CCCOMMSL final integrated presentation

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Transcript CCCOMMSL final integrated presentation

Addis Ababa, 8-10 May, 2012
Communication and social learning:
supporting local decision making on
climate change, agriculture and food
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Adapting Agriculture to
Climate Variability and Change
Technologies, practices, partnerships and
policies for:
1. Adaptation to Progressive Climate
2. Adaptation through Managing
Climate Risk
3. Pro-poor Climate Change Mitigation
4. Integration for Decision Making
• Linking Knowledge with Action
• Assembling Data and Tools for Analysis
and Planning
• Refining Frameworks for Policy Analysis
Enhanced adaptive capacity
in agricultural, natural
resource management, and
food systems
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The study
• Review and analysis of existing approaches to social
learning on climate change in the global South to
identify gaps, good practices and opportunities for
• Concluded with a discussion paper to initiate
discussion here.
The workshop
Bringing together people with skills in this area to
share experience, views, and possibilities for
Identify gaps and research priorities and proposed
actions to guide CCAFS engagement in this area
alongside partners
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Communication and Social
Learning for Climate Change
• Communication and learning – from linear
to “looped” approaches
• Social learning: Facilitating sharing
information, knowledge and experience
between stakeholders for new collective
learning and knowledge.
• Relevance to the climate challenge:
– Complexity; Uncertainty; Limited information;
Access divides; Different timescales
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CCAFS as a partner
Long-term program and new set-up / new research space
CCAFS as a testbed for new approaches
Global brand to help leverage funding
Access to CGIAR expertise: research, tools, models, impact
assessment, agriculture focus, …
• Increasing access to ESSP expertise: climate science, global
change community, food systems focus, …
• Global reach of CGIAR: scalability, regions, comparability,
partners & linkages, facilities
• CGIAR commitment to producing international public
goods, science-based evidence, …
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5 areas of change
Documentation and testing social learning
Social learning in CCAFS/ the CG systesm
Endogenous social learning
Social differentiation and social learning
Timescales to embed in social learning
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1. Documentation and testing of
social learning
• Analyse / test social learning as a tool
• Inform researchers and policy community (and convince them) on
the basis of evidence
• Improve the practice itself – further developing the learning
1. Inventory, selection of cases
•Based on USP
•Based on specific criteria
2. Selection of participants, and
Invite and involve “owners”,
researchers, “champions”,
keeping in mind social
differentiation and
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3. Description
Context, Baseline, Activities, Process, Results,
Outputs, Outcome : Has SL reached its goal?
4. Analysis
Different categories (Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills,
Specific focus: Mechanism of causality and
How: Analytical frameworks, selection of
5. Writing,
Different levels:
•Participants of the process
•Other CCAFS
•“Outside world”
Media people
The “owners” of each case
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2. Social Learning is validated within
CCAFS as a mainstream methodology
– Significant percentage of CG funded proposals
that include SL explicitly as a central part, by
– Dynamic basket of artifacts with shared
– A porous CGIAR and partners’ network with
two-way learning
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• A dynamic Basket of Good Practices
 Design, piloting & launch of a basket
 Innovation fund
–Enabling environment…
• Catalysing Social Learning across CCAFS
Facilitating the emergence of a Community of practice
Advisory group & Coaching Panel
Awareness Raising
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3. Supporting endogenous social
learning for enhanced food security
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Who’s involved
1. Opportunity Assessment
Scan regions; select criteria;
CCAFS | partners (AA, USAID,
2. Learning and Evaluative
CCAFS | external experts |
Partners knowledge interface
3. Joint Needs Assessment
CCAFS | partners | facilitators
4. Analysis
CCAFS | partners
Individual & comparative
CCAFS | experts | partners
CCAFS | experts | partners
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Who’s involved
5. Linking across
6. Influencing &
Strategic Catalyzing
7. Outreach &
Support Functions
CCAFS | partners | strategic
partners for interface
CCAFS, partners, crosssection of participating actors
CCAFS, partners
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4. Social learning
and social differentiation
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4. Social differentiation
– ACTIVITY 1 – Catalyzing Change from Within (2012 – 2013)
• Lead: CCAFS Theme 4
• Target Audience: CCAFS & current project partners
– Internal review of CCAFS/CG to look for opportunities to further social
differentiation and developing strategy for augmenting this work
through developing a social learning process.
– Use baseline work to analyze social differentiation, findings from PAR
– Linking social learning process to its annual Science Meeting
– Create working group with CCAFS and experts on social learning and
» (Social LSD)
– ACTIVITY 2 – Facilitation (2012 – 2020)
• Lead: Social LSD
• Develop a dynamic network cutting across Social LSD
• Identify ways to coordinate & facilitate the process
• Organize a working group to lead Activity 3
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Social differentiation
ACTIVITY 3 - Global Action Research Agenda on Social LSD in CC,A, FS
Audience: Climate change and food security community in CCAFS countries
• (a) Phase 1 – Developing a research agenda (loop 1): Facilitate social learning
process to devise research agenda. Phase 1 will help to provide evidence,
identify partnership, better understanding, principles, rigorous methodology, and
communities of practice. This will also include linking practioners with
researchers. This process will:
– Use crowd sourcing
– Produce literature review on existing work
– Conduct scoping process (activities at sub-national level) to help create a
research framework
– Generate a bucket of tools and approaches on to conduct research on
social learning and differentiation
– Develop a framework and principles on conducting social learning and
differentiation, including action research
– Fund initial proposals through a call on social learning and differentiation
• (b) Phase 2 (loop 2): Research to action 2014-2020
– Iterative process of learning as research underway – e.g. Online forum;
Wiki; annual workshops; publication
– Capacity development on methodology and approach within the CG system
and beyond
– Demonstrate the evidence
– Move towards impact with partners
– Funding ballpark:
• Activity 1 & 2: $50,000
• Activity 3: $300,000
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5. Time Scales
Why? Adaptive capacity will be limited if long-term changes
are not considered
How? How do long term changes relate to the time horizons
of different actors
What? Long-term considerations should be addressed
through short-term incentives of relevance and interest to
stakeholders for their engagement
Theory of change
Example of a tool to enrich existing projects through social
learning processes and make them more effective by
connecting short-term relevance to longer term
understanding of climate change and ability to adapt
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• Time horizons evaluation tool
– ): Commission research into time horizons building on state of
the art (risk management, psychology, behavioural economics)
• Motivations framework
– Commission research building in short term motivations and
goals. Applied at the project level with stakeholders learning
from each other
• Evaluating change
– apply incentives and evaluate effectiveness in behaviour change
over time
Anticipated outcomes
• Projects better linked to stakeholder needs as well as
short/medium term development objectives
• Short term responses linked to long term adaptation
understanding and behaviour change to improve adaptive
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