Environmental Health
Transcript Environmental Health
Environmental Health
11/ 23/2010
What is Environmental Health?
• Environmental health addresses all the
Biological factors external to a person,
All the related factors impacting behaviors
• It encompasses the assessment and control of those
environmental factors that can potentially affect
• It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating
health-supportive environments.
World Health Organization definition
What is Environmental Health?
• Overpopulation
• Climate Change
• Toxicology
– Personal care products
Food Safety
Water Quality
Air Quality
Solid Waste
Occupational Health
• The United Nations projects the world population will grow
from 7 billion in 2011 to 9.4 billion by 2050 and to 11.5 billion
by 2150.
• Although our populations are expanding exponentially,
Earth’s resources are not.
• A recent United Nations Global Environmental Outlook report
(GEO-4) states that the human population is living far beyond
its means and is inflicting damage on the environment that
may already be irreparable.
Different Nations, Different
Growth Rates
• By 2050, India is projected to be the most populous
nation at 1.7 billion.
• The United States is the only industrialized country
in the world currently experiencing significant
population growth.
• The United States has the largest “ecological
• The United States makes up only 5 percent of the
world’s population but is responsible for nearly 25
percent of total global resource consumption.
• Zero Population Growth
– Zero population growth (ZPG) proponents
believe that each couple should produce only
two offspring.
– Education may be the single biggest
contributor to promoting ZPG.
– Other contributors include access to
information about family planning and
Climate Change
• Climate change is a significant and emerging threat
to public health, and changes the way we must
look at protecting vulnerable populations. (WHO)
• Some (not all) concerns
Land degradation and desertification
Ocean acidification
Ozone depletion, UV radiation
Threats to biodiversity
Climate Change
Environmental Toxicology
• Science of poisons
– Study of chemicals on humans and environment
– The dose makes the poison
– Natural ≠ safe
• Natural disaster: Lake Nyos
• Man Made disaster: Bhopal, India
• Examples
– Antiquity: women & high society, Socrates
– Modern day: Ginger Jake, Minamatma
Environmental Toxicology
• Personal Care Products
– http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/ campaign for safe cosmetics
– “In our every deliberation, we must consider the
impact of our decisions on the next 7
generations” ~Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy & 7 Gen.
• Feminine Care products: chlorine-free & organic cotton
• Baby products: diapers, wipes, etc.
Paraben: a preservative that is in everything
Fragrance: trade secret, hundreds of chemicals
Pthalates: in fragrance, phasing out
Brazilian blowout, lead in lipstick, pinkwashing
Men use products too
Food Safety
• Healthy People 2010 Goal 10: Reduce foodborne
• 76 million illnesses annually, 5,000 deaths annually
• Threats to food safety
– Improper holding temperature
• 41F or lower, 135F or higher is optimal- between this range is
known as the “danger zone”
– Personal hygiene
• Wash your hands!!!!!
• Hep A, Typhoid Mary
– Inadequate cooking
– Food from unsafe sources
– Additives & preservatives
• What are pesticides?
– Pest, rodents, insects, unwanted plants & weeds, algae,
• Healthy People 2010 goal 10-7: reduce exposure to
organophosphate pesticides from food
• Examples
Insect repellent for personal use
Weed killer
Flea & tick sprays and powders, personal or animal use
Disinfectants and sanitizers
Mold and mildew killers
DDT & Malathion
• National Pesticide Information Center- best
• Energy moving through space
– Thermal
– Mechanical
– Electromagnetic
• Ionizing
– Ability to remove electrons from atoms or break
apart molecular bonds
• Non-ionizing
– Energy not strong enough to ionize or break
apart molecular bonds
• Ionizing
– X rays, gamma rays, some UV rays
• Non-ionizing
– EMF, visible light, radio, TV, cell phones
• Background or Environmental radiation
– Inhaled, cosmic rays, earth’s crust, building
materials, ingested
• Artificial
– Medical, occupational, TV
• Radon
– Radon occurs from decaying naturally occurring
Uranium found in soil/ground
– Major public health concern
• Clear causal effect between inhaled radon and lung
– increases with people who smoke
– men/women differences
– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S8vr27plZs
• 4:40min
• http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/radon/usrnpot.gif
Air Quality
• NAAQS – air quality standards
• 46 million people are living in (US) counties that do
not meet air quality standards for one or more
Carbon Monoxide (incomplete combustion of fossil fuels)
Ozone (Atlanta 1996 Summer Olympic games)
Nitrogen oxides (smog, acid rain)
Sulfur oxides (coal)
Particulate matter
• Indoor air pollution
Adverse Health Outcomes
due to Poor Air Quality
• CO exposure associated with low birth weight
• Ozone: impairs lung function, increases asthma,
impairs ability to exercise, lung cancer
• NO2 : asthma, increased risk of bacterial infections,
bronchial constriction, and impairs respiratory
• SO2: aggravates cardiovascular diseases, breathing
impairment, impairs resp. defenses, etc.
• PM: increases mortality and hospital admissions
Indoor Air Quality
• Heating/cooling equipment, radon, VOC’s, reactive
chemicals (plastics, paints, new construction)
• Airborne infections
• Asthma
• Sick building syndrome
• Multiple chemical sensitivity
• Open your windows and ventilate
Water Quality
• 75% of the earth is water
• 1% is available for human use
• Healthy People 2010 Goal 8:
– Safe, waterborne illnesses, surface water health risks,
conservation, beach closings, fish contamination
• Threats to water quality/depletion
– Overpopulation, drought, contamination, old pipes
Point source and non point source pollution
Surface water and ground water
Public and private water sources
What about bottled water?
Solid Waste
• Per person average= 4.62 pounds/day
• MSW: Municipal Solid Waste
• Hazardous waste
– Superfund, 1980
– Love Canal
– Disproportionately affecting people of color and lowincome (NC study, 2007)
• Landfills 55.5%
– Leachates
– Odor and air pollution
• Combustion 17.2%
• Recovery 27.3%
Solid Waste
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
• Source Reduction
– Activities that reduce the amount and toxicity of wastes
prior to entering the waste stream
– Products packaging
– Germany’s Green Dot System
• Reusing products
• Recycle
– Compost
– Food & yard debris
– Bottle Bill
• Oregon, California, Iowa, Michigan, and others
Occupational Health
Chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic
Chimney Sweeps
Industrial Revolution
Manufacturing watch dials
1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire NY
1930 Gauley Bridge Disaster WV
Occupational Health