Transcript Verb Tense

Verb Tense
Review: Present, Past, & Future
Present Tense
Present tense may express
action which is going on at the
present time or which occurs
always, repeatedly, or
Examples: He sees the train.
He eats cereal for breakfast
every day.
Past Tense
Past tense expresses action
completed at a definite time in
the past.
Examples: He wrote the letter
yesterday. She lived to be 90
years old.
Future Tense
Future tense expresses action
which will take place in the
It uses the helping verbs will or
shall* and the present tense
form of the verb).
Examples: He will send the
letter tomorrow. I shall wait here
until you return.
* Traditionally, shall is used for
1st person and will for 2nd and 3rd