IV. Rhetorical devices
Transcript IV. Rhetorical devices
Speech on Hitler's Invasion of
the U.S.S.R
Teaching Objectives
Learn background information
Understand the writing style of the
Get to know rhetorical devices
Teaching Points
I. Background information
II. Structural analysis
III. Detailed study of the text
IV. Rhetorical devices
I. Background Information
World War II: (1937 / 1939 -1945)
The conflict resulted from the rise of totalitarian, fascism in
German, Japan and Italy
July 7. 1937
Japan invaded Central China.
Sep. 1938
Munich Pact, which sacrificed much of Czechoslovakia to
Aug. 1939
Russia-Germany non-aggression pact
Sept. 1, 1939
German invasion of Poland
Sept. 3, 1939
France and Britain declared war on Germany, officially
beginning World War II
Background Information
June 22, 1940
France surrendered.
Aug-Oct. 1940
The Battle of Britain (2,300 to 900)
Jun 22. 1941
German invasion of the Soviet Union.
I. Background Information
Dec. 7, 1941
Pearl Harbour
Sept. 1943
the Allies conquered Sicily and South Italy. Italy
May 7. 1945
Germany surrendered unconditionally.
Aug. 14, 1945
Japan announced its surrender.
Background Information
Adolph Hitler, (1889
- 1945) founder and
leader of the
National Socialist
Workers‘ Party, was
born an Austrian.
1920 the Nazi Party
1933 Chancellor
Background Information
the union of the presidency and
chancellorship in Hitler's person,
the Führer
Background Information
an assassination attempt
April 29, 1945
married his long-time mistress, Eva
April 30, 1945
committed suicide
Background Information
MEIN KAMPT - My Struggle
Aryan's Superiority
Nazi: National sozialist
the National Socialist German
Workers' Party
Elite Corps, black guards
Background Information
Sir Winston Leonard
Spencer Churchill
(Nov. 30, 1874 Jan. 24, 1965)
May 1940 - May
1945 first tenure as
Oct. 1951 - Jan.
tenure as P.M.
Background Information
1953 knighted
Sir Winston Churchill
1953 the Nobel Prize in Literature
1955 refusing the title of duke
II. Structural analysis
Part I: a piece of narration
Background of the speech
Part II. the speech proper
an argument or persuasion
Section 1: The Nazi regime…
horrors upon mankind…
Scenario on both sides of the
To arouse emotion.
II. Structural analysis
Section 2: I have to declare the…in
determination and in resources.
What we should do.
Section 3: This is no time…life and power
Further persuasion, to convince the audience
of the justification of the decision.
II. Structural analysis
Type of literature-- a piece of argumentation
The purpose of a piece of argumentation:
-- to persuade, that is, to defend what is true
and to attack what is false by the use of reason
Ways of developing a piece of argumentation: -by deduction -- by induction
III. Detailed Study of the Text
conviction: a very firm and sincere
Conviction usu. implies previous doubt
or uncertainty.
I speak in the full conviction that our
cause is just.
His political convictions are radical.
III. Detailed Study of the Text
certainty: the state of being definite or
having no doubts
(here in the text) clearly established
It's a certainty that this horse will win
in the race.
After three days, our victory became
a certainty.
III. Detailed Study of the Text
surprise: attack suddenly and without warning
They surprised the enemy from the rear.
ground: (of pilot or plane) to stay on the ground
The ship grounded on a hidden sandbank in the
shallow water.
grounded on the airfield: lying still on the airfield
III. Detailed Study of the Text
round up: to gather together scattered
animals, to collect together animals
that are scattered
A cowboy / dog rounds up the cattle /
III. Detailed Study of the Text
horde: a large number or crowd,
a horde of locusts
When a contemptuous term is
desired, it is preferred to crowd and
throng, esp, when implying rude,
rough or savage character.
Detailed Study of the Text
be true of: be the same case, be
suitable to
What he says of women is true of
People in cities have larger houses
now, and the same is true of the living
condition in the countryside.
Detailed Study of the Text
revert to: to go back to a former
subject, talk about again
The pressure made him revert to his
old habit of smoking.
Shall we revert to our previous topic?
arch: principal, chief
arch- angel, bishop, criminal, enemy,
rebel, rival, etc.
Detailed Study of the Text
not bowing down in the House of
Q: You are not doing sth. against your
own beliefs, are you?
A: No, not at all.
Detailed Study of the Text
Rimmon:a deity worshipped by Syrians
of Damascus.
Syrian Captain Naaman had leprosy.
His Israeli servant told Elisha, a prophet
Elisha told Naaman to wash in the
Jordan River 7 times and thus he was
Detailed Study of the Text
The Nazi regime is extremely cruel. It has
invaded other countries in the most savage way.
The invasions are so effective that they
surpass all other kind of human cruelty.
The Nazi regime is very effective in cruel
suppression of and savage attack on other
countries, in this respect it is worse than any
other known form of evil.
Detailed Study of the Text
means of existence: (Here) food and
clothing to keep people alive, things
for people to survive
wring (wrung): to press hard on,
squeeze, to twist, to get by force
to wring water from the wet clothes
His sad story wrung our hearts.
IV. Rhetorical devices
Simile: a comparison between two unlike things having at
least one quality or characteristic in common.
tenor: the subject of the comparison
Vehicle: the image of which this idea is conveyed
The vehicle is almost always introduced by the word "like" or
IV. Rhetorical devices
The bus (tenor) went as slowly
similarity as a snail (vehicle).
The water lay grey and wrinkled like
an elephant's skin.
Her eyes were jet black, and her hair
was like a waterfall.
IV. Rhetorical devices
Metaphor: a comparison between two unlike things, but the
comparison is implied rather than stated. Contrary to a simile
in which the resemblance between two unlike things is
clearly stated, in a metaphor nothing is mentioned.
The essential form of a metaphor is X is Y, and all forms of
metaphor can be condensed into this form.
IV.Rhetorical devices
Snow clothes the ground.
Snow (X---tenor) is clothe (Y---vehicle).
Boys and girls, tumbling in the streets and playing,
were moving jewels.
Boy (X---tenor) is jewel (Y---vehicle) .
The ship ploughed the sea.
Ship (X --- tenor) is plough (Y ---vehicle)
IV. Rhetorical devices
They will be rounded up in hordes.
I see Russian soldiers standing on
the threshold...
Means of existence is wrung from the
IV.Rhetorical devices
cataract of horrors
rid the earth of his shadow...liberate
people from his yoke
The scene will be clear for the final
IV.Rhetorical devices
dull, drilled, docile...
for his hearth and home
with its clanking, heel-clicking...
IV.Rhetorical devices
Assonance: the use of the same or related, vowel
sounds in successive words
clanking, heel-clicking,…
cowing and tying ...plodding on like crawling
locusts, ...smarting from many a British whipping...
easier and safer prey
IV.Rhetorical devices
We have but one aim and one single purpose
nothing will turn us---nothing
We will never parley, we will never negotiate...
This is our policy and this is our declaration
as we shall faithfully and steadfastly
IV.Rhetorical devices
The past, with its crimes,
its follies,
and its tragedies...
I see,...I see...
the return of the bread-winner,
of their champion,
of their protector
IV.Rhetorical devices
We shall fight him by land,
we shall fight him by sea,
we shall fight him in the air
Any man or state...
Any man or state...
Let us...
Let us...
IV.Rhetorical devices
Noun phrases:
I had not the slightest doubt where ...
With great rapidity and violence
Periodic sentences:
When I awoke on...invasion of Russia.
If Hitler imagines that... woefully mistaken.