Welcome to Science 3/1

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Welcome to Science 3/1
• Answer the following question on your piece of
paper: There are nearly 2 million individual species
of organisms on Earth. Each species is extremely
unique. In your opinion, explain how these species
came to be here on Earth.
• Today’s Schedule
• 1. Pass Back and Review Test
• 2. Darwin’s Voyage
• 3. Assignment
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9th- Brennan, Noah, & Dan 25/28
• Great Job
How did all living things that have ever
lived on Earth get here?
• The scientific answer would be evolution.
• Evolution is technically defined as: "a gradual
process in which something changes into a different
and usually more complex or better form."
• Some finches have wide beaks to break open and
eat seeds.
• Some finches have pointed, sharp beaks to eat
Charles Darwin
• At 22 years old. He traveled the world to learn as
much about living things as he could.
• He saw tremendous diversity (variety) in the living
things he saw.
• Today, scientists have identified 1.7 million
different species (similar organisms that can mate
& reproduce)
• Darwin’s Voyage
Similarities & Differences
Darwin noticed many
similarities & differences
between the animals he saw.
Iguanas- on the islands they had
large claws. On land short claws.
Cormorants- on the islands they
could not fly. On land they could
Darwin inferred that a small
number of plants and animals
had come to the islands from
the mainland.
• Darwin concluded
that over time, the
organisms that were
isolated on the islands
began to adapt to life
on the islands. (They
developed traits that
helped them survive
and reproduce.)
• After his journey, Darwin spent the next 20 years
researching his findings.
• Darwin concluded that the organisms that arrived on the
islands faced conditions that were different than those on
the mainland.
• Darwin thought the species gradually changed
over time to adapt to the new conditions.
What causes organisms to change?
• Natural Selection- Survival of the Fittest
• Individuals better suited to the environment are
more likely to survive and reproduce than other
members of the same species.
• Untamed and Uncut:Video : Animal Planet
How does Natural Selection Work?
Video -- Baby Sea Turtles Attacked -- National Geographic
• Species must produce more offspring than can possibly
• Why?
• Life in the wild is hard. Your whole life revolves around
finding food and trying to avoid becoming food.
• If a species does not reproduce enough offspring it will
slowly become extinct.
How does Natural Selection Work?
• Offspring must compete with each other to
• Some turtles will find food better than others.
• Some turtles will escape predators better than
• The turtles that can survive will get to reproduce.
How does Natural Selection Work?
• Some baby turtles will be able to swim or move
faster than others.
• Some baby turtles will have better camouflage than
• These are variations, or differences between
individual members of a species.
• Organisms have variations that make them
• Over time, nature will “select” the organisms with
beneficial variations to survive and reproduce.
• Over a long, long, time natural selection can lead to
evolution. Helpful variations, gradually accumulate
in a species, while unfavorable ones disappear.
Write down and define the following terms:
Answer Questions
1-4 on page 150.
Natural selection
Animal Variation Bonus Assignment
• All organisms have variations that help them
• You are going to create a Super Animal by
combining the best variations from a variety of
Blue Jay v. Moths
Natural Selection Simulation
Peppered Moth Simulation (Paper & Pencil)
Evolution Crossword (2)