Eastern Europe - Teacher Pages

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The Isolation
of Russia
Compared to Western Europe
 Backward
(blend of cultures)
– Less politically developed
– Not influenced by Renaissance and
Scientific Revolution
– No exploration (no sea routes)
– No trade (No Crusade)
– Serfdom continues
– 30 Years War (holds E. Europe back)
Early Russian Society
 1480
Ivan III frees Russia from the
Mongol Yoke
– Became the first czar
– Claimed descent from Caesar
 Society
dominated by landowning
nobility (boyars), serfs tied to land
– Serfdom lasted until mid 1800’s (ended
in 1300/1400’s in Western Europe
Effects of Mongol Culture
 Asian
 Mongols took money (tribute)
– Princes controlled land and collected
 Mongols
used strength of
Peter I- 1682
 Romanov
family- began 1613
 Don’t know much of W. Europe
 Middle Age leadershipConstantinople not Rome
 Mongols cut Russia off from W.
Europe during Renaissance
 Tie
back to Romans and Byzantium
– 2 headed eagle
– Absolute monarch “Caesar”
 Religion
of Byzantium
– Break from Catholicism
– Leads to religious conflict with W.
– Art = icons
Further Isolation
 Geographically
– Ural Mountains cut off from East
– Only seaport- Archangel (frozen)
 Religion
widens gap West
– Eastern/Russian Orthodox v. Catholic/
 Only
Germans traveled to Russia
Rule of Peter
the Great
Peter the Great
 1682
(full power 1696)
 Interested in foreign things, ships,
 Saw need for warm water port
–Necessary for competition with
modern powers
 Came
to power w/ help of streltsy
(Moscow guards)
Desire to Modernize
 1698
Traveled to W. Europe to learn
– 1st czar to travel to W. Europe (heretics)
– Incognito (wanted real look)
– Worked in shipyard in Netherlands
 Later
traveled to England
– Toured in London
Peter’s Changes –
Make Russian more W. European
 Status
of Women
– Until 1700 followed Byzantine customwomen stay at home
– Noblewoman invited to social gatherings
(without veils)
– No arranged marriages (unless children
 No
beards for men (look European)
Peter’s Changes –
Make Russian more W. European
 Russian
– Year starts on Jan. 1 not Sept. 1
– Year based on birth of Jesus
»7208 became 1700
 Newspapers
– 1st newspaper reported on non-Russian
– Western ideas develop
– Reading taught
Peter’s Changes –
Make Russian more W. European
 Agriculture
–Staple crop= potato
 Factories
and Mines-
–Exports encourage
–Imports discouraged
–Factories subsidized (centralized
–Iron industry developed
Absolute Rule
 Peter
increased power
 People
become discontented
(forced changes)
 Holy
Synod (priests) with Peter as
head- replaced Patriarch
– Similar to Church of England
 Boyars
lose power (new social status)
– Land and positions given to lowerranking (ensured loyalty)
Russian Military
 European
officers hired to modernize
– Army –Prussia, Navy -Britain
– Only had part-time cavalry
– Army of 200,000 paid for by taxes
 Army
used to crush peasant revolt
and gain warm water port
– Lead to need for warships
Russian Military
 Close
Russia to possible European
 Great Northern War- v. Swedes who
invade Ukraine (defeated by winter)
– Russia gains land on Baltic Sea
A New Capital
 1712
St. Petersburg made capital
 Built on swamp
 Land gained from Sweden
 Located on Neva River, near coast
Ottoman Empire,
Holy Roman Empire
“it was not Holy, it was not
Roman, and it certainly was not an
 Some states had grown because of
 States had different religions
 30Years War causes break-up
 Voltaire
– 300 states who guarded rights like
independent states
Holy Roman Empire
 Power
vacuum in Central Europe (old
and weakening empires)
– Filled by German speaking familiesHapsburgs and Hohenzollern
– Threat to the balance of power in
Eastern Europe
 Major
problem= political structure
 Large
land, mostly farmers
–Feudal system (nobility v. serfs) no
middle class
–E. Europe held back by lack of
middle class
 Major problem= political structure
–States want to remain autonomous
Ottoman Empire
 Muslim
(stand against the Christians)
– Led to future problems (Kosovo,
 Sultan
had power to tax and raise
 Sulieman the Magnificent- conquered
Hungary, threatened Austria
 Govt. in Istanbul was corrupted,
poorly equipped army
 King
appointed by nobles- given little
–Usually foreigner
–Little income, no courts, no standing
 Sejm
(Diet)- only nobles
–Liberum veto- opposition of ONE
member= body disbands
–**no effective govt.
Describe Austria
and Prussia
Habsburg Family Crest
Habsburg Genealogy
Austrian Empire: 1657-1718
 Most
powerful empire in HRE (even
though it lost the 30 Years War)
 Ruling family= Hapsburgs (also in
Leopold I
Holy Roman
(r. 1658-1705)
Schönbrunn Palace
Schönbrunn Palace
Charles VI (1713)
 Won
land in War of the Spanish
 Large empire, hard to rule
– Dukedom of Austria
– Kingdom of Bohemia
– Kingdom of Hungary
– Land in Germany, Italy
 Diverse
lands = Diverse people
 Common ruler kept people together
Charles VI (1713)
 Wanted
to ensure his empire would
not be split
– Pragmatic Sanction- only heir (Maria
Theresa) would be heir to all Hapsburg
 Maria
Theresa- Reign plagued by war
– Enemy= Hohenzollerns of Prussia
 Austria
had no natural boundaries or
Prussian Family Crest
Hohenzollern Genealogy (1)
Hohenzollern Genealogy (2)
Prussia & the Austrian Empire: 1721-72
 Hohenzollerns
 Formed from small states
 Brandenburg was the most
important state
–Ruling prince 1 of 7 electors of HRE
Frederick William 1640
 The
Great Elector- overrun in 30
Years War
– Brandenburg needed army
– Alliances made with French, Swedes,
Dutch, Poles
– Lent army to countries for money
– Prussia was not a country with an army
but an army with a country
Frederick the Great (r. 1740-1786)
Prussia’s Army Grows…
 Frederick
I (son)
– 1st Hohenzollern to call himself king
– 1713 Treaty of Utrecht- duchy
recognized as kingdom
– All Hohenzollern’s lands called Prussia
Prussia’s Army Grows…
 Frederick
William I (son of Fred I)
– Money spent only on army
– Army doubled in size
– Junkers (land-owning nobility)= officers
– Military society developed
Frederick the Great (r. 1740-1786)
Frederick the Great (r. 1740-1786)
Prussia’s Army
 Frederick II/the Great
– Did not want to be king- tried to escape
to France
– Had non military interests
– Followed father’s policies
– Upset at Pragmatic Sanction
– Invaded Austria (iron rich)- believed
Maria Theresa would not protect land
War of the Austrian Succession
 Austria
also invaded by France, Spain,
Bavaria (Germany)
 Reaction- Maria goes to Hungarian lands
– Wins over nobles (did not like Hapsburg
 Britain joins war to help Austria against
her rival France
– Russia and Netherlands offer help
 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle- Austria only
loses Silesia (iron) to Prussia