If - Franco Bucca

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Transcript If - Franco Bucca

Theory on the Psychosomatic
and Organic Disease
Franco Bucca MD
• Highly Traumatic and Conflictual
• Conflicts
• Mind experience
• Mind and brain
• The whole mind
Highly Traumatic and Conflictual Event
Life condition or, give rise to a “conflict” at
the decisional and organizational
Level of Ego, this conflict is transmitted in all its
drammaticity essence and strength to the Mind.
The mind can not objectify negative input and
The “Conflict” that has became Intrapsychic places
Itself in the Mind Subconscius.
Mind experiences
Have a unitary composition and the unity
is specific for each type of experience, has been
defined “Psychones”. Each Psychones
is bound in unitary way to specific Dendron.
(Eccles and Popper)
Mind and Brain
The connection represents the
Mind-Brain interaction in accordance with
Quantum Physics.
The Whole Mind
The whole mind’s world and the experiences
i.e. the combination of the inner and external
sensitiveness (Eccles’s and Popper’s World n°2),
Is formed by a whole of “unitary mind’s event or elementary
ultra-micro-granule called “ Psychones, and there is
one Psychones for each Dendron, which envelops
as a glove the single Dendron.
Therefore is specific and exclusive connection.
Structure of a dendronized polymer
Bucca Supports:
• The hypothesis of the Mind-Brain interaction in accordance with the
Quantum Physics, and on the basis of the experimental results, foresees
Not Physical Event (Popper’s world n°2) in our specific case
“intrapsychic conflict energy”, is bound and can be transmitted
to the brain, where it is recorded as “Neuro Event” (Popper’s world n°1).
•That is the Psycone that grows carrier of the energy flow which
regulates the interaction;
Mind’s Conflictual Event- Dendron’s (Cortical) Nervous Event.
Conflictual and Cortical’s Nervous Event
We know on the basis of the experimental trials and results of the
search, how “Intention“ defines a measurable Event Nervous Cortical
noteworthy with the modern Neuroimaging , so we underline that, if
may be recorded a thought an intention at cortical level, all the more
reason why it may be recorder. An overstimulation a particular severe
energy flow, as precisely as “Mind’s conflictual Event, bound to an acute
or chronic suffering nucleus which causes “Cortical’s Nervous Event”.
The Flow Energy Shall Flow on the Dendron
Mind’s Conflictual Event which has altered Psycone as carrier, it would define
an electric discharge of particular intensity at level of the Cortical’s Pyramidal dendron,
Which should feel (Physical Nervous Event), and main effect ( neurochemical response)
should be an alteration of the Exocytosis of Neurotransmission either at the level of
Cortical Areas or Sub-cortical Centres.
Moreover it will cause repercussions on the Cortical functions, on the Neuroglia
functions, with alteration of Adoptive Mother function and interaction between
Healthy interactions!
Adult microglia (green) intertwined with
hippocampal neurons (red )
The circle mind’s Conflictual Event-Brain’s Nervous Event
should from by the Learning through a mechanism of implicit
classic conditioning.
Neural System of Implicit Memory should be take part in this
The System works during Slow Learning
The Vicious Circle Mind-Brain-Mind
Nitrogen Oxide and Pre-synaptic Stimulation
Mind’s Conflictual Event-Brain’s Nervous Event
At last Global Alterated Signal will be
Transmitted to the:
• Under Cortical Centres
• Medulla
• Ganglions
Selfnourishment of the Stress Reaction with
Block of the Action
Chiefly act psychosocial stimulus
Chronic Activity of Biological System Stress
A. Neuroendocrine System (ACTH-cortisolcatecolamine- Pituitary Gland Hormones)
B. Antonomous Nervous System
C. Functional Alteration of Immunitary System
D. Neuropeptides
– Noradrenergic
– Serotoninergic
– Dopaminergic
– Gabaergic
Cause an upsetting of:
• Psycho-Behavioral
• Psycho-Biological reactions
“Complex Response”
Different from a subject to another, which is
Psycho-Somatic disease to go so far as causing
organic injury.
Alteration of the Mind-Brain
Psycho- neurophysiologic transmission and
communication could cause an alteration to
Neuro-electric and Neuro-chemical level,
intermediary among EGO and Behavior bring to a
Psycho-somatic or Organic Disorder, disease or
The conflictual event, and/or the life
condition of Ego (stimulus), transmit
in all her intensity to the mind where
it causes the mental event. The
conflictual event in the mind is not
accepted, compared or, objectified
by the mental reason, then it is not
left in memory (experience), but it is
anchored transitorily in the
“subconscious mental one”
The energy bound to the conflictual
event of burdens so on the mind in
all its intensity and dramatic force
and the conflict it becomes
“INTRAPSYCHIC” and begins sending
message to the cerebral cortex the
mind event not material, in particular
the intrapsychic conflict, itself unload
at the same level, cortical, defining
“The Nervous Cerebral Event”.
The cortical stimulation,
causes the activation of
working store in the neuron
of the frontal cerebral lobes
and the formation of
“Memory Fields”. The
memory’s field is an
activated status in which
electric signals are
producer at speed more
level than double compare
to the base one (P.S.
Goldman-Rakic et al.
“Scientific American” 1992).
awareness instant by instant and of
immediate recovery of registered
information. In fact the function of
the WM is for its particular nature
of short term activation, storage of
symbolic information, and their
manipulation and recovery of the
informations stored in the long
term memory, is to maintain the
circuit S-R generated in this case by
the conflictual event of the EGO
(stimulus) that is the interaction
Mind-Brain-Mind, that is (MindSubconscius) “Mind Conflictual
Event” “Nervous Material Event”
(Cerebral Cortex).
