Chapter 24 - Sandcreek Middle School

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Transcript Chapter 24 - Sandcreek Middle School

Path to WWII
• The rise of nationalism was due to the
problems left by WWI and the failures of the
treaty agreement
– Most countries were deep in poverty
• Germany had to pay off the huge war
debts while being in poverty
Versailles Peace Conference
– Anger against the Treaty of Versailles not
being fair
• Germany– being blamed for starting WWI
–Lost colonies and border territories
• Soviet Union
–Parts of Russia were carved up and
taken away
Soviet Union
– Joseph Stalin took control 1924
• Made a communist state
–All privately owned farms and most
businesses were owned by the
• Wanted the Soviet Union to be a modern
industrial state
–Had a series of “5 year plans” to manage
Soviet Union
• Death
–Stalin killed anyone in his way
»8 to 13 million
• Totalitarian State- government has complete
control over citizens
• People have no rights and all opposition is
–Benito Mussolini took control
• Got control by playing on fears of
communism and economic collapse
• Established Fascist Party
–Fascism- stresses nationalism and
puts the state over the individual
• Power must rest with a single strong
leader and a small group of members
• Marched on Rome- October 1922
–“Black Shirts”- Mussolini followers
• King gave control of government to
–Adolf Hitler takes control 1933
• In 1919 Hitler joined the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party
• He became the leader of the Party
due to his amazing public speaking
• Called Der Fuhrer “The Leader”
• Wrote a book Mein Kampf “My
–Talked about the basic beliefs of
–Became the plan of action for the
Nazi Party
• Three Elements of beliefs
–Extreme nationalism- to unite all
German speaking people into 1
–Racial “purification”- Aryans were a
master race destined to rule the
–National Expansion- To thrive
Germany needed more space
Why Hitler?
•People were desperate and
turned to Hitler
–Economy and starving
–..\..\Videos\Hitler's First
Speech in Power w. Goebbels
Intro 1933 10min.flv
–Militarists took control of imperial
–Wanted more space for Japan
• Took control of Manchuria from
China in 1931
• League of Nations went to
Manchuria to investigate and Japan
just left the League
–They had no power and could do
Failure of the League of Nations
–Europe’s leaders saw that the League of
Nations had no power
• Hitler pulled out of the League and
began to build up a military in violation
of the Treaty of Versailles
–He sent troops into the Rhineland
–Mussolini took over Ethiopia
»Haile Selassie- “It is us today, it will
be you tomorrow.”
–Civil War broke out
–Francisco Franco took control
•Germany and Italy aided him
General Francisco Franco
Rome-Berlin Axis
• Rome-Berlin Axis- formal alliance between
Germany and Italy
Hitler and Mussolini
• Rome-Berlin Axis--military alliance
United States’ Reaction
–US maintained its policy of isolationism
–Neutrality Acts
• To keep the US out of future wars
• Outlawed arms sales or loans to nations
at war and those in a civil war
United States’ Reaction
–FDR found a way around the acts and
gave guns to China to fight Japan
–FDR spoke out against isolationism in a
• Said peace-loving nations must stop
aggressive nations
• There was a major backlash and he
backed down
War in Europe!!
• Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall
–Hitler wanted to expand Germany
–Austria was a small nation that was
predominantly German
• It favored unification with Germany
• Germany marched into Austria on March
12, 1938 unopposed
–The union with Austria was completed
Germany said that the Czechs were
abusing the Germans in the Sudetenland
–He amassed troops on the border
–Propaganda to the German people told
lies of abuses to the Germans in the
Munich Agreement
–France and Britain promised to protect
–Hitler met with France and Britain
–He said it would be his “last territorial
–To avoid war they signed over the
Sudetenland to Germany
–Churchill of Britain said this was wrong and
an act of appeasement
Moscow – Berlin Pact
• Hitler negotiated a non-aggression pact with
Russia, Thus assuring a peaceful western
border, Germany was ready to plunge the
world into World War II.
Moscow – Berlin Pact
• In order to get the Soviet Union to sign he
promised them Northern Poland.
• Immediately after the Moscow-Berlin Pact
was signed, Hitler’s troops invaded Poland.
