Transcript CAST

Common Errors in English
Scientific Writing
Presenter: Wu-Cheng Lee (李武城),
Assistant Editor of The Chinese
Journal of Physiology (CJP, the
latest IF = 0.655 ) since March 2007
What attracts you most to see
a movie?
1. Theme?
2. Director?
3. Special Effects?
4. Cast?
C. A. S. T.
(four common errors)
C:Conjunction (連接詞)
A:Agreement (一致性)
S:Simplicity (簡潔扼要)
T:Tense (時態)
Conjunctions (連接詞)
and, but, or, as well as, not only…but
also…, etc.
Stress is not only involved in the
alternation of the hippocampus function
but also the morphological changes of
hippocampus neurons. (好像哪裡怪怪
• Stress is not only involved in (A) the
alternation of the hippocampus function
but also related to (B) the morphological
changes of hippocampus neurons.
• Stress is involved in not only the
alternation of the hippocampus function
(A) but also the morphological changes
of hippocampus neurons (B).
Agreement (一致性)
it…suggests…; we…perform;
they…are…; he…is…, etc.
Ischemia and reperfusion, caused by
temporary closure of blood flow in the
main vessels of lower extremities,
induces generalized inflammatory
responses leading to endothelial injury .
• Ischemia and reperfusion, caused by
temporary closure of blood flow in the
main vessels of lower extremities,
induces generalized inflammatory
responses leading to endothelial injury.
• The hippocampus is one of the important
brain areas that are connected with
emotional expression and cognition
function, and it is also an area that is very
susceptible to stress and aging.
• The hippocampus is one of the important
brain areas that is connected with
emotional expression and cognition
function, and it is also an area that is very
susceptible to stress and aging.
Simplicity (簡潔扼要)
Treatment with exogenous Mg+2 has been
shown to reduce the infarction volume, reduce
regional cerebral edema, and reduce the
injury-related motor and cognitive dysfunction.
Treatment with exogenous Mg+2 has been
shown to reduce the infarction volume,
regional cerebral edema, and the injury-related
motor and cognitive dysfunction.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorgamma (PPARγ) is a member of the nuclear
hormone receptor superfamily which has been
proved to have the ability to affect organic
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorgamma (PPARγ) is a member of the nuclear
hormone receptor superfamily which affects
organic fibrosis.
Tense (時態)
• Present tense?Past tense?
• Present tense:一種常態、目前學界的共
• Past tense:自身或他人的研究過程、已
• In the present study, hippocampal BDNF
mRNA and TrkB mRNA are detected by
RT-PCR in 2- and 22-month rats,
• In the present study, hippocampal BDNF
mRNA and TrkB mRNA were detected by
RT-PCR in 2- and 22-month rats,
• Increasing interests were shown for
developing a reliable focal ischemia model
in Mongolian gerbils.
• Increasing interests are shown for
developing a reliable focal ischemia model
in Mongolian gerbils.
C. A. S. T.
C:Conjunction (是否前後連接對等的單
A:Agreement (動詞與主詞的單複數是否
S:Simplicity (是否有贅字、贅詞?)
T:Tense (現在式?過去式?)
contact / contact with
Please contact me at any time you want. (O)
Please stay in contact with me. (O)
Please contact with me as soon as possible.
appreciate / be appreciated
I deeply appreciate your kind help. (O)
Your kind help is appreciated. (O)
I am appreciated if you can consider the
possibility of publishing this manuscript. (X)
• Your submission to The Chinese Journal of
Physiology (CJP) will be deeply appreciated,
and you are always welcome to contact me
at [email protected].