Chapter 21-Leading up to War

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Chapter 21
Leading up to War
The Rise of
Dictators in Europe
• Europeans turned to strong leaders
because of the bad economy
Communism in the Soviet Union
• In 1917, a revolution broke out in Russia
• The Communist party took control of Russia
• Changed the name to the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (U.S.S.R.)
• Joseph Stalin became the leader in
• He was cruel, killing over 10 million
citizens during his rule (1924-1953)
Fascism in Italy
Economy was weak in Italy after WWI
People turned to Benito Mussolini for change and hope
1919 he started the Italian Fascist Party
Fascists support the rule of a dictator
He became prime minister in 1922
Nazism in Germany
• The National Socialist Party (NAZI party) took over to
“solve” the problems
• 1933 Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor, or leader
• Reminded people that Germany had to pay for WWI
• He said Germans were better than other people
• He said Germany should rule
the world
• He referred to Germans as the
master race
• Stated that there were groups who were lower than
• He blamed Jews and Communists for Germany’s
• 1935 Hitler said that Jews could no longer be citizens
• Children could not go to school
• Jews were forced to wear yellow badges (Star of David)
The Road to War
• 1936 Hitler decided to move Germany’s borders
• His army crossed into an area between France and
Germany called the Rhineland
• France and Great Britain did nothing
• They followed a policy of appeasement
• 1938 Germany took control of Austria
• Hitler then demanded that Czechoslovakia hand over the
• France and Great Britain signed treaties to protect
• The leaders of France and Great Britain met with Hitler
in 1938 (Munich Conference)
• They allowed Hitler to keep the Sudetenland
War Breaks Out Again
• Hitler’s next target was Poland
• Hitler and Stalin agreed to attack Poland and divide it up
• September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland
• Great Britain and France declared war on Germany
• 1940 Germany invaded Denmark, Norway, the
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France
German Advances
from 1939-1942
Maps of German Conquests
Japan Rises to Power
Military leaders took control of Japan in the 1930s
They developed a plan called militarism
Japan needed natural resources for its industries
1931 Japan invaded Manchuria in north China to get
coal and oil
• 1932 Japan set up a puppet state in Manchuria
• 1937 Japan attacks China
• The U.S. did not send military help
to China
Japan’s Control over China
• Japan wanted to control all of eastern Asia for the
natural resources
• The most important resource was oil
• European countries had many colonies in Asia that
controlled the natural resources
• Japan was becoming friendly with Germany and Italy
• All three signed an anti-Communist pact
From Isolation to Pearl Harbor
• Most Americans did not want alliances with other
countries for fear of war
• The U.S. passed several laws from 1935-1937 to keep it
out of war
• Many Americans wanted the U.S. to practice isolationism
• Congress passed a cash-and-carry policy so that nations
could buy goods that they could pay cash for
• President Roosevelt believed that the U.S. should help
other countries stand up to bullies
End of Isolation
• President Roosevelt became the first President to run for
a third term
• He promised to keep the U.S. out of war
• 1940 he was reelected
• FDR asked for the first peacetime draft in U.S. history
• In 1940 Winston Churchill, leader of Great Britain, asked
the U.S. for help against Nazi Germany
• Britain did not have enough money to buy weapons
Winston Churchill
• FDR asked Congress to pass a lend-lease plan
• This would allow FDR the power to lend or lease
supplies to allies of the U.S.
• 1941 Congress passed the lend-lease plan
• The U.S. had to ship supplies to Britain
• German submarines attacked American ships
• October 1941, German subs sank a U.S. Navy ship
killing 115 sailors
Pearl Harbor
• In September 1940, Japan became an ally of Germany
and Italy
• Japan continued to expand in Asia
• FDR stopped trade with Japan (1941)
• He banned oil shipments to Japan
• Japan and U.S. began talks in November 1941
• Japan was also planning to attach Pearl Harbor (naval
base in Hawaii)
The Attack
• December 7, 1941, Japanese pilots headed toward Pearl
• Japanese plans destroyed 19 American ships
• Over 2,400 Americans were killed
• December 8, 1941, Congress declared war on Japan
• December 11 Germany and Italy declared war on the
FDR’s speech
Images of Pearl Harbor
Deployment of attacking Japanese aircraft
183 aircraft of the first attack wave were launched from the six Imperial
Japanese Navy
At approximately 7:15 A.M. the second wave of aircraft was launched and
170 more aircraft were on their way to Pearl Harbor.
Shattered by a direct hit, the USS
Arizona burns and sinks, December
7, 1941
Aerial view of the USS Arizona
Damage at Pearl Harbor
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Roosevelt signs the Declaration of War
Leading to WWII
October 1922 – Mussolini gains power in Italy
September 1931 – Japan invades Manchuria
January 1933 – Hitler becomes leader of Germany
July 1937 – Japanese move farther into China
March 1938 – Munich Conference is held
August 1939 – Nazi-Soviet Pact signed
September 1939 – Germany invades Poland