A. Culture of the 1930s
1. Movies and radio take the country by storm
a) Movies
1. were a hit during the Great Depression
2. Allowed for an escape from reality
3. Gone with the Wind one of most famous
4. Actors became stars
i. Clark Gable
ii. Marx Brothers
iii. Marlene Dietrich
Marx Brothers
Clark Gable
Marlene Dietrich
Culture of the 1930s
2. Radio
a) Families spent large portions of their days
listening to radio programs
b) Orson Welles- War of the Worlds
c) “Fireside Chats” with FDR
War of the Worlds
• On Sunday, October 30, 1938, millions of radio
listeners were shocked when radio news alerts
announced the arrival of Martians. They panicked
when they learned of the Martians' ferocious and
seemingly unstoppable attack on Earth. Many ran
out of their homes screaming while others
packed up their cars and fled.
..\Videos\War Of The Worlds Radio Broadcast Part
Culture of the 1930s
3. Art
a) Was sober and series
b) Was supported through New Deal Programs
i. Federal Art Project- to promote positive images
of U.S. society
c) Artists
i. Grant Wood- American Gothic
ii. Diego Rivera- muralist
d) Federal Theater Project
i. Hired actors to play around the country
or De
Culture of the 1930s
4. Music
a. Woody Guthrie
i. Sang about hardships of America
5. Federal Writers Project
a. Gave support to writers
b. The Grapes of Wrath
i. John Steinbeck- about the Dust Bowl
B. Regulation in the 1930s
1. Glass-Stegall Act- established the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and required banks
to be careful with customers money
2. Federal Securities Act- required corporations to
provide complete information on all stock offerings
and made them liable for any misrepresentations
B. Regulation in the 1930s
3. Roosevelt got Congress to allow the manufacture
and sale of some alcoholic beverages to raise
revenue for the federal government
Regulation in the 1930s
4. 21st amendment repealed prohibition
5. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)- wanted to raise
crop prices by lowering production
a. Paid farmers to leave a certain amount of every
acre of land unseeded
b. Tennessee Valley Authority(TVA)- it renovate
five existing dams and constructed 20 new ones
i. Created jobs, provided flood control, power
B. Regulation in the 1930s
6.Civilian Conservation Corps CCC- put men 18 to 25
to work
a. Reforestation program to prevent another dust bowl
B. Regulation in the 1930s
7. National Industrial Recovery Act
a. Public Works Administration- money to states to create
jobs in the construction of schools and community
b. Civil Works Administration- to help unemployment
i. Provided 4 million immediate jobs
ii. Promoted fair practices among industries
Regulation in the 1930s
c. Home Owners Loan Corporation- government
loans to homeowners who faced foreclosure
d. National Housing Act- created the FHA- home
e. Federal Emergency Relief Administration- provide
direct relief for the needy
• Half was given to help furnish food the rest to
support work relief programs
C. New Deal Under Attack
1. All of these programs required federal
2. Deficit spending- spending more money than
the government receives in revenue
3. FDR regarded spending as a necessary evil to
get the U.S. back on track
4. The NIRA was deemed unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court
C. New Deal Under Attack
7. FDR was going to try and add 6 judges to the
Supreme Court to swing favor his way
8. An elderly justice died and FDR appointed a
liberal- Hugo S. Black who shifted the court in
favor of the New Deal
9. American Liberty League- were opponents of
the New Deal
D. Second New Deal
1. After the first hundred days FDR wanted to keep
trying to help the economy regain its previous
2. During this phase FDR called on Congress to
provide more extensive relief for farmers and
D. Second New Deal
3. Eleanor Roosevelt- wife of FDR she traveled the
country helping the people and working on
humanitarian causes
4. By the mid 1930s 2 out of 5 farms were mortgaged
5. AAA was struck down by Congress
Second New Deal
6. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act- paid
farmers for cutting production of soil depleting
crops and rewarded farmers for good conservation
Second New Deal
7. Works Progress Administration (WPA)- goal was to
create as many jobs as quick as possible
a. It spent 11 billion and gave jobs to more than 8 million
b. Built airports, roads, and public buildings
8. They wrote guides, collected historical narratives,
and painted
Second New Deal
9. National Youth Administration (NYA)- created to
provide education, jobs, counseling, and
recreation for young people
10. Wagner Act- helped to protect the rights of
Second New Deal
11. Social Security Act- created in 1935
a. Old-age insurance for retirees 65 and
older and their spouses
b. Unemployment compensationc. Aid to families with Dependent children
and the disabled
Second New Deal
12. Expanding and regulating utilities
a. To promote rural electrification and
regulate public utilities
b. 12% of farms in 1935 had electricity 45%
in 1945, 90% in 1949