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How to write a source card
Print Sources
 Book
 Book
with two authors
 Multivolume book
 Encyclopedia
Author: Eleanor Graham
 Title: The Story of Charles Dickens
 Year of publication: 1954
 Publisher: Abelard-Schuman, Inc.
 Place of publication: New York
Source Card—Book
Graham, Eleanor. The Story of
Charles Dickens. New York:
Abelard-Schuman, Inc.,
1954. Print.
Book with two authors
Anthony Ester and Elisabeth Gaynor
 Publisher: Prentice Hall
 Year of publication: 1997
 Title: World History: Connections to
 Place of Publication: Newark, New
Source Card—Book two authors
Ester, Anthony and Elisabeth
Gaynor Ellis. World History:
Connections to Today.
Newark, New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, 1997. Print.
Multivolume Book
Title of collection: Countries and Their
Volume 1
Editors: Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember
Place of publication: New York
Year of publication: 2001
Name of publisher: Macmillan Reference USA
Title of article: Botswana
Author: Deborah Durham
Source Card—Multivolume Book
Durham, Deborah. “Botswana.”
Countries and Their Cultures.
Eds. Melvin Ember and Carol
R. Ember. Vol. 1. New York:
Macmillan Reference USA,
2001. Print.
Author of article: Lotte Evans
 Title of article: Austria
 Edition: 15th
 Title of Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of
World History
 Year of publication: 1975
Source Card—Encyclopedia
Evans, Lotte. “Austria.”
Encyclopedia of World
History. 15th ed. 1975.
Electronic Sources
Wide Web
Author: Lotte Evans
Title of Article: Battle of Germany
Publication name: Discovering World History
Publication date: Winter 2003
Page numbers 27-39
Database name: Student Resource Center
Medium: Web
Date of access: 3/11/10
Source Card—Database
Evans, Lotte. “Battle of
Germany.” Discovering
World History. Winter 2003:
27-39. Student Resource
Center. Web. 11 Mar. 2010.
World Wide Web
Author: Myra Immell
Title of article: Holocaust Facts
Name of website: The Holocaust
Date of posting or revision: 3/3/10
Sponsoring organization: Button Production
Date of access: 3/11/10
Source Card—World Wide Web
Immell, Myra. “Holocaust
Facts.” The Holocaust.
Button Production
Foundation. 3 Mar. 2010.
Web. 11 Mar. 2010.