ns2np3 Which of these elements is found in a family with

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Transcript ns2np3 Which of these elements is found in a family with

Atomic Structure
Periodic Relationships
ns np
Which of these elements is
found in a family with the
above electron configuration?
ns2np3 = 5 valance electrons
Al Group 15
How many protons, neutrons,
and electrons are in a neutral
atom of sodium?
A 11 p+, 12 no, 11eB 11 p+, 11 no, 12eC 12 p+, 11 no, 12eD 12 p+, 11 no, 11e-
Which of the following
describes what takes place
when iron (Fe ) is oxidized to
Fe2+ ions?
A gain of two electrons
A loss of two electrons
A gain of two protons
A loss of two protons
+ ions lose electrons
- Ions gain electrons
Which scientist was the first to
conclude through
experimentation that atoms
have positive charges in their
A. Bohr
B. Dalton
C. Mosley
D. Rutherford
Which grouping identifies
chemical properties?
A. Malleability, ductility, conductivity Physical
B. Luster, hardness, texture Physical
C. Combustibility, flammability, reactivity
D. Density, melting point, boiling point Physical
Electronegativity differences are often helpful in
determining the bond character between two atoms. A
general rule states that if the electronegativity difference
between two atoms is greater than 1.67, an ionic bond
would most likely be formed. Using the chart above, which
pair of atoms would probably form the strongest ionic
A. Al-P (2.1 – 1.5 = 0.6)
B. Na-Cl (3.0 – 0.9 = 2.1)
C. K-F (4.0 -0.8 = 3.2)
D. Ca-O (3.5 -1.0 = 2.5)
Three elements, X, Y, and Z,
have consecutive increasing
atomic numbers. If element X is
a noble gas, what will be the
symbol for the ion of element Z
in its compounds?
A. Z2B. ZC. Z+
D. Z2+
Group 2 = 2+
From left to right across a period,
what change is occurring within
the atomic nuclei?
Atomic number = # Protons
A. A proton is gained.
B. An electron is gained.
C. A neutron is lost.
D. The electron cloud size is decreasing
Radioactive iodine-131 has a halflife of eight days. The amount of a
200.0 gram sample left after 32
days would be —
A. 6.25 g
B. 12.5 g
C. 25.0 g
D. 50.0 g
Radioactive iodine-131 has a halflife of eight days. The amount of a
200.0 gram sample left after 32
days would be —
.  100.0
 50
Radioactive iodine-131 has a halflife of eight days. The amount of a
200.0 gram sample left after 32
days would be —
A. 6.25 g
B. 12.5 g
C. 25.0 g
D. 50.0 g
Which of these describes a tendency
for atomic radii as displayed on the
periodic chart?
A. Atomic radii decrease left to right across a period.
B. Atomic radii increase left to right across a period.
C. Atomic radii decrease top to bottom down a group.
D. Atomic radii increase, then decrease from top to
bottom down a group.
Which of these conclusions
can be drawn from
Rutherford’s experiment?
Most alpha particles went
straight through the gold foil
A. Each atom contains electrons.
B. The nucleus of an atom can be split.
C. Each atom contains protons.
D. Atoms are mostly empty space
How does the radioactive isotope
C-14 differ from its stable
C-14 = 6 p+ and 8 n
counterpart C-12?
C-12 = 6 p+ and 6 no
A. It has a different number of protons and two less
neutrons than C-12.
B. It has the same number of protons and two more
electrons than C-12.
C. It has the same number of protons but two more
neutrons than C-12.
D. It has a different number of protons and two more
neutrons than C-12.
