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Transcript WORLD WAR IIx

Standard 7
 Treaty
of Versailles
 Totalitarian Governments
 Adolf Hitler in Germany
 Benito Mussolini in Italy
 Tojo Hideki in Japan
 Form
of government
 Advocated by Mussolini
 governmental system led by a dictator
having complete power, forcibly
suppressing opposition and criticism,
regimenting all industry, commerce, etc.,
and emphasizing an aggressive
nationalism and often racism.
 Communism
is a system based around a
theory of economic equality and
advocates for a classless society.
 Fascism is a nationalistic, top-down
system with rigid class roles that is ruled
by an all-powerful dictator.
 Establish
an Italian empire like that of the
 Strict government controls
 Strong military
 Establish himself as the dictator
• Supported by business leaders who feared
• Roman Catholic Church
 Used
German resentment towards ToV to
come to power
 Nazi Party
 Zealous inspiring speaker
 Blames German troubles on their
enemies from WWI and the Jews for
betrayal of the former German republic
 Comes to power 1933, known as the
Fuhrer and labels new government the
Third Reich
 Japan
in mid 20s ruled by Emperor
Hirohito whose motto for reign is
“Enlightened Peace” his lack of political
power leads to the Japanese army
ignoring him and occupying the Chinese
Province of Manchuria
 Tojo Hideki is an army general who will
rise to power as the Japanese Premier in
1941, is extremely aggressive
 Mussolini
invades Ethiopia and will be
condemned by the League of Nations
 Hitler withdraws Germany from the LoN,
and offers to help Italy
 1936 Hitler moves troops into the
Rhineland, in 1938 annexes Austria, later
demands the right to annex the
Sudetenland, the western border of
Czechoslovakia (where millions of ethnic
Germans lived)
 LoN
attempts to impose economic
sanctions (penalties) on Italy, does
nothing only irritates Mussolini
 France and GB are too worried about
another war with Germany to interfere
 Hitler also convinces other European
countries that all of this is an internal
German affair, so they should not worry
 France
and GB follow a policy of
appeasement (satisfying Hitler to avoid
future conflicts)
 Munich Pact- GB and France agree to
Hitler’s capture of the Sudetenland in
exchange for his promise not invade
anymore territories
 Hitler
wants to conquer the Soviet Union
to build his empire, but in order to
conquer in the East he must conquer the
West (France)
 Hitler is smarter than the average bear,
he does not want to fight a war on 2
fronts, knowing if he attacks in the West
the East will come to their aid and vice
 Joseph
Stalin-SU leader, signs the Non
Aggression Pact with Germany, in which
the 2 promise not to attack each other
 Hitler hopes this will let him invade
France without having to worry about the
SU attacking him to the East
 Stalin is also pretty smart though, he only
signs the Pact so he has more time to
prepare for war
 Originally
Germany and Italy
 1940 Japan joins
 Do not want to join in another
international conflict
 Still dealing with the Great Depression,
want to fix things at home
 Neutrality Act 1935- prohibits the sale of
weapons to warring nations
 1937
FDR gives the Quarantine Speech
 Calls for a “quarantine” against any
aggressor nations
• Quarantine being economic and diplomatic
• Result: Economic sanctions by the US would play
a MAJOR role in Japan’s decision to attack the US
 September
1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland,
the only country between Germany and
the Soviet Union
• Violates the Munich Pact!!
• Hitler’s army sweeps quickly across Poland
using a new technique of warfare known as
Blitzkrieg, “Lightning War”
 Lightning War
 Involves
airplanes and tanks to strike fast
and hard, moving rapidly into enemy
 Poland falls to Germany in less than a
 Stalin
attacks from the east, violates the
Non-Aggression Pact
 GB and France had promised to aid
Poland in the event of an attack from
Hitler, so GB and France declare war on
Germany September 3, 1939
 April
1940 Germany conquers Denmark
and Norway
 May 10, 1940 Germany launches
Blitzkrieg against Belgium, the
Netherlands, and France
 France surrenders to Germany June 14th
 Hitler makes France sign an armistice
yielding half of the control of the
government to German control
 This
is the remaining half ruled by the
French, centered in Vichy
 Charles de Gaulle refuses to accept
defeat, he flees to London and sets up a
free French government in exile
 Eventually will return to France to help
the allies liberate Paris
 Winston
Churchill PM
 Battle raged from July to October 1940
 Germany conducted nightly air raids on
London, Londoners would sleep in the
 The RAF (royal air force) fights off the
German assault, Hitler gives up plans of
invading GB
only president ever elected to a
third term
 Lend-Lease Act- President could send
aid to any nation whose defense was
considered vital to United States national
security (GB). If the country could not
afford the aid, the US would defer
payment until later
 Atlantic
Charter- GB and US agree on
common principals aimed at
guaranteeing the freedom and welfare of
countries after the war. This will serve as
the basis of the founding of the United
 Japan’s
aggression is spurred by the
United States imposing an embargo
(refusing to ship certain products to a
country) on oil an steel.
 Japan wants to take over Southeast Asia
and the Dutch East Indies
 Pearl Harbor- US Naval fleet anchored in
 Surprise attack, US actually detected the
incoming plans on radar but thought they
were US plans coming from the mainland
 In less than 2 hours the Japanese sank or
seriously damaged a dozen naval
vessels, destroyed almost 200 war plans,
and killed or wounded nearly 3000
 Declares
war against Japan and later
against Germany and Italy as well. US is
now in WWII
 November
1942 Operation Torch,
involves invasion of North Africa, US
troops commanded by Lt. Gen Dwight D
Eisenhower vs. Gen. Erwin Rommel (the
Desert Fox)
 First major allied victory
 U.S
Commander Gen. George S. Patten
conquers Sicily July 1943 in 38 days,
Mussolini is arrested, allies attack the
Italian mainland
 German troops in Italy rescue Mussolini
from Prison
 Italy finally surrenders altogether spring
 Eisenhower
made Supreme Allied
 June 6, 1944 3 million troops hit the
beaches at Normandy, France
 Suffer heavy losses, but get 500,000
troops ashore.
 Importance: August 25, 1944 Allies fight
their way into Paris liberating the city
from German Occupation
 The
Allies now in Northern France, they
start their push towards Germany
 Why Bulge? Because the area the
Germans were protecting appears as an
outward bulge on maps
 This
battle the Germans attempted to
pierce the enemy lines and divide the
Allied forces in half
 It is winter time, and the Allies are caught
off guard by the Germany offensive
 Fighting is fierce, many Allied troops get
cut off from their army
 Gen. Patton
will again prove influential
and move an army of 250,000 men from
Western France to the site of the fighting
 German attack fails
 Big Three: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
 February
1945 meet in Yalta
 Yalta Conference- discuss military strategy
and postwar policy
 Stalin restates promise to declare war on
Japan AFTER the defeat of Germany
 KEY POINT: Stalin agrees to allow free
elections to establish a democratic
government in Eastern Europe and
Germany and countries freed from
 In
return for USSR (Soviet Union)
becoming democratic, Churchill and
Roosevelt agree that USSR will retain land
in Poland, have special rights to certain
islands and Chinese lands presently
under Japanese control and receive half
of the war reparations from Germany
 Resolutions are stated in the Yalta