Spain Builds and American Empire

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Spain Builds and American Empire
Section 1
Spain Builds and American Empire
1492- seeking an alternate trade route to Asia Christopher Columbus “discovers” America and
accidently brings together peoples of the Americas, Europe and Africa
Spain’s rulers financed three more trips with more men and ships and began to found colonies (lands
controlled by another nation)
1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral claimed modern day Brazil for Portugal
By the early 1500’s Europeans had figured out that the land was not Asia but a new continent
1519 Ferdinand Magellan sailed around the southern end of South America and across the Pacific
(along the way claiming the Philippines for Spain)
In 1522 when they returned to Spain only 18 men and one ship were left, first voyage to
circumnavigate the globe
Spain Builds an American Empire
Spanish were first European explorers
and settlers of the Americas
Made Spain a very wealthy country and
their culture influenced the cultures of
North and South America that exists
Spanish explorers known as
conquistadors came to the Americas to
follow rumors of gold and silver
They stayed and carved out colonies in
regions that would become Mexico, South
America and the United States
Spain Builds an American Empire
Spanish Conquests in Mexico
 1519 Hernando Cortes and 600 men landed in
 They heard of wealthy Aztec empire and its capital
 Cortes marched inland and was welcomed by the
Aztec emperor Montezuma, who thought the
Spaniards were gods
 Aztecs soon figured out the intentions of Cortes and
drove the Spaniards out of the capital
 1521 Cortes and the Spaniards defeated the Aztecs
even though they were greatly outnumbered
 Reasons for Spanish victory
Made allies with groups that did not like Aztecs
Spanish had superior weapons
Diseases like measles, smallpox, typhus; that the
Native Americans had no natural immunity to
Effects of Old World Disease
Native Americans had no natural
resistance to diseases that were
common in Europe Asia and Africa
Killed up to 90% of Native
American population across North
and South America within the first
100 years of European contact
Made it easier for Europeans to
conquer the Americas because
Native American did not have the
numbers to resist
Caused fear and confusion among
native groups
When many European explorers
reached new areas they found
empty villages and towns
Spain Builds an American Empire
Spanish Conquest in Peru
 1532- Francisco Pizarro takes
army of 200 into the heart of the
huge Incan empire in South
 They kidnap their ruler Atahualpa
and demand a ransom of gold
(even though the Inca had an army
of 30,000), after they received
their gold they strangled the Inca
 This demoralized the Inca people
and the Spaniards quickly seized
control of their empire
Spain Builds an American Empire
By the middle of the 1500’s Spain had created a
huge American empire
Drew from techniques learned during the
reconquista (when the Spanish drove the Muslims
from Spain)
Spanish imposed their culture on the people they
conquered in the Americas
Most Spanish settlers were men so they had
relationships with native women
Result of relationships was the creation of a
mestizo (mixed Spanish and American)
Spanish also forced native population to work for
System called encomendia where the Indians
farmed, ranched and mined for their Spanish
landlords, often they were abused or mistreated
Portuguese Empire in America
One area that remained outside of European
influence was Brazil
 Region was given to Portugal because of
Treaty of Tordesillas and claimed by Brazil in
 Colonists settled coastal areas and built huge
sugar plantations
 The demand for sugar was great in Europe
and made huge profits for Portugal
Spain Builds an American Empire
Spain’s American colonies made it the richest and
most powerful nation in the world during the 1500’s
Spain built a powerful navy and army to control and
protect their empire
By the end of the 1500’s Spain pushed into what is
now the US
1540-1541 Francisco Coronado explored the
Southwest in search of a city of gold, did not find
Catholic priests followed the conquistadors to
convert natives
Priests used to explore and colonize North America
Catholic priests set up missions across the Southwest
and California where towns grew up around them
(Santa Fe, San Diego, San Francisco)
Spain Builds an American Empire
Opposition to Spanish Rule
 Spanish priests pushed for better treatment of
Native Americans
 Criticized harsh treatment of native Americans under
the encomendia system
 1542 Spanish government ended encomendia
system and began to use African slaves for labor
 Native Americans began to resist Spanish colonizers
as well
 Spanish burned sacred Native American objects,
banned Indian religious practices and built Catholic
churches on top of Indian religious centers
 1680 Pope, a Native American ruler led a rebellion
against Spanish rule and pushed them back into
New Spain
 It took the Spanish 12 years to take the area back
Europeans Settle North America
Section 2
Europeans Settle North America
Other European nations wanted
to obtain valuable colonies in the
By the early 1500’s England, the
Dutch and French began to
obtain colonies in North America
Wanted to find a more direct
route to Asia through fabled
“Northwest Passage”
Countries did not find route but
stayed and established colonies
Europeans Settle North America
New France
 French explorers discover what is
today New York harbor, St.
