Transcript Anne Frank

Anne Frank.
By Joseph and Murielle.
World War 2.
• When Anne Frank was three world war
two started. The war was in Germany and
Adolf Hitler was ruling.
The Moving.
• Adolf Hitler didn’t like the Jews and sent
them to work camps so Anne Franks and
her family went into hiding and made it to
The Secret Door.
• While in Holland they stayed in a house
which had a secret door, they stayed
there two years.
The Present Of A Diary.
• On Anne’s thirteenth birthday she got a
diary with she would write about
everything she did to relieve the boredom.
The Work Camps.
• After the second year Anne Frank and her
family were caught by German guards
and were sent to work camps.
After The Camp.
• After the work camp only Anne Frank’s
father survived, her mother died of
exhaustion, she and her sister died of