1914 - Present - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

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Transcript 1914 - Present - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

World War II
“The Good War”
1939 -- 1946
Sides of WWII
Great Britain
(Germany breaks Nonaggression in 1941)
(Japan attacks the U.S. @ Pearl Harbor in Dec. 7th, 1941)
Countries and Leaders before
WWII begins…
 France (Allied) = Edouard Daldier
 Great Britain (Allied) = Neville Chamberlain
 U.S.S.R. (Neutral/Allied) = Josef Stalin
 U.S.A. (Neutral/Allied) = Franklin D. Roosevelt
 Germany (Axis) = Adolf Hitler
 Japan (Axis) = Emperor Hirohito
 Italy (Axis) = Benito Mussolini
 Spain (Civil War/Neutral)=Francisco Franco
Pre-War Buildup…
 1933 – Germany begins illegally rebuilding
army. (says to resist communism)
 1936 – Germany bands w/Japan
Anti-ComIntern Pact
 1938 – Germany annexes Austria (lots of
German people in Austria); turns
towards Czechoslovakia
 Throughout the 1930s, Hitler supporting Francisco
Franco (Fascist) in Spain; preventing Soviet
Supported Republicans from defeating Franco.
Why Appeasement?
 After WWI, no one wanted to fight in
another large, industrial war.
 America preferred Isolationism, it’s Europe’s
 Many people anti-Semitic.
 Chamberlain/Daladier (Britain/France) wanted
appeasement and they’re the other major powers.
Why German-Soviet
Nonaggression Pact?
 Stalin feared France and Britain would do
nothing (no alliance to prevent German
 Hitler wants to pacify its largest/strongest
 When the alliance is made public, France and
Britain realize Hitler’s intentions are much
larger and dangerous than previously thought.
War Begins…
 On Sept. 1st, 1939 – Germany invades Poland
with a Blitzkrieg (‘Lightning War’) assault.
 Tanks roll through Poland and the nation
falls before any European country can come
to its defense.
 Britain and France Agree to fight Germany.
 WWII officially begins.
What officially started WWII?
What enemy did Hitler agree not to fight?
Why did he make the agreement?
Why did Hitler break the agreement?
Why did the U.S. stay out of the war for so long?
What are some similarities one can find on the side of
the Axis Powers? On the side of the Allied Powers?