Lawrence River
 1608- Samuel de Champlain took
colonists and established Quebec
the base of France’s New World
empire, known as New France
 1673 French explorers Marquette
(priest) and Joliet (fur trade and
trapper) explored the Great Lakes
and the Mississippi River
 1683 LaSalle another Frenchman
claimed the entire Mississippi River
valley for France
Europeans Settle North America
By the early 1700’s New France covered much of
what is now the Midwestern US and eastern Canada
Empire was immense but sparsely populated
Catholic priests came to convert Native Americans
The main economic activity was the fur trade not
settlement and occupying territory
Europeans Settle North America
English Arrive in North America
 1607 first permanent English
settlement in Jamestown, Virginia
 They came looking for gold
 Life was hard 6 out of 10
colonists died of disease, hunger
or Indian attack in the first few
 Outlook improved greatly after
the “discovery” of tobacco as a
cash crop
Europeans Settle North America
1620 group known as Pilgrims settle a second
English colony in Plymouth, Mass.
1630’s Puritans a second English group settled in
Both groups came for the religious freedom the
colonies would provide
Both colonies grew rapidly because of the number
of families that came to the colonies, unlike
Jamestown that was settled by a mostly single, male
Europeans Settle North America
The Dutch found New Netherland
 Dutch founded colonies in region along
the Hudson River and Manhattan Island
(now known as New York)
 Built trading posts and formed the Dutch
West India Company
 Colony in North America known as New
 Opened to a variety of settlers
Germans, French, Scandinavians
Colonizing the Caribbean
 On the islands of the Caribbean
European countries built huge sugar and
cotton plantations
 Used African slaves for labor on
Europeans Settle North America
The Struggle for North America
French, English and Dutch wanted to expand their colonies in
North America and they battled each other for colonial
New Netherland separated England's colonies in North
1664 drove the Dutch out and renamed colony New York
England battles France
English wanted to push further west into continent and they
were blocked by the French
1754 dispute over land claims in the Ohio Valley region led to
a war between the two countries
Known in North America as the French and Indian War
It was part of a larger conflict called the Seven Year’s War that
involved fighting in Europe, North America, the West Indies
and India
1763 the British defeat the French and the French gave up
their holdings in North America
Britain became the supreme power in North America
Europeans Settle North America
European colonization brought disaster to Native Americans
French and Dutch had a cooperative relationship with Native Americans
 Helped with fur trapping and traded furs for European items like guns,
hatchets, mirrors, beads
English wanted to populate colonies and they clashed with Native
Americans over issues of land and religion
 Land: Wanted to push natives off their lands to build towns and grow
 Religion: English considered natives as heathens and as a threat to their
“godly” society
Europeans Settle North America
Native American and English hostility grew
1622 Colonists in Jamestown and the Powhatan tribe fought
1675- One of the bloodiest colonial conflicts was known as
King Philipp's War
Chief Metacom (King Philipp) tried to unite Native Americans
against English settlers
After a year the colonists defeated the Indians and put an
end to Native American resistance in the English colonies
More destructive than European guns was disease that
devastated the population
One effect of the loss was a severe labor shortage across
the colonies, so the colonists turned to another labor source
African slaves