their involvement in short/long term causes, responsibility
for the beginning of the war, their acts of aggression, lack of
prevention of war, and historians arguments
Ayham, Rachel,
Coleman, Calli,
Cezanne, Bridgette
Liam, Hannah, Hunter,
Katja, Chandni
Matt, Sarah, Courtney,
Andres, Sophia,
Joseph, Cassie, Nate,
Kim, Lauren,
Which countries were bound to each other by which alliance?
How did imperialism contribute towards Germany’s increasing
anger with Britain and France?
Why was nationalism an important factor?
Describe the part played by Germany in increasing European
What links were there between the two crises and:
BELLWORK - 13 March 2013
Time to review over the background causes of WWI! For each
of the four causes, explain how and why that cause created
problems/tensions in Europe and pushed them closer to war.
THINKER: In your opinion, which of the four causes had the
biggest impact or created the most problems eventually
leading to WWI?