Transcript WWII notes

Early actions of WWII:
 Germany, Italy, and Japan began
invading countries during the early 30’s.
 1939, Germany invades Poland. France
and Great Britain declare war on
 Japan invades China.
 Italy invades Ethiopia, Greece.
The Allied Powers:
 Consists of France and Great Britain as
of 1939.
 U.S.A. aids the Allies with….
-The Neutrality Act (1939)
-Lend Lease Act (1941)
Turning point in Europe:
 The Battle of Britain (1940)
-Britain and German air forces bomb each
other, results in a draw.
 Germany had conquered France and the rest
of W. Europe, but grew frustrated due to his
unsuccessful air battle against Great Britain.
 Resulted in Germany’s invasion of The
U.S.S.R. (a.ka. Soviet Union, or Russia)
Two Key lessons at this
 NEVER play Russia at home.
-historically, no one since the
Mongols can handle Russia’s size,
climate, or culture and have always failed.
 “The Enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
-Stalin was a ruthless dictator who hated
Hitler, so the Allies capitalize on their
mutual enemy and add Russia to their
-Churchill said this.
 Hideki Tojo, wants to expand.
 Technologically advanced.
 Wanted to unite Asian world.
 Invades China & S.E. Asia
U.S. Reaction
 FDR imposes trade embargo on iron
and steel.
-angers Japan, continues to
 FDR stops exports of oil and seizes
Japanese embassy in U.S.A.
December 7th, 1941
• “a date which will live in infamy.”
 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.
 Kill 2,000 U.S. Troops.
 150 aircraft, 18 ships destroyed.
 U.S. declares war on Japan.
-Alliances go into effect.
The U.S.A. at War
 The war took place in two “theatres”.
The European Theatre:
The Pacific Theatre:
-Allies invade Europe.
-N. Africa
-Allies take on Japan.
-”island hopping”
-Iwo Jima
Pages 802-808
 Create a 2 column chart like the
example shown on page 802.
In Europe:
In the Pacific:
Battle of the Atlantic
George Patton
Tuskegee Airmen
Admiral Yamamoto
Battle of Midway
Chester Nimitz
“duel offensives”
Pages 818-823
 Describe the actions taking place at D-DAY
and the Battle of the Bulge. With the 5 W’s….
-Who? (countries involved)
-What? (a brief statement of
actions taken in the battle.)
-When? (month and year)
-Where? (location of the battle)
-Why? (importance and results)
End of WWII
 Island Hopping successful, Japan
wont back down.
 Manhattan Project:
-Einstein tells FDR about A bomb.
-secretive project to build bomb
Truman’s decision:
 Takes over after FDR’s death.
 2 options:
1. Invade Japan.
2.drop A bomb.
End of fighting
 August 1945, bombs explode in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
 Axis surrenders.
 40-60 million deaths in WWII!
 Hitler commits suicide, Mussolini
hanged, FDR dies, Stalin/Churchill live