Atoms of the same element must —
A. contain the same number of neutrons
B. have the same mass number
C. contain the same number of protons
D. have equal numbers of protons and neutrons
Protons identify the
The understanding that the position of an
electron in an electron cloud cannot precisely
be determined was developed by Werner
I am uncertain
Heisenberg and is known as the —
where the e- is
A. planetary model
B. uncertainty principle
C. quantum theory
D. first atomic theory
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
The chart above shows the relationship
between the first ionization potential and the
increase in atomic number. The letter on the
chart that indicates the noble gases or the inert
elements is —
Chlorine forms a 1– ion. How
many electrons does a chloride ion
A. 1
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18
Cl = 17e-; -1 = 1e- = 18
Isotopes of an element have
different —
A. atomic numbers
B. atomic masses
C. numbers of protons
D. numbers of outer-shell electrons
The alkali metals are located in
which group of the periodic table?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
An element has an electron
configuration of 1s22s22p63s2.
Which of these will be in the same
group as this element?
A. 1s22s22p6
B. 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
C. 1s22s22p63s1
D. 1s22s22p63s23p6
Which of these
is an ion with a
charge of 1+?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Atoms are
electrically neutral
Electrons = Protons
Which of these elements is the most
chemically active?
A. F
B. Cl
C. Br
D. I
The elements that are
characterized by having only five
electrons in the p sublevel belong
to which family of elements?
A. Transition
B. Alkali
C. Noble gas
D. Halogens
An increase in atomic number is
related to an increase in atomic
mass because —
A. more electrons are present in the atomic nucleus
B. more electrons are orbiting the atomic nucleus
C. more protons are present in the atomic nucleus
D. more protons are orbiting the atomic nucleus
Which of these elements contains
four valence electrons?
A. Helium
B. Beryllium
C. Carbon
D. Oxygen
Which of the following orbital diagrams
is incorrect because it violates Hund’s
When several
orbitals of
equal energy
are available,
electrons enter
singly with
parallel spins
What is the main similarity among
elements in group 2?
A. Atomic radius
B. Chemical properties
C. Mass number
D. Boiling point
A neutral atom of aluminum-27 contains A. 13 protons and 27 electrons
B. 14 protons and 13 neutrons
C. 13 electrons, 13 protons, and 14 neutrons
D. 13 electrons, 14 protons, and 13 neutrons
Which of the above elements is a
positive ion with a charge of one?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Cations are formed when neutral atoms
lose —
A. electrons
B. protons
C. neutrons
D. positrons
Which of the following properties
decreases from left to right across a
A. Atomic number
B. Electronegativity
C. Atomic radius
D. Ionization energy
The atomic number corresponds
to an atom’s number of —
A. protons
B. neutrons
C. electrons
D. positrons
Which element naturally occurs as a
diatomic molecule?
A. Zn
B. C
C. K
D. H
Magnificent 7
N2 O2
How many valence electrons does a
neutral atom of silicon have?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
At room temperature, chlorine exists as a
gas, bromine exists as a liquid, and iodine
exists as a solid. The physical states of these
elements indicate that melting point —
A. decreases from top to bottom with group
17 elements
B. is independent of periodic position
C. increases from top to bottom within group
17 elements
D. is constant within group 17 elements
Which represents an atom of calcium?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Calcium has an atomic number of 20 or
20 protons. If electrons are not equal to
protons it is an ion not an atom. .
A scientist has found the following isotope
of oxygen: 19
How many neutrons are present in this
19 - 8 = 11
A. 8
B. 11
C. 19
D. 27
The elements that are characterized
by the presence of an incomplete d
sublevel are called —
A. transition elements
B. alkali earth metals
C. halogens
D. lanthanoids
The net charge on an aluminum ion is
3 because there are —
A. 10 protons and 13 electrons in the atom
B. 13 protons and 10 neutrons in the nucleus
C. 10 neutrons and 13 electrons in the atom
D. 13 protons and 10 electrons in the atom
Al’s atomic number is 13 therefore it
has 13 electrons and 13 protons but
when it forms an ion it loses 3
electrons to achieve the configuration
of a Nobel gas!
Which of the following is a mixture?
A. Carbon
B. Glucose
C. Distilled water
D. Air
One indicator that electrons in atoms are
limited to specific energy levels is that —
A. atoms move faster when heated
B. the light given off by atoms is all at the same
C. the Doppler effect shows a shift in wavelength for
H-atom light
D. light emitted from excited atoms occurs only at
specific wavelengths
The End