Transcript cells

Cell Theory
• All living things are made of cells
• All cells come from cells
• The smallest functioning unit of life is the
Draw and differentiate between
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
.. Give the bacteria ribosomes!
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells
• Prokaryotic
Lack Organelles
Circular Chromosome
Have ribosomes
(smaller in size)
– Flagella and cilia with
different composition
of microtubules
• Eukaryotic
– Larger cells
– Have organelles
– Linear chromosomes
(and have more than
one of them)
– Flagella and cilia
always have the 9 + 2
Differentiate between Plant and
Animal Cells
Other Cell Structures
• Microbodies
– Peroxisomes:
enzymes that help
neutralize peroxide
and other acids and
bases (ex. Catalase)
Found mostly in liver,
spleen, and kidney
– Glyoxysomes – help
produce the seed coat
Other Cell Structures
• In plants = Plastids
– Chloroplasts (contain
– Chromoplasts (contain
pigments which add
color to leaves and
flowers i.e. anthocyanin,
– Leukoplasts (produce
and store complex carbs
like cellulose and starch)
Cell Wall Specialities
• Plants add several
substances to the cell
– Suberin – waxy
substance found on cell
walls on the bottom of
the leaf to retain water
– Lignin – hard substance
added to the cell walls
of stems to make them
Cell Membrane Specialities
For self-recognition membranes have:
Glycoproteins (peripheral proteins) that diffuse…
Lipoproteins (peripheral proteins) that diffuse…
Transmembrane proteins span the entire membrane and
bring in most hydrophillic substances like …
• Membrane pores – bring in smallest substances (like
carbon dioxide…)
Structures inside the cell and out
• Microfilaments (in the
– Ex. Actin and Myosin
– Give added support,
organize organelles, and
in muscles allow multiple
cells to shorten (contract)
Microtubules (outside the
Ex. Flagella and cilia
- multiple tubes make up
the structure
Eukaryotes (9+2
Chapter 6 Quiz
1. Compare and contrast Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic cells.
2. Compare and contrast the structure and
function of a cell membrane and a cell wall.
3. Name and describe the functions of 3 cell
Cell Transport