Artificial Intelligence BA635
Transcript Artificial Intelligence BA635
Aaron Summers
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Great question right?
Is this really AI?
Hollywood would have
you believe that AI will
lead to an end of world
scenario where
Terminators hunt the
remaining human
survivors from the
nuclear war that Skynet
started after becoming
self aware… but this
simply isn’t true.
Definition of AI
The study of man-made computational devices and
systems which can be made to act in a manner which
we would be inclined to call intelligent.
Neural Networks
The earliest research into thinking machines
was inspired by a confluence of ideas that
became prevalent in the late 30s, 40s and
early 50s.
Research in neurology had shown that the
brain was an electrical network of neurons
that fired in all-or-nothing pulses.
Analyzed networks of idealized artificial
neurons showed how simple logical
functions c0uld be performed by thinking
AI Origins
In 1950 Alan Turing published a
landmark paper in which he speculated
about the possibility of creating
machines with true intelligence.
He noted that intelligence is difficult to
define and devised his famous Turing
The test involved having a conversation
with a machine via a teleprinter to
determine intelligence levels.
No computer has passed the test, yet.
Purpose of AI
The exponential increase in
performance (no bathroom and lunch
breaks) and the ability to make non
emotional based decisions
Narrow AI - An artificial intelligence
system which is not intended to
match or exceed the capabilities of
human beings
Strong AI – An artificial intelligence
that matches or exceeds human
Applications Where AI Is Used
Used in a wide range of fields including medical
diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, law, scientific
discovery and toys.
Google is a form of AI as it tracks every search that you
have ever made in a database.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) is an agency of the United States
Department of Defense responsible for the
development of new technology for use by the
military. DARPA has been responsible for funding the
development of many technologies which have had a
major effect on the world, including computer
networking and the growth in artificial intelligent
We must create AI that is ethical towards humans
Once the singularity occurs and AI becomes self aware
will it then decide to still be ethical towards humans
Time will tell
AI Milestones
Natural language processing programs allow
computers to have a voice
Programs are created that allow computers to begin
thinking and learning various processes
Real world uses of AI are increasingly integrated all
around us in search engines, spam filters, and the
motion sensing Kinect for Xbox
IBM’s Watson Supercomputer
IBM creates the Watson supercomputer that is capable
of answering questions posed in natural language
allowing it to win at Jeopardy against the best humans
Watson’s main innovation is its ability to quickly
execute thousands of proven language analysis
algorithms simultaneously to find the correct answer
The goal is to have computers start to interact in
natural human terms across a range of applications
and processes
The hypothetical future emergence of greater-than human intelligence
through technological means
AI is only as smart as we make it as long as we continue to make it.
Artificial Intelligence Marketing
Artificial intelligence marketing provides a set of tools
and techniques that enable behavioral targeting
This is a form of direct marketing leveraging database
marketing techniques as well as AI concept and model
such as machine learning and Bayesian Network
This enables tracking profiles for everyone beyond
Facebook and Twitter
Collect, Reason, Act
Artificial intelligence marketing principle is based on the perception-
reasoning-action cycle found in cognitive science.
Collect relates to all activities which aims at capturing customer or
prospect data. Whether taken online or offline this data is then saved
into customer or prospect databases.
Reason is where data is transformed into information and eventually
intelligence or insight. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are
With the intelligence gathered action can now be taken. In marketing
context act would be some sort of communications that would attempt
to influence a prospect or customer purchase decision using an
incentive driven message.
The future of AI
The future of where AI will take us is
We know that at some point in the
future we will make machines that are
smarter then the human brain
A fourth wave is coming, are you