Artificial Intelligence

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Transcript Artificial Intelligence

What is AI?
Current implementations
Future of AI
Important individuals in AI development
Alan Turing
• Father of modern computer science
• Turing test
• Algorithm concept
John McCarthy
• Coined the term “artificial intelligence” in 1955
• Developed LISP language
• Significantly influenced ALGOL language
Leonardo da Vinci’s mechanical knight (1495)
• His model lead to designs for humanoid robots
George Devol’s industrial robot (1961)
• First industrial robot to be installed in a factory
 Pac Man
• Released in 1980
• AI allowed each ghost to have distinct behaviors
and movements
Shogun: Total War
• Released in 2000
• Thousands of AI-controlled soldiers in a battle
• Display the emotion of groups of soldiers to
simulate battles realistically
AI is the study and design of intelligent
agents where an intelligent agent is a system
that perceives its environment and takes
actions that maximize its chances of success.
AI basically puts human intelligence into a
The problem
The human mind is currently not fully understood
There is no method of determining when a machine is
actually intelligent
Two general types of AI:
Weak AI
Strong AI
Weak AI
Only simulates human thoughts and actions
Actions, decision, and ideas are programmed
into it
Imitate humans based on their programming
Weak AI are all current forms of AI
Strong AI
AI that matches or exceeds human
Also called “True AI” as they are truly
Example: Robots from the movies Terminator,
I Robot, Transformers, and etc.
Characteristics of Strong AI
Ability to learn freely and adapt to their
Independent reasoning
Free will
The problem
To create strong AI, we need to know what
intelligence is
Without that understanding, we cannot
determine when AI reaches that level
Our current reference is human intelligence,
which we cannot fully understand
AI in everyday life
• Self-parking
• Cruise control
• Speech recognition
• Monitoring for fraud
Cell Phones
• Voice recognition
• Search Engines
Intelligent Homes
Passive infrared sensors
Temperature sensors
Water heating control
Central heating control
Magnetic door and window contacts
Electricity and light sensors
Miniature robot tank
Unmanned underwater vehicles
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Computer enabled overlays (surgery)
Learning Retinal Implant System
Hearing aids
Video Games
• Explores huge numbers of potential future moves
Far Cry (2004)
• Exhibited very advanced AI for its time
Half-Life (1998)
• Interacting cut scenes with intelligent AI
F.E.A.R (2005)
• The AI uses a planner to generate context-sensitive
behaviors, the first time in a mainstream game
Gradual Change
Despite the rapid advance of technology, the
arrival of Strong AI will be a gradual process
“The road from here to there is through
thousands of these benign steps” said by Mr.
Kurzweil, author of two books on AI and
director of engineering at Google
Robots are replacing human workers
Right now Japan uses about 320 robots of all
sorts per 10,000 employees, while Germany
uses 148, Sweden 99, and around 80 in the
United States
Far Future
AI is everywhere
In fact, artificial intelligence already inhabits our
It would be a matter of time that Strong AI would
start existing around us.
History of AI
• Important individuals, inventions, and games
What is AI?
• Weak AI, Strong AI
Current implementations
• Daily life, homes, military, medicine, and games
Future of AI
• Gradual change and jobs