Transcript Slide 1

Chapter 6
The Duel for North
America, 1608–1763
France Finds a Foothold in Canada
• Like England and Holland, France was a late comer in the colony race. It
was convulsed in the 1500s by foreign wars and domestic strife.
• In 1518 the Edict of Nantes was issued. It allowed limited toleration to
the French Huguenots.
– When King Louis XIV became king he started having interest in over
sea colonies.
• 1608- France established Quebec, overlooking St. Lawrence.
– Samuel de Champlain, soldier and explorer is the “Father of New
– He had friendly relations with neighboring Huron Indians and helped
defeat Iroquois.
– The Iroquois hampered French efforts.
• Unlike English colonists, French didn’t come by the hundreds, because
peasants were too poor and Huguenots weren’t allowed to leave.
New France Fans Out
• New France’s (Canada) one valuable resource was the beaver.
– Beaver hunters: “Coureurs de Bois” gave lots of names to land.
Examples: Baton Rouge and Des Moines
• French voyageurs recruited Indians to hunt beaver. The Indians
soon succumbed to disease and alcohol. The beaver became
quickly endangered.
• French missionaries tried to convert Indians. They also tried to
thwart the English from expanding which led to the founding of
• Louisiana was founded in 1682 by Robert de la Salle to stop
Spanish expansion. He came back three years later, landed in Texas
and was killed by his crew.
• Illinois was very fertile, and lots of ports and trading posts were
Map 6-1 p99
Map 6-2 p100
The Clash of Empires
• King Williams war and Queen Anne’s war
– English colonists fought the French coureurs de bois and Indians.
– Neither side considered America important enough to send real
• French inspired Indians to ravage New England villages.
• Britain failed to capture Quebec and Montreal. But the Treaty of Utrecht
in 1713 gave Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Hudson Bay to England and
limited rights with Spanish America.
• The War of Jenkins Ear
– War was waged in Caribbean Sea and Georgia, merged with war of
Austria succession called King George’s war.
• France allied with Spain, but New England colonial troops captured
Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island.
– Peace terms gave the fort back which outraged colonists.
Table 6-2 p103
Map 6-3 p101
Map 6-4 p102
George Washington Inaugurates War
with France
• The Ohio valley became a battleground among the Spanish, British and
French due to its lush, fertile land.
• 1754 governor of Virginia sent 21 year old George Washington to the
Ohio country as a lieutenant colonel in command of about one hundred
and fifty minute men.
– Encountering some French in the forest forty miles from Fort
Duquense, troops fired and killed a French leader.
– Later the French returned and surrounded Washington’s crude
stockade called Fort Necessity. After a ten hour siege, they made
him surrender.
– He was permitted to march away with full war honors.
– The French and Indians began to range down the frontier killing
dozens of civilian settlers.
Global War and Colonial Disunity
• The fourth of these wars between Empires started in
America, unlike the first three.
– The French and Indian war (a.k.a. seven years’ war) began
with Washington’s battle with the French.
– It was England and Prussia vs. France, Spain, Austria and
– In Germany (Prussia) Fredrick the Great won his title of
“Great” by repelling French, Austrian and Russian armies
even though he was badly outnumbered three to one.
– Many Americans sought for the American colonies to
unite, for strength lay in numbers.
Global War and Colonial Disunity
• In 1754 seven of the thirteen colonies met for an inter-colonial
congress held in Albany, New York.
• The Albany Congress
– The SHORT TERM GOAL of the meeting was to get the
Iroquois Confederation to either stay out of the upcoming
war, or to actively help the British.
– This was proposed by offering gifts (bribes) to the Iroquois.
It worked to get the Mohawks to help, & others stayed
– The LONG TERM GOAL was to build colonial unity and
perhaps promote the Albany Plan of Union, which would be
a sort of home rule, with the establishment of a collective
defense force made up of soldiers from ALL colonies.
Global War and Colonial Disunity
 A month before the meeting, Ben Franklin published his
famous “Join or die” cartoon, featuring a snake in pieces
representing the colonists.
 Franklin helped unite the colonists in Albany, but it failed
because both the colonies and the English didn’t like it.
 However, it was a step toward unity prior to the
revolution, and set a precedent for collective action by
the colonies.
Braddock’s Blundering and Its Aftermath
• In the beginning, the British sent haughty sixty year old General
Edward Braddock to lead a bunch of soldiers from European
battlefields with slow, heavy artillery. In a fight with the French,
the British were ambushed routed by French using “Indian tactics”.
– In this battle, Washington reportedly had two horses shot
under him and four bullets through his coat but was otherwise
– Afterwards, the frontier from Pennsylvania to North Carolina
felt the Indian wrath, as scalping occurred everywhere.
• Braddock was killed and the British retreated back to Virginia. The
frontier became a slaughter pen as Indian armies attacked the
defenseless outposts.
William Pitt’s Palms of Victory
• In this hour of British trouble; William Pitt, the “Great Commoner”, took
the lead.
– 1757- Pitt became the foremost leader in the London government
and later earned the title “Organizer of Victory”.
• Changes Pitt made– He stopped assaults on the French West Indies, (a place that
snapped British strength) and concentrated on Quebec/Montreal.
– He also replaced old, cautious officers with younger, daring ones.
• 1758- Louisbourg fell. French supplies dwindled. Thirty two year old
James Wolfe, dashing and attentive to detail, commanded an army that
boldly scaled cliff walls that were protecting Quebec City in 1759.
– Wolfe engaged French troops on the Plains of Abraham outside the
city, and although he and the French commander Marquis de
Montcalm both died, the French were defeated and Quebec
Map 6-5 p104
William Pitt’s Palms of Victory
• 1759 Battle of Quebec ranks as one of the most significant
battles in British and American history. The French presence
was ended by the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
• France was totally kicked out of North America which meant
British seized Canada and all the land to the Mississippi.
• French were allowed to keep small valuable sugar islands
and fishing stations.
– In a final blow, France was forced to give Louisiana to
Spain to compensate for Spain’s losses in the war.
– Great Britain took its place as leading naval power in the
world and a great power in North America.
Map 6-7a p108
Map 6-7b p108
Restless Colonists
The colonists having experienced war firsthand and emerge victors, were
very confident.
– The myth of British invincibility had been shattered.
Ominously, friction developed between the British officers and the colonial
– The British refused to recognize any American officers above captain
– The hardworking Americans believed that they were equal to the red
coats which caused trouble.
Brits were concerned with American secret trade with enemy during war.
British forbade export of all supplies from New England and middle colonies.
Many Americans refused to fight French until Pitt offered to reimburse them.
– During French and Indian war, even though Americans were from
different colonies, they found they had a lot in common and the barriers
began to break down between them.
War’s Fateful Aftermath
• Now that the French had been beaten, the colonists could
roam freely, and were less dependent upon Great Britain.
– The French consoled themselves with the idea that
maybe the Brits would lose their empire too.
– Spain was eliminated from Florida.
– Indians had to deal with only Great Britain.
• 1763- Ottawa Chief Pontiac, went to war against the
colonists in the Ohio Valley, killed 2000.
– Whites gave Indians blankets with smallpox.
– Whites put troops on frontier borders.
War’s Fateful Aftermath
• Now, land hungry Americans wanted to settle west of the
Appalachians, but in 1763 Parliament issued its Proclamation
Line of 1763, which prohibited settlement beyond the
• Boundary line was supposed to prevent more Indian conflicts
but colonists saw it as more oppression from mother country.
• 1765- an estimated 1000 wagons rolled through the town of
Salisbury, North Carolina, on their way west in defiance of the
proclamation .
• British were proud and haughty, and didn’t want to accept
blatant disobedience from lowly Americans.
• Revolutionary war stage was set.
Map 6-8 p110
Map 6-6 p105