The Nervous System - De Soto High School

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Transcript The Nervous System - De Soto High School

The nervous system and the endocrine
system regulate and control the activities of
the other body systems
The nervous system may be divided into two
◦ central nervous system (CNS): made up of the
brain and spinal cord
◦ peripheral nervous system (PNS): made up of
cranial and spinal nerves
The Brain
Brain Stem*
Medulla Oblongata*
& MORE!!
The Spinal Cord
Brain: major portion of the central nervous
◦ Cerebrum
 What we think of as “The Brain”
 Largest organ of the
nervous system
 Consists of two
hemispheres: Right and Left
Brain (cont’d)
Four Lobes
◦ Frontal-associated with reasoning, planning, emotions,
problem solving, movement
◦ Parietal-associated with movement, orientation,
recognition, perception of stimuli
◦ Occipital-associated with
visual processing
◦ Temporal-associated
with processing and
recognition of
sounds, memory, and
◦ Activity-Stroop Effect
Brain (cont’d)
◦ ventricles: spaces within the cerebrum that contain
a fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which flows
through the space around the brain and spinal cord
◦ cerebral spinal fluid (CSF): clear, colorless fluid to
cushion the brain and spinal column from shock;
transports nutrients, and clears metabolic waste
Brain (cont’d)
Controls involuntary actions
Looks like a swollen lump
Located at top of spinal cord
Inside, two large cords of nerve fibers
 One from Left hemisphere
 One from Right hemisphere
 The cords cross here
Brain (cont’d)
Each half of the brain interacts with one half
of the body
The connections are crossed
Right brain-Left hand; Left brain-Right hand
Left side dominant for language—talking and
understanding language
Brain (cont’d)
Means “little brain”
Size of a pear
Located at the rear of cerebrum
Coordinate movements via
commands from the cerebrum
◦ Activity: Balancing Act
Brain (cont’d)
Brain Stem
◦ Located below the cerebrum
◦ Connects the brain with the
spinal cord
◦ Sends messages from the
brain to the spinal cord
◦ Involved in cardiovascular
system control,
respiratory control,
pain sensitivity control,
alertness, awareness, and
Spinal cord
◦ Passes through the vertebrae extending from the medulla
oblongata to the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra; conducts
nerve impulses to and from the brain and initiates reflex
action to sensory information without input from the brain
◦ Responsible for primitive involuntary reactions called
◦ Pairs of Spinal Nerves:
Cervical (8)
Thoracic (12)
Lumbar (5)
Sacral (5)
Coccygeal (1)
The nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
Nerve: cordlike structure that carries
impulses from one part of the body to
Connects the Central Nervous System to the
rest of the body
◦ Consists of two parts
 Somatic
 Autonomic
Automatic! Involuntary
All the actions that we
choose to do:
Practicing Sports
What else?
All the actions that our
brain controls without
us knowing:
Regulating Body
What else?
12 pair of cranial nerves
31 pair of spinal nerves
Cells of the nervous system are called
13-33 Billion Neurons in the brain alone
Parts of a Neuron
◦ Nucleus-stores genetic information
◦ Axon-string like structure that transmits impulses
to the next cell
◦ Dendrites-tree like structure that receives impulses
from the previous cell
◦ Cell Body-bulbous end that contains the nucleus
◦ Terminal Fibers-the end of the axon
◦ Myelin Sheath-insulation-like covering around axon
A neuron has many of the same organelles
such as mitochondria, cytoplasm and a
nucleus, as other cells in the body.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals or molecules
that help send synapses
Neurons send and
receive impulses
This is called a
haptein=to clasp
Each cubic mm of
brain contains roughly a billion synapses
Synaptic cleft—space between neurons
Axon terminal-part of neuron that sends
impulse to the next neuron
Dendrite-part of neuron that receives impulse
from the previous neuron
Head injury
Problems with development
Damaged or dead nerve cells
Loss of blood flow to the brain
Medical conditions of the
nervous system & how to
maintain and promote brain
Soccer and the brain, Football and the brain,
Skateboarding and Extreme Sports
Transient Ischemic Attack
Cerebrovascular Accident
Avoid tobacco, drug, and alcohol use
Drink plenty of water
Get sleep!
Eat healthy foods
Never compromise your breathing
Wear helmets when pertinent
◦ Like other animals, human beings have body
systems for…coordination of body functions
◦ Although social behaviors are affected by both
genes and environmental factors, human beings are
still able to invent, learn, and modify a wide variety
of these behaviors
◦ Interactions among the senses, nerves, and brain
make possible the learning that enables human
beings to predict, analyze, and respond to changes
in their environment