Chapter 13 Localization Strategies: Managing Stakeholders and
Transcript Chapter 13 Localization Strategies: Managing Stakeholders and
Chapter 13
Localization Strategies:
Managing Stakeholders and
Supply Chains
John S. Hill
Chapter Outline
The Importance of Localization Strategies
Managing Local Stakeholder Relations
Supply Chain Management
Managing Local Supply Chains:
Management and Human Resource Issues
The Need for
Strategies: usually essential as
‘guests’, ambassadors and competitive
Necessary because of slow diffusions
of technologies; xenophobia, insider
contacts, cultural dissimilarities and
dislike of westernization
Less important for exporters;
essential for in-market investors
Managing Local Stakeholder Relations
Building Government Relations
Job Creation and Technology Transfer Programs
Producing for the local market
Establishing relationships with local educational
Appointing local boards of directors to oversee national
Corporate philanthropy programs
Establishing strong corporate identities
Consistency, longevity, and commitment to local markets
Managing Local Stakeholder Relations
Building Business Community Relations: for
supply chains, local contracts
Environmental Groups: De-forestation, pollution
and recycling issues
Consumerism: Organizations in developed
markets; controversies over genetically-modified
foods; inexperienced consumers
Public Relations and the Press: proactive PR to
promote positives; avoid negative press
Supply Chain Management
The Benefits
Local raw material sources and
component suppliers often cheaper
and better
Corporate learning aids innovation
Marketing strategy localization to
counter strong national cultures &
anti-western biases; good for
competitive advantages
Supply Chain Management
Supplier Management
Control issues and subcontracted foreign
production: exploitation issues (child, low wages, health,
safety concerns)
In-country supply chain management
Financing concerns: investments often necessary
Quality standards to maintain
Establishing supply chain disciplines, especially for
Establishing global standards of manufacture
Geographic and physical infrastructure obstacles
Patience required
Supply Chain Management
Managing Local Manufacturing Operations
Elevated cost structure: government taxes; unexpected
infrastructure costs
Education / labor availability: educational
infrastructures—schools, technical
Labor laws: hours, pay, safety, benefits
Employee recruitment and selection: can be
problematic especially in developing markets
Appropriate manufacturing technologies: not
always the latest and best
Factory discipline: turnover, absenteeism
Maintaining production efficiency levels: suppliers,
infrastructure, work ethic problems
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Target Markets
Income differences: lower purchasing power in developing
Educational levels: matching product complexity with
consumer sophistication
Geographic differences: regional tastes variable DCs and
Religious differences: often crucial in Middle East and
Customer purchasing differences: cars and refrigerators;
one-stop versus daily shopping
Urban-rural differences: magnified in developing markets
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Product Strategy
Product mix decisions: product transfers much
used; custom-build products; acquisitions inherit
local lines
Product adaptation strategies:
Either minimal to preserve brand
images; or extensive to give local
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Product adaptation strategies
Measurement units (metric)
Package size: smaller or larger
Package appearance: colors
Ingredients change: cheaper
and/or better
Usage instructions: customer
Labeling: legal requirements
Packaging protection: shelf
life; recycling
Product features: same
or different emphasis
Product warranties:
legal requirements and
service centers
Brand name changes:
local meaning/appeal
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Advertising Adaptations
Legal problems: consumer protection; false claims
Consumer education differences: literacy, cultural
Target market changes: product positioning
Non-meaningful message contexts: major cultural
differences & consumer sophistication
Greater consumer impacts: message presentation
Cultural differences: personal products; sensitive
Media availability and popularity: legal/cultural
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Sales Promotion Adaptations
Western Europe and Germany: restrictive
Major Latin American markets: permissive but
effectiveness of SP methods variable
Worldwide: legal restrictions and requirements
need special attention
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Adapting Sales Management Practices
Effects of geography and market potential on sales
force structure: sales force specialization
Ethnic divisions: language skills & local contacts
National education systems: elite graduates and
business educations
National legislation on compensation packages:
government payroll requirements; perks
Social status influences: respect for managers
Cultural contexts: Respectful presentations and
relationship building with clients
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Distribution, Logistics, and Transportation
Latin American distribution: dominated by size, climate
and topography; improvements through infrastructure
privatization; foreign logistics firms; international
retailers and global firms
Eastern European distribution: geography/size dominant;
modern distribution in west and more traditional and
fragmented in the east
-Tough to build corporate distribution in the east; reliance
on local partners to solve bureaucracy, corruption problems
and provide local contacts and support
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Asian distribution: Pacific Ocean imposes
geographic/coordination challenges; many carriers often
-Urban-rural differences problematic in major developing
markets; urban efficiencies versus rural fragmentation; but
distribution the key to rural markets: (India 700 m.; China
900 m.)
African distribution: Urban-rural differences
dominant; modern urban shopping versus rural bazaars,
Localizing Marketing Operations:
Multinational Strategies
Export pricing: additional packaging, transportation,
import charges add 10-50% onto landed prices; little control
over final prices
In-market pricing strategies: developed markets pricecompetitive; Euro sharpens price competition in the EU
Less competitive in developing markets where
stability/employment issues take precedence; and
distribution is more traditional; rural markets haggling is
Management and Human
Resource Issues
Management Styles
Traditional management styles: output-oriented,
autocratic; lifetime employment; loyalty, seniority
Modern management styles: profit-oriented, participative,
but people regarded as costs, not assets
North American management styles: modern—selfreliance, individuality, shapers of future, competitive and
Western European management styles: stakeholder
French: elitest, intellectual, company-oriented training
German: numerate, lifelong employment, collegial but
Management and Human
Resource Issues
Management Styles
UK, Dutch and Scandinavian: more shareholder-
oriented; autocratic/participative mix; pragmatic
Latin American: autocratic (patron); loyalty;
respect; changing as educational opportunities
Asian: employment-oriented, consensus decisionmaking; seniority, generalists, lifetime
Management and Human
Resource Issues
Management Styles
Indian: hierarchical (caste history); family-oriented,
some fatalism
Eastern European: autocratic, output-oriented,
management-labor distrust; management education
problems; changing as western influences spread
African management styles: “Ubuntu”: collectivistoriented; less profit orientation; consensus decision-making
Management and Human
Resource Issues
Management—Worker Relations
Economic and political system differences: Capitalist systems;
labor as an expense—downsizings
Western Europe: welfare and employment protection systems cushion
Developing nations: provision of welfare systems to replace extended
families and lifetime employment (‘iron rice bowl’ in Asia)
Social and cultural differences
Social class distinctions (blue-white collar jobs) present in
many nations
Collectivist orientations/paternalistic management protects
labor (Asia)
Management and Human
Resource Issues
Education and labor market differences: Developing
nation educational infrastructures must keep pace with
industrialization to attract high tech industries
Loss of unskilled (and some skilled) jobs in developed
markets to developing countries problematic—
protectionism and labor skill upgrades the answer?
Legal factors: National labor laws cover wages levels,
discrimination, benefits, terminations, trade union status,
health/safety issues
Constant battles between labor groups to enhance laws and
business groups to cut them back
Key Points
Managing local market stakeholders:
government, press
Supply chain localization benefits
Supplier management: control,
financing, disciplines
Local manufacturing systems: costs,
labor supply and laws
Multinational marketing strategies:
target markets, products, promotions,
distribution & pricing
Management styles: regional
Management-worker relations:
political, economic, cultural,
educational, legal factors