Anne Frank - TeacherWeb

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Kristi Nevel
• Anne’s parents came from respectful
German families. Otto Frank, Anne’s father,
wan an officer in the World War 1. Margot,
her sister, and Anne had many friends from
different nationalities. Their parents taught
them to be nice to all people. Hitler effected
the Jews more and more as the time went
on. Otto feared the safety for him and his
About the Franks
Anne Frank was born June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt
Germany. She was the second daughter of Otto and Edith
Frank. Anne's father was an officer in the German Army during
World War I.
By 1942 Jews were being arrested because they were
Jews. Many were forced to go to German force labor camps.
Instead of going, the Frank family began to prepare to go into
hiding. They were going to hide in the Annex above Otto
Franks work.
The Secret Annex
• While they were getting ready, Anne
celebrated her 13th birthday on June 12,
1942. July5, 1942, her sister received a callup notice to be deported to a Nazi “work
camp.” The camp was not ready but they
had to move in it right away. They said they
had left the country, but really they just
moved to the Annex.
Living Under Nazi Rule
• All Jews had to register their business and,
later, surrender them to non-Jews.
Fortunately, Otto Frank had thought this
might happen. He already turned his
business over the the non-Jews colleages
Victor Kuler and Johannes Kleiman.
Arrest and Deportation
• At approximately 10 am, August 4, 1944,
the Frank family’s greatest fear came true.
A Nazi policeman and several Dutch
collaborators appeared at 263 Prinsengracht,
having received a phone call that Jews were
hiding in there. They headed straight for the
bookcase leading to the secret Annex. They
were forced to give up their belongings and
• Otto and the rest of his family moved to
Amsterdam and set up a new business. By
1930 the Franks were living a normal like
and the girls were going to school. Otto’s
belief that Amsterdam would bring safety
was shattered when the German’s invaded
the Netherlands.
• Anne kept a diary which she wrote in
almost everyday.
The Newspaper
• Anne always talked to her dad about daily
things that were happening. Sometimes
even the people would get the a newspaper
and Anne and her dad would read it together
on the bed. Shown below.
After The War
• Otto Frank was the only one to survive out
of those that were in the hiding with him.
After the war Otto found it hard to live in
Amsterdam because of the thought of his
dead wife and daughters. He later remarried
to Elfried Geiringer, also a survivor.
The End
• Otto Frank died on August 19, 1980, at the
age of ninety-one.