The circle that we have described itself would
create by learning through a mechanism of
“Classical Implicit Conditioning” where would
intervene the neural system of the “Implicit
Memory” that work during the long learning
The implicit memory is expressed by the
activation of a particular sensory motor
system and obtained and preserved from
their intrinsic plasticity.
The implicit memory together in the neural
system of “Explicit Memory” registers
information on the association of stimulus,
but does not ask conscious participation of
the subject again.
As reported by some authors (the learning for classical
conditioning would be bound in a mechanism and
associative post), that the associations they himself
from with neural activity is coinciding in the presynaptic and post-synaptic neurons, with strengthening
of the connection and it would be based on of a
“Simple cellular mechanism” with pre-modulator
character and located in the Hippocampus and it would
suffer strengthening by convergence of the conditional
or not stimulus inside the sensorial single neurons.
We know that associative pre-modulator mechanism
pre- post-synaptic, contributes to the implicit classical
conditioning, in which are associated two events: Not
effective stimulus either conditional stimulus and one
Hard effective stimulus, or not conditional stimulus.
At the beginning of the conditional
stimulus (Bell-Ring) will not give an
answer or only a small answer. If I couple
a not conditional stimulus that is hard AS,
E.G. running electric in the leg, the animal
learn predictive connections among two
stimuluses and it will raise to leg, where
to feel the conditional stimulus in this
conditioning are involved connections in
neurons and target cells, interneuron and
motor neurons.
We have so a
convergence of
conditional the same
stimulus and of the not
conditional one inside
sensorial and single
neurons, and stimulation
produces exciter
synaptic potential in the
inter neurons and in the
motor neurons, while
not conditional
strengthened stimuluses
activated a lot of motor
neurons groups.
Modulating serotoninergic neurons define a presynaptic facility of the sensorial neurons increasing
serotonin release by pre-synaptic extremities and this
facility contributed to not associated form of learning
called Sensitization.
The animal learns strengthen reflected and varied
answers of defensive type after having received a
painful stimulus. This one is associated
Hard effective stimulus
that is not conditional
correspond to the action
while the conditional
stimulus activated the
sensory neurons
The activated modulating neurons by the not
conditional stimulus (kandel et al. 1992) free
serotonin and define increase of the pre-synaptic
facility of sensory neurons if these had as soon as
starting action potential in answer to the
conditional stimulus
• This property called “facility dependent
by the activity”, asks the same cellular
behavioral conditioning level and can
explain this.
• Kandel et al. suggest that exist an cellular
alphabet for the learning, where the
mechanism of the most complex types
than learning can be elaboration or
combination at the simplest types or
On these bases Bucca suggests:
Main transmitter would be the Glutamate
Induction of long term strengthening,
would happen on the NMDA
receptor, that have associative
proprieties, that is in identification of
the coincidence (adenilciclasys)
Associated ionic channel to the receptor unblocks
only when post-synaptic neuron is depolarized and
the connection glutamate – receptor happens at the
same time to the depolarization of the post-synaptic
neuron “ Learning Synaptic Associative”
To this point the entrance of Calcium causes the LTS
starting of three different protein-kinases and
maintenance of the LTS, involves a pre-synaptic event
liberation of greater amount of transmitter at the
synaptic extremities
The deregulation of the normal
molecular pathway involved in
signal transduction could be
a cause of neoplastic cellular
The LTS is a new form communication among the neurons
“The II° Messengers Ways”, activated by the Ca2+ or
perhaps the same activity of Ca2+, would cause release of
a “Retrograde Plasticity Factor” by the active post-synaptic
This retrograde plasticity factor or
retrograde messenger is “Nitrogen Oxide”
(T.J. O’Dell et al. 1991) that acts on the
pre-synaptic extremities only if in these,
there is activity (Kandel et al. 1992) and it
activates someone or more messenger
that intensify the transmitters release and
maintain the LTS
LTS uses a combination of two independent
mechanism of associative synaptic learning: 1) Hebb’s
Mechanism (D.O. Hebb) with NMDA receptor. 2) Not
Hebb’s Mechanism of pre-synaptic facility Dependent
by activity.
Max-Plank institutes Tobias Bonhoeffer studies, confirm the theory. The author asserts
that LTS started in a post-synaptic neuron spread to the adjoning post-synaptic neurons
and are interested only active pre-synaptic and specific nets
• Morris R et al. (Medical school of Edinburg) assert, LTS is involved in memory, process
recording in the hippocampus. Which are mechanism that maintain-synaptic changes
generated by explicit and implicit learning to
• Kandel et al. report that explicit and implicit memoring process proceed through stages.
Short term memory lasts from few minutes to some hours and involves changes in the
synaptic strength connections mediated by second messengers. Long term changes are
recorded in the same site but ask genetic activation, expression of new genes and growing
new connections.
• Bailey et al. Report that stimulouses that generate long term memory trough sensitization
and classical conditioning lead in an increase of the number of the pre-synaptic
terminations .
• Merzenik et al. assert, examining the sensorial cerebral cortex where is represented hand,
shown that cortical maps change incessantly using sensorial nets.
Bucca suggests:
As the individual grows in different enviroments and exposed to different stimolouses and
exercises his own personal sensomotory abilities with specific individual answers
correlated to his genome and to personality structure, brain architecture so is different
qualitatively and quantitatively among every individual.
This characteristic modification of the brain architecture contributes to the biological basis of
the expression of the